Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Failing on Not Being Lazy

    I just did a big power clean of the kitchen. There were breakfast and supper, plus lunch prep items in the sink from the last two days. They weren't in the dishwasher because that still has the clean dishes form Sunday. With just the two of us, We don't run the dishwasher more than three times a week it seems. Stupidly, neither of us are fans of emptying the dishwasher. Todays dishes will fit, and I'll run it on the hour cycle as soon as I get home      from work. Then, most likely the dishes will accumulate until Friday. I think I kept the kitchen neater when the darn machine wasn't working and I had to do the all the dishes by hand. he sink is backing up, so now I'll have to deal with that later as well. 

     I didn't get to the library the last two Mondays, despite my proclamation that Monday would be library night. Last week the library was closed as it was a county holiday. Monday night I just didn't feel like leaving the hosue again after getting pup walked. Plus, I hadn't even made a dent in the books I had checked out. I had dropped the movie off though as that is only a seen day check-out. I'm not living up to my self designed plans and schedule. I'm failing at not being lazy. As much as I want to have activities and be around people, motivating myself when there isn't something I externally committed to is a challenge. Streaming television, blogs on line, and YouTube, coupled with my pajamas, slippers, and robe call to me in the dark weeknight evenings.

     It's not just weeknights though I am pushing myself on weekends a bit more. Saturday took a real push to get out the door and drive to and from my great nephews hockey game. I wanted to see him play, but the long drive, the cold arena had stiff competition with the book I was looking at and the chai tea smelling candle burning. Particularly since DH and I were going out to a movie. Saturday is a more local show choir competition and I have plans to go. I just learned the choir my two friends have kids in perform at 8:30. I'll need to leave the house by 7:15 to be sure I am there, parked, ticket in hand, before the performance starts.    On a Saturday. Not my kid. Do I have other plans? None and I really want to see how they have progressed since the preview show. 

     Now, if I decide not to go, I best use the time to tackle a big project like the office. Before DD1 helps me, there is so much that needs to be sorted, shredded, donated, or just trashed. My laziness though is overwhelming me. I'm going to blame it on the lack of any sunshine this whole month. It is not just my imagination. Scientists have proven this January is really lacking of sun. Read about it and you might just find I am a bit justified. The news article states, "University of Minnesota St. Paul Campus Observatory has recorded the lowest amount of solar radiation for a January since solar radiation records began in 1963. " I wasn't even alive yet in 1963 so I've literally never known a January with so little sunlight.

     I'm not declaring myself a total lazy sop yet. I'm out for trivia tonight, and have a engagement/couples shower on Friday, along with baby sitting my great niece. Work is jam packed right now, so I can blame my evening lethargy on needing to recharge. I am hoping to turn a corner in February. We gain 2.5 minutes of daylight each day in February. By March, I'll no longer be driving home completely in the dark. I think my brain may wake up for that.


  1. I have SAD. It is like a weight on my shoulders.

  2. I was much happier, fitter and more energetic in the winter when we lived in the Southwest. I was flat out miserable in the winter in New England. Here, it may be dark, but it's not bitter cold, so I can sort of seek a balance. I prefer sunny, warm climes, though.
    As for the dishwasher--unloading the dishwasher is my most hated job of all times. You want to see me angry? Let me catch someone opening the dishwasher to put a dish in, finding it's full of clean dishes, closing the dishwasher, then putting the dish in the sink! I almost considered not having a dishwasher in this place. (I am short, so I like low cabinets.) I would rather wash dishes than unload the dishwasher! DH used to run the dishwasher before bed, and unload it when he woke, but that hasn't really happened since moving here--not sure why. We're still trying to get our groove in this place.

  3. Emptying the dishwasher was always one of my kids' jobs- I hate doing it too and now I just wash the few dishes I have by hand. Both my sisters run theirs a couple of times a day! They put pans and big bowls in though and I never did that. I was a little lazy this month too- I think it was knowing I had extra time to get everything done. This afternoon I have 2 home visits to do and then after I finish my notes, I'm done until February LOL. Dinner is a bowl of chili from the freezer and a salad on its last leaf. I did make some blue cheese dressing from scratch- just 1 package of blue cheese left. Stilton is my favorite but I over bought at Christmas.

  4. In my opinion you aren't lazy (lol no one asked for my opinion) but nesting. I often feel the same way, don't want to leave the house, especially in winter. It is such a drag to get in a cold car to try heat it up enough to see out then drive to go to a function to come back to a cold car.

  5. I absolutely hate winter. The sun hasn't been out in a week here. I've been struggling lately but trying not to succumb to the blues. Work is a good thing-keeps me busy and social with customers and co-workers, but on my off days I can get kinda lonely while the kids are in school so i have been leaning on friends and family. I had a free breakfast sandwich at Panera and ordered it to go, but there was an empty seat near the fireplace and i couldnt pass it up. Definitely made my day! JoAnn

  6. I'm recovering from a bout of the flu, so my energy level is low. It makes me feel lazy though. Ugh.

  7. I suffer from lack of sunlight. I have two lamps and I think they help.

  8. I think your life is pretty full on so there's absolutely no harm (indeed probably much good) in doing nothing for a while or just lazing around. It's taken me a long time to realize that but I'm finally getting there.


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