Monday, June 10, 2019

The Weekend Blur

We blinked and suddenly, after a weekend filled with emotion, joy, fun, exhaustion, and now adrenaline, it is Monday. The ceremony, if not a bit long (four student speakers plus lots of little speeches by principal, superintendent, and school board members), was very nice. It was indoors despite the perfect night because the football field is getting new turf. We snapped some pictures before of her, then a few during, and then after. Some people went all out with trips done to the river. I guess for many girls, buying new shite dresses is a thing-never knew about this until my daughter mentioned some girls were going shopping. She had no interest. Who am I to comment though. Whatever traditions, or new traditions  kids want to form, go for it. My daughter and friend had the cake and cap photo shoot. I'll have to get those pictures ordered from my friend.

After the ceremony, we grabbed a quick bite to eat. DD1 stayed with the pup as he was anxious after a traumatic vet and grooming episode on Wednesday. Plus, with it being the end of the school year and graduation, fireworks and fire crackers were going off. DH and I checked into the school about 10:45 where we spent staffing the Cash Vault until 3:30 a.m. It was exhausting, but fun. We stayed to hear the final prizes, but DD2 didn't win one of the biggies. She had only "bought" chances on the X-box. She did buy with her prize money a nutria bullet type blender and a bed pillow/back rest sort of thing. this hypnotist act was a little different and that any who wanted to try to be hypnotized could come up. He slowly asked kids to leave the stage, very kindly by just saying a the beginning, some times an individual isn't  a good subject. DD2 ended up on stage, along with her bestie for the whole show. It was quite a crowd. Later she said she remembered what she did, but not what others might have done. 

We tried to get some sleep and DH was going to go in later, but still ended up at his usual time. He was not going anywhere after work, so I went to a couple grad parties myself. DD2 had her own circuit, but later ended up a the same one of one of her close friends. Sunday was another round of parties, and a lot of prepping for her party. work will feel like a respite today! 

I'm working just three days, then finishing touches on our prep on Thursday. We'll get the tent and some tables Thursday night, and then the last on Friday morning to set up. Some people have gone all out in decorating and showcasing their child. Other have been minimalist with a few picture and a poster. I guess we'll be in between. I'm not sure if she wants a slide show or not, but I have all the pictures saved and can just put the to music and loop on the computer. I'll leave you with just one picture of my graduate. I hope you had a great weekend. 


  1. Congratulations to your lovely graduate!!!

  2. Boy that came and went fast and your daughter is darling. Enjoy this last summer before she goes away, it will go by too fast.

    1. 18 years too fast! I know-I think how fast the last three months have gone.

  3. Congrats to her - such an exciting time in her life. And good luck to you with your preparations. I am sure it will be wonderful

    1. It will be something-food and fun is a good mix, right?

  4. Congrats again to your gal! Good luck on the will be fine. 8-)

    1. Yes-I'v hosted two before, but this just seems more. I think it is my age.

  5. She is a pretty girl. What do the cords commemorate?

  6. Thank you. The White stole is for National Honor Society and the red cords are for Spanish Honor Society. She just missed graduating with academic honors by .033 GPA.

  7. She's lovely. Congratulations to her (and you and DH)!

    1. She did the hard stuff. we just were there for hugs and stuff.

  8. Congratulations! It must scary and exciting to have a daughter who's graduated high school now. It sounds like you had a good, if full day. I hope the party goes well!


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