Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Mid-Week Motivation

     I always feel like once Tuesday is done, the rest of the work week is a breeze. In this weeks case, it truly is the halfway mark as I have Friday off before a four day weekend. I only have one meeting on my work calendar today, but a task list that got very lengthy with the new year. It would have been a good telework day but the one meeting involves looking at spread sheets and that is hard to do from my lap top. Another reason I am looking forward to some decent time, and DD1's help, really claiming back my office, including setting up a monitor to use at home. I hope our old monitor works still. Yesterday was an odd day in the office.I have one team member who can be a mix of passive aggressive and down right aggressive in our team meetings. She also doesn't always track the issues, and goes off on  tangents unrelated. Such was the case yesterday. We also had a management meeting with HR going over new "Letters of Expectations" that we now have to use after coaching or verbal requests for performance  improvement or behavior change, but before any disciplinary action. It is an odd new action, and I'm wondering if I should do one for this employee. We have had multiple  discussion about her meeting behavior, but I don't want to make a peculiarity an HR issue. I am truly happy for Tuesday to be done and a fresh day in the office today.

     On the home front, I'm trying to also get a task list in order. Hopefully my mid-week motivation will pull to the weekend as well. I still have lingering items from Christmas to take care of such as a couple gifts to tuck away for future use and sorting out a different method for wrapping supplies bought on sale. My kitchen needs a deep dive cleaning. Purging my bedroom closet is on the list. I have not given up losing weight and toning up, but some of the items I've held too long weren't that nice or flattering when they did fit. I'd rather have a sparse, but decent wardrobe than so many things just hanging or folded on shelves. My older daughter is so good about keeping only what she likes to wear. A master thrifter, finding the good stuff, she spends little, and when she does  purge, she re-donates quality items. She has had a super busy work week and is skipping Trivia, which means we'll have a low score again. Her trip is just a week away, but we are going to do lunch on Monday together. 

     Pup is looking for his breakfast. I took pictures of his weird lion dog cut and sent to DD2 who found him utterly ridiculous. He will be all groomed on Friday and then we will try and stay on top of it ourselves, hopefully retraining him to accept the necessary care. I hope your week is going well and you find your own mid-week motivation, even if only to read a good book or take a nice long winter nap. 


  1. That's a hard call with your coworker. That's one of the reasons I never wanted to be on the management side - I don't have the personality for it. Some are good at it, others are not - I'm not. And I agree with you about getting rid of clothes that either don't fit or look bad even if they do fit. That'll be next on my "to do" list I suspect:

    1. It is so odd. I send e-mails ahead of time for a call for agenda items. We review and can add agenda items at the start of the meeting. The meeting starts and she goes on about topics totally off subject, interrupts, etc. She then seems offended when we try and pull the meeting back. Ill fitting clothes just need to go.

  2. Having everything you own destroyed helps to thin out the wardrobe! You did list behaviors that re not just peculiarities, She would be annoying. Could you post the picture of the strange haircut?

    1. I'll post after he gets his new cut. I can't imagine your loss.

  3. I'm hoping for a good day. It has not started off well, with some really bad news on the work front. My goal is to shake that off today, put it "away" so to speak, and focus on the tasks in front of me.

    I have quite a few things that need doing, and being stressed out about things that are REALLY out of my control isn't one of them.

    1. Sorry about your bad news. I hope it gets resolved.

  4. I regularly purge the wardrobe, including things that don't fit. I figure if I later lose weight I can buy things inexpensively at the thrift store. I do need to get hubby to do a purge though, he doesn't except at my urging (and with my supervision removing every item from the closet). We have a storm that is hitting today with snow and wind. Plus I just learned our 3rd company computer (older backup) with windows 7 must be upgraded to 10 due to end of life for 10. Not something I planned on dealing with today.

    1. I finally am realizing old and ugly clothes are not motivation. I too can find new to me replacements if I do change sizes.

  5. I got some bad news late yesterday and of course I wake up at 1:30 to dwell on it... Not sure how much sleep I got after that but I'm going to be dragging today... I know the news can be handled and we will but just when you think you're getting ahead....

    1. I'm sorry for your experience. I'll keep you in my thoughts to a positive outcome or for strength that is needed.

  6. Have you tried my potato chip and m&m diet? Didn't work for me, but you never know.... You look great my friend.

  7. I am sorry you have to deal with that type of coworker. I started writing out daily task lists in my planner this year and it seems to help with those nagging household things that may get overlooked (ie. today I dusted the window casings and wiped down the TV). I started purging my closet but still need to work on my dresser. Hope the rest of your week goes well.

    1. It is going to be bitter cold and snowy, so no better weekend to do this purging for me.


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