Saturday, April 11, 2020

Weekend Delay on Yard Work and Treats

     True Green did their first spring application yesterday. We didn't know they were coming and I am very annoyed it was on a Friday, and we have to stay off, and keep pup off for two days. DH is going to have to call them because that ain't happening this year! It also means no yard work today, no raking and no staking out where I want the garden. Why not tomorrow, you may ask, if we need to be off just two days? Well, apparently mother nature decided Easter, staying at home, was a good time for "plowable" accumulation of snowfall between Sunday into Monday.  I knew we were bound for one more big snow after the bulk melted in early March. The last two years it has been in April, so why break a new pattern? 

     Grocery shopping is stressful for all these days, trying so hard to stay safe and keep others safe. I had a list to just get fruit, veg, some fresh meat and a few restocked items. I was in and out pretty quick, safely distancing myself from the other shoppers and the Instacart fillers and other workers. I helped an older man find mixed canned fruit. I found what he wanted, backed away, and directed him to where it was on the shelf. A couple end cap  treats and special made their way into my cart, and dang if I wasn't over $100 just like that. budget be damned right now. Here's the treats that came home:

  • Family size Oreos
  • Corn chips and tortilla chips and salsa
  • Canned Chow Mein and noodles-DD2's favorite!
  • Diet Dr Pepper (and Diet Pepsi because of a sale) I prefer  Diet Coke over Pepsi, but for half the price, I'm Ok
  • Ginger Ale, for drinking plain and mixing
  • Hazelnut Coffee pods
  • Starburst jelly beans-fortunately, I loathe the things, but DH and DD2 love them

     Then there were a few things I bought because, well they were actually there. 
  • Dove Soap (what DH uses and we were out and other stores had been out)
  • Liquid hand soap as I used the last of the refill bottle
  • A spare TP-we have started the pack bought two weeks ago. I will happily share should I learn someone needs, but it seems like there is a normal supply, if not a selection of brands. 
     I keep saying I can stay out of the stores other than a few fresh things, but then, things leap in the cart. Next weekend, I may just send DD2 for milk, bread, and fruit. She'll stick to the list. Mostly the treats were not for me, except the pop and coffee. I won't take for granted stock-up sales on items we regularly use like certain soap again. With 100% cooking at home for the last two weeks, or has it been three since we got take out, we certainly are spending less overall on food, even with the extra treats.

     Since I can't do yard work, I have no excuse and now more reason, to clean out and rearrange the pantry. But first, a cup of coffee has my name on it. 


  1. Oh, how I remember April snowstorms. It seems one just hit New England. It's good for me to keep an eye on the national weather, because just when I feel the call of New England, I see snow--and realize it's a Siren's call! We have had warm, sunny, low 60's. I have been weeding flower beds, kids finishing up the chicken coop. I want to get red bark for the beds, and then work on building raised beds for raspberry bushes and veggies. We also need to put in fruit trees, but DS is going to have to dig the holes first. I had a friend offer to come over with the backhoe at cost to do it when her business slowed down, but turns out, her business is busier than ever in all of this. (septic company) Our grass still isn't lush, but a putting green has never been my goal, even in the midst of suburbia. I didn't want the cost, nor the risk of the product. (Phosphates, nitrates.)
    Funny about the jelly beans--I dislike all of them except the Russel Stover pectin jelly beans. Those, I could eat by the handful. Only one store sells them here, and I have had no reason to go in there since all this started. I used to swing buy if I was in town to buy a bag after Easter at the clearance sale, but I think this year, I might just have to miss my 75% off Easter candy sale!
    Really, we have no reason to be in the stores at all--I always took advantage of stock up sales. Years ago I attended an emergency preparedness open house at our local stake. Much of what they taught I already knew, but something they said really rang true--you might think of an emergency as something like hurricane, or earthquake, or even job loss, but it's more likely to be something much more mundane, like a flat tire, or bout of the flu that will keep you home.

    1. Admittedly other than fresh food, we could go much longer between shops. I realize some of the food I bought when I picked dup my daughter for her car pool on March 16th, is still the same stuff tucked in the cupboard, plus the following weeks Walmart, and last weeks grocery store. I feel stocked, not hoarded, with ample to share should there be a need with anyone of my friends family, or neighbors. Bleach and alcohol is the only exception to this, but I have beach cleanser, and if need be could get something made from that that is a good disinfectant.

  2. It is super hard not to avoid some treats right now in our lockdown style life, if not for us for our loved ones. Hubby was so freaking happy I got him gel inserts at the drug store the other day...we had just talked about maybe getting some and I found them. Anything can be a treat these days I guess :)

    1. I felt bad DH using Dial soap as his shaving soap. Not exactly the softest. I did have Jergens, but he must not have seen. He will be happy. He's never liked shaving cream-always Dove soap. DD2 had the Chow mein for lunch-with at least two large portions left for her Monday and Tuesday lunch. You would think I had ordered expensive take out she was so happy.

  3. I was surprised I resisted so many treats last time I was in the grocery! Still, I spent over $50 by buying stuff on sale and a chocolate Easter Bunny for Tommy. And, then I bought treats. sigh

    1. AS CheapChick said, buying treats for loved ones is hard to avoid, but fortunately the appreciation is high. I'm trying to think of what others will like, want, that will brighten the time a little bit.

  4. I think in these stressful times the budget is more or less out the window isn't it. Enjoy those treats!

    1. That's the thing-there's my old household and grocery budget and the little spending challenges I used ot have, and then the whole family budget. I have no idea how much of an income beating DH will take by the time all this is considered over to get people working again, and who knows if he will then increase his business. I know for sure though overall, in spite of increased groceries, we are spending so much less overall.

  5. I have bought no Easter candy at all and usually I make several baskets, but no one is coming this year and Hubs has now lost 15 lbs so I need to encourage him. Drat on those yard men, I would be unhappy too.

    1. My duo was happy with the jelly beans, so there we go. DH doesn't know about the Reese's yet but he will be thrilled.

  6. You have ti figure the overage on the grocery budget is offset but doing absolutely nothing!

    1. It's just not a time to worry about the grocery budget. I can help out the little food pantry's-which I will with some of the triples of things that would be helpful

  7. You are a braveheart to enter a grocery store. I am avoiding going for as long as I am able.

    1. Maybe I'm being foolish, but I am trying to take all the necessary precautions.

    2. Ditto- we have been told stay away for at least 2 weeks It's been 4 for me but I do live alone. Ironically, I love to grocery shop and usually look at the ads and go to 4 or 5 stores a week. I wonder if this shelter at home order will affect that old habit. Anyhow HAPPY EASTER! I usually would be getting ready for the Easter sunrise services at church- a couple of years my sis and I went to a service at the beach that was quite enjoyable if you didn't get stuck in the sand. My kids and i are having a zoom meeting at noon so that should be fun- it will be 9 AM for my California kids. My menu is simple- fresh corn on the cob and a spinach quiche if I make it soon. I am getting low on cheese/half and half but I still have a pound of Swiss and lots of eggs. If you buy organic milk, it has a long shelf life!

  8. Sam, I would give yourself some grace with the grocery budget because times are hard right now. A few treats is a small comfort that may help you thru this. We are doing the same here, allowing ourselves time to do things we wouldn't ordinarily be doing just to try and lift our moods a little. Mental health is important for us too. I hope you and your family have a blessed Easter Sunday.


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