Thursday, October 24, 2019

Thrifty Thursdy-Careful Splurges

     Overall, we are managing our budget fairly well. That's a good thing as  the 3rd kid came home with opportunities for internships to apply for next year in Washington, more information on a semester abroad, and the Scotland May trip. She spends very little though, taking advantage of the free clubs and activities on campus as much as possible. She had a very big ouch when a group went to a large town movie theater to see The Joker movie-$16 tickets! That's New York and LA prices for goodness sake. She had to buy a certain type of black pant for choir, and that was an unexpected purchase. Still, she has a little money coming in with her dining  services job and has made more than she has spent and hasn't touched either her gift money or her summer earnings, both safely tucked in a savings account. We have had some fun this week and will be on the road to bring her and a friend back when this goes to publish. I'm tracking my and my families thrifty things through the week so I can remember a bit better.

  • DD1 received two free Haunted House/Hayride tickets from a coworker and give them to DD2 and friend to use on Friday night. This saved them $48!
  • My daughters and I had a reasonable priced outing to an apple orchard/farm for apples and just  wandered and took a couple pictures in the pumpkin patch. With no small kids, I'll be fine just getting a smallish pumpkin from the store and using my mom's ceramic pumpkin I inherited.  DH got pie out of the outing. Later that night, DD2 and a friend just bought inexpensive $3 pumpkins for carving and she is leaving it home for me. 
  • We can't be near a Barnes and Noble without a browse and smell. You can't beat the smell of  book store. Both girls were tempted to buy, but DD1 added up her pile and even with the BOGO 1/2 off, she would have spent over $55 on books. DD2, my true book fiend, knows she has other books to buy again come January. Later, when we stopped at Goodwill, she found the entire series of six books and bought the whole lot for $11. She was ecstatic. Of course she didn't need the books but book people will get this. 
  • DD1 had a find of her own. She is going out on the town with friends next Saturday for Halloween as a flapper, complete with fringy dress and head band. She found this adorable and perfect purse to complete the costume. She has a speak easy party in mid November so was thinking ahead for a double duty costume. The purse would also be suitable for any other dressy occasion-not just as a costume piece. 

  • I bought a whole chicken at $ .89 per pound, probably not the lowest but fair. I'll get at least two main meals from it, with lunch leftovers, plus a huge batch of soup.
  • Friday the weather took a warmer and windy turn. I took advantage and got many things hung outside to dry. I should be better at using free outdoor drying, but well, I just am not good at doing such. 
  • We opted out of the Tuesday discount movie in favor of heating up our leftovers and DD2 getting a selection of free movies from the library. $10 saved (not spent) is $10 saved. We watched Hidden Figures-highly recommend.  
  • I earned another $5.00 e-card from Target through the Microsoft Rewards, bringing my little extra Christmas fund to $10.

         We've had a lot of splurges, but worth it this week to spend time with my girls. Plus, these outings were cheaper than a trip. We had lunch at a favorite Italian spot, Cosetta's in downtown St Paul after DD2's spine check-up. All things best case scenario-will have a bit of PT and review again in six months. We also took advantage of being in the city and went to the Science Museum. Museums have gone up in price considerably as public funding for the arts and science seems to have dropped in relation to the costs. While I get that those that visit these venues  should share in the costs, and there are programs and opportunities for free days periodically,  it's unfortunate that the regular admission fees might shut out a lot of modest income folks from going to them. I guess we'll do our part by buying tickets now and again. I actually bought a duo membership as it is good for any two adults, and free future Omni theater and admission and a discounted parking voucher. I thought we surely might use ourselves a few more times and even one more visit is enough to more than offset the cost.

         My thrifty living lifestyle was not so thrifty. This was a very rare week-spending $100 on lunches in a single week is unheard of for me unless we truly on a vacation. Still, I will go back to work refreshed and hopefully my daughter feels ready for her weekend and back to classes. Enjoy your Thursday and we'll catch up soon. 


  1. It truly sounds like your kids have their heads on right regarding money following in their Mom's thrifty footsteps

    1. My older daughter is a phenom at finding the gems in a thrift store.

  2. This sounds like such a perfect week. Let me know about the internships in the DC area as my sister lives there and has an extra room she might rent. She lives at the end of the blue line so metro into city is easy.

    1. It likely is not for at least two years and part the residency is part of the program, but depending on future plans, I will keep in touch.

  3. It sounds like money well spent, which is what being frugal is all about__spending wisely!

    1. I get odd sometimes and cross into tightwad territory, though nothing wrong with that. I'd say our splurges were OK.

  4. Oh, when I lived in affluent suburbia, bookstores were a line item on the budget. I took the kids once/week if behavior warranted, and we were each allowed one book purchase/visit. I considered it an investment. Sadly, when we moved 15 years there was only one bookstore, a small independent one, and it shuttered its doors about 7 years go. Currently, there is no bookstore within a reasonable drive from my house. On the other hand, the library is about 7 minutes away! It's not quite the same, though, however much we love the library.

    1. There has always been something about owning a book and letting it get dog eared, and a page bent for your own appreciation.


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