Thursday, July 11, 2019

Thrifty Thursday-:ittle Purchases Add Up Edition

We started at Ikea more for inspiration and to get a couple of those big blue bags. I'm moving offices at work and thought they would be a great help, plus then DD2 could use for moving to school, and as laundry. She liked the idea. We had a sort of list of items we know she wants for her room, mostly practical, but a few for fun. We ended up buying more than intended there, but overall, think we did well. Still, a bag of hooks here, and a drawer divider there, and suddenly $80 worth of things were in our shopping bags. For full disclosure, this post is not affiliated with the store at all. I don't have buyers remorse, in part for some of the reasons below in my thrifty list, but it certainly was a prime example of how little inexpensive purchases add up really quickly to a hefty final receipt. If I tracked y spending in detail, besides too many meals out and convenience foods, this is where I would find my budget leaks. With that confession out of the way, here are a few areas of thrift for the week.

  • DD2 got two sets of two sturdy storage cubes, similar, but stronger than the ones at Target or Walmart, for $8 each. The best price I ever see them is $5 individually, so that felt like a good buy to help keep her very small amount of storage better organized. Same for the drawer divider, pack of 6 for $6.Other finds included a mountable organizer panel for above her desk for pictures,  office supplies etc., glass storage containers for storing and reheating food, dish towels at $.79 a piece (tow for me and two for her), and an assortment of other essentials that either she would use at school, or I needed to replace. 
  • I had already signed up for the Ikea Family card, but DD1 did at the store. We both enjoyed a complimentary coffee on our mid shop break.
  • We ran late back from  the store to get to my sisters  party, so didn't get another pan of Rice Krispy treat made.  I ended up bringing brownie bites from my freezer, chocolate dipped strawberries-only buying the strawberries new, and DD1 had made a huge pasta salad. I filled the cooler with water, assorted beers from the fridge and the wine boxes to share. My sister is a gracious host, and there was so much food, I was glad I didn't have time to make yet more salads, and all the food we brought was eaten, so must have been OK.  It was a fun and frugal day for us, though plan to reciprocate with my sister. 
  • At a supervisor/director meeting yesterday, we had the rare treat of a catered lunch from an African deli. not only was it only was it delicious, it was so filling. 
  • DH filled my car Sunday night with a whopping $ .22 off per gallon. I practically had an empty tank, so the savings was over $3. 
Yes, the little things being tossed into a shopping bag can wreak havoc with a budget. I'm trying to curb that spending. At the same time, the little savings here and there have that same cumulative effect in the positive. How about you? any wins, big or small this past week?


  1. A friend gave me cream-style corn, Huge hunks of ham, and a quart of fresh blueberries from her bushes.

    1. That will make a wonderful meal or two.

  2. A few frugal wins for the week:
    -Made banana muffins from a few bananas that didn't survive our drive back from Oregon (squishy & brown)
    -Booked our holiday flights, & used a $100 coupon code & a $330 travel credit. Better yet, the travel credit expires in August, so it was a now or never type of thing.
    -Sold our foosball table for $60.

    1. Maximizing the savings opportunity is a good feeling, like for your trip. Selling an item no longer used-space and money earned. I've got some bananas that are close, they'll be popped into the freezer for a future bake.

  3. I had to run to the store last night for milk and produce. I had apparently downloaded a coupon for 15% off each Kroger brand item so almost all of my items got $ taken off--- $0.15 here and there added up to a nice discount on my groceries. Also eating out the freezer so grocery bills have been down. Haven't gone much of anywhere since they are doing gas line work on my road.

    1. I'm not big for cutting coupons, but when the store will do it for you, why pay full price. I know they mine my shopping data, but overall, we try not to be wooed by items we don't want or need.

  4. Well done and you are correct that a few pennies add up. Your daughter is going to need supplies for school so that is a given no matter what.
    I don't know that this is a particularly huge financial win but I am counting it as a win nonetheless. I shopped at a different Aldi on the other side of town, since I was there doing some other things anyway. On their clearance aisle they had a particular seasonal coffee that I love. I have not found it at either Aldi I regularly stop by since the winter. It was priced a buck lower than their regular coffee prices and it was available so I bought 4 bags. Coffee with cream has become my keto nighttime treat, so having toasted coconut coffee is just a bonus!

    1. I am a big fan of Aldi coffee. For the price, and the one I buy says free trade, so I like that as well.

  5. I always find summer a spendy month, almost as bad as Christmas. But now that I'm retired it's not so bad. I stayed on track with groceries this week and the week before Kazi was away so I barely bought any food. I have 3 things in my Amazon shopping cart but I'm waiting til the end of the month to see if I have any money left before making any purchases. The deck I'm having built has affected my cash flow in a bit way.

    1. I have some things in my Kohls cart right now-not sure if I will hit the button or not, but I do have a 30% off coupon. Two items would be chairs for my daughters dorm room and I found an extra long Twin sheet set. We bought her one on clearance last fall after the college buying rush, and I think I have a set of her brothers old ones form college that were only used the one year, so perhaps I don't need to spend any more.

  6. I love IKEA and I am glad I live so far away from one. I would have a hard time controlling myself. Being raised by Swedish parents, they always knew what to buy there and what was junk.

    1. We've been happy with the bookcase and desk we bought for our daughters room three years ago-both should be lasting long enough that eventually could go in her first home. I like the simplicity of the styles.

  7. Good for you!!! Usually if I want to save money, I stay AWAY from the stores completely. OR if I must, have a shopping list. But I can get carried away and not follow it completely. I'm terrible.

    1. We were somewhat practical, but could have easily tipped into carried away! As Anne said, we will shop for her anyway and if we got some things knocked off the list, we'll be ahead for the last week crunch.

  8. I so agree with you that little inexpensive purchases add up quickly. My sister used to stay out of the stores for that very reason. But that's not practical either. I tend to buy more for my daughter than I would for myself. It is what it is. :) We got a great deal on marked down meat this week, so tht is my frugal win for the week.

    I hope you have a great weekend, Sam. :)

    1. I saw your big find for meat! with our small family, I'd be set for the rest of 2019.

  9. I LOVE Ikea, they get me so inspired. BUT they also make it VERY difficult to get out of the shop too so I'm not surprised you spent more than you planned!

    1. Oh yes-you wander and wander! It took us over an hour for the top floor, we had our break, then another 45 minutes below. I like the room set-ups. I know it is boring to use other designers, but I don't always have an eye for how to put a room together and as you said, can be inspired.

  10. I've never been to IKEA but I love the commercial where the lady comes running out of the store yelling for her husband to start the car.

    Financial wins this week-got paid for my drive time and comped for my miles while I was travelling for work. Nice little bonus.
    Financial losses this week were a doozy. Got torrential rains and the basement flooded. Almost everything a total loss. I guess that's one way to get it cleaned out. We do have insurance and everyone, pets included is okay. Life goes on.

    1. I'm so sorry to hear about the flooding. We went through that as well, and even after fixing the issue that caused it, on really torrential rains, we still get a little water. We had to throw out a couch and chair that while were 10 years old, were quite expensive, plus redo the floors and walls. Insurance didn't cover ours so I'm glad you will have some financial support, but granted I'm sure there are things that aren't going to be covered. Good luck.


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