Saturday, December 28, 2019

Dare I say It? Goals for 2020

Well 2019 started out with so much pep and hope for it to be a wonderful year of financial strength, family and friend relationships,  launching a new adult into the world, and better health. It was quite hit or miss. DD2 definitely ended up picking the right school for her. She is thriving academically, socially, civically, and in investing in community. Both the older kids had both high and lows in their professional and personal lives, but are ending the year with positive outlooks. Of course I have written extensively about DH and this lingering  illness, kicked off by a bad bout of early December flu. I managed to hold my own with his pushy sister who wanted to give me a call to talk about DH's heath. I responded politely to her text that I preferred not to have side conversation about him, and would update as he would like to share, once he knows more and that she certainly could reach out directly to him. I guess she has not yet-so it was  another case of her wanting to make sure I had her views and opinions-unsolicited. So with 2019 winding down, I'm hesitant to set any goals for 2020, and just see where each day takes me. There are some things I'd like to be different in 2020. I guess they are my goals.

  • Get my own health-weight, blood pressure, sleeping, knee strength in a better place
  • Better self care such as coloring my hair and getting trims and cuts as they need, not when I get around to it. Same with my nails-keep them short and manageable, but with a pop of color, which I do enjoy the look of. 
  • Continue to develop and nurture friendships, new and old. It is hard to make new friends and it seems just as hard to keep old friendships going as we get older. I will keep saying yes to more things, and initiate actions so my friends know they are important to me. 
  • Prioritize spending on things that give us joy or are an investment in our future. I want to fully fund the Roth, and have a cash range of saving a minimum of $6,000 to a stretch cash savings of $23,000. This all depends on DH's work status. Regardless, as I wrote about on Friday, belt tightening is an essential 2020 habit. 
  • Invest in my own gifts and talents. We all have them. I might not be the best writer and I am a horrid photographer, but both give me joy, and I will strive to spend more time on both. 
  • Greet each day with possibilities rather than look for problems. I can get pessimistic, often. But there is opportunity in challenge, and strength in overcoming adversity. I want to reflect each night on what was achieved. 
So there is my not quite a goal list. There is no set in numbers, other than financial, targets. I just want to be healthier-physically and mentally so I can be the better version of me for my family and friends. Are you setting goals this year? Is there any particular area of your life you will be focusing on?


  1. I have a hard time thinking about goals to be honest. As you probably know from work they should be "specific" so my saying I would like to "lose weight" just doesn't cut it. Too vague. I did well on booking the various exercise classes from September but need to give more thought to specifics. I'm going to give Dry January a shot though as I over-imbibed somewhat over the holidays and it wouldn't hurt to cut it out completely. Rein in the food spending would be a definite plus too because although I always cook I do overbuy and need to empty my freezers too. And your hubs doesn't sound too good does he. I hope you/he can get sorted quickly as it must be a worry.

    1. My goal on the weight is to get my body looking OK in the T-shirt my mother-in-law bought us all. It fits, but is snugger than I like to wear t-shirts. I have put on so much weight in the chest and back area-so My gauge to improved health will be the t-shirt test. I'm hoping DH's better food habits will rub off on me.

  2. My goals are very simple and specific. It actually reads like a to do list. I want to: 1) Get blinds installed 2) Plant fruit trees 3)Make three quilts 4) Learn to free motion embroider on my new sewing machine. Dull, I know.

    1. Meg, your goals aren't dull - and free-motion quilting!!! Go for it. I tried it and looked like an ice-skater on speed!

    2. Not boring at all-specific and seem like they will help you have a fulfilled 2020.

  3. I think your goals are very doable. I have so many swirling around in my head, it is hard to track them down. Plus there will be many changes here in the next 6 months.

    1. I know I need more specificity but like the t-short goal as my weight loss measure, I need to have practical strategies and rewards for achieving said objectives.

  4. I am like you with my almost goals. Life is spinning in different directions, with me just mainly riding whichever way the wind is blowing. I think what I want to accomplish is not so much of a "to do" list as it is a "to be" one.
    To be a better listener, more patient (especially with Mom) more grateful . . .

    1. Life has taken a shift the last few months to be certain. But it is a good life, and can be made better with little nips and tucks-figuratively and literally, to gain better control over those things I do have control over.

  5. You a way ahead of me! I am going to read my journal today and review the year. Then I will set goals - most of them what I didn't achieve this year.

    1. It seems the them here is life intervening on best made goals and plans. Read your own posts for this last week-you accomplished a lot and I so enjoy reading your humor and prose.

  6. Your goals sound great - a good mix of priorities for yourself, financial health, etc.


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