Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Positively Tuesday-Calm and Chill

     I don't recall where my daughter said she got this hanging planter but I find it absolutely adorable. The plant is the cuttings from one of mine that has been rooting just in water-the glass water vase is in the sloth. She has a few sloth mugs as well. This slow moving creature, in a world of it's own, seemingly unbothered by the hustle of life all around.

     This probably 5-6 year old picture of me was taken by my daughter on a hot night in the summer. It was an unremarkable evening other than we just were sitting around, cold lemonade in glasses, just chilling on the deck. Some folks are photogenic, and others the camera seems to find our worst features. I hate how I look in pictures normally, but goofy pucker face and all, this one I feel OK about, which is huge for me. Have you seen pictures or video of sloths in the wild or a zoo? They're not the most photogenic either compared to other animals, but I doubt they care.

     Too often I use sloth to describe my lazy and unmotivated days, where I accomplish nothing and feel uninspired and dull. I should really think of sloths as I feel in this picture. I'm accomplishing nothing. I'm not having an evening out. I was just being me. Perhaps I was being sloth like, and maybe a sloth should be a metaphor for calm and chill. Maybe I need to be more, not less of a sloth.

Edit: I updated to inlcude the link to where my daughter bought the planter as reference becasue of interest. I do not earn anything and am not promoting the vendor. 


  1. To me a sloth is about peace and tranquility - love your planter and the picture!

    1. I think so too. There is an adorable YouTube video of a sloth being rescued from one side of a highway to the other. He's just so chill.

  2. That planter is really cute and what a great picture of you!

    1. It's a few years old-I'd like to feel more like I look in that picture.

  3. I think spending an evening enjoying sitting on the back porch with my daughter is a heck of an accomplishment! I don't think we always need to be, nor should be, on the go. What's the point if we can't have moments like the one pictured? I've always thought sloths epitomized the "intentionality" movement.

    1. Yes, they are very deliberate when they move. We laugh at the one at our St Paul Zoo-no cage like the others in the tropical section as he just does his own thing.

  4. I personally believe we need some down time to literally restore our souls. There is this myth that we need to fill each and every moment with productive time. Reflection is just as important.
    Son2 is a sloth freak. I need to find him a planter like this for his birthday, which is in July. It is hard to find an adult male a perfect gift, but with his love of sloths and his new interest in rooting plants and gardening this is perfect!

    1. My daughter texted me the link to where she found the sloth planter. It's a bit pricey for what it is, but darn cute. https://www.urbanoutfitters.com/shop/sloth-425-hanging-planter?inventoryCountry=US&color=004&size=ONE%20SIZE&gclid=CjwKCAjwxev3BRBBEiwAiB_PWDwKmv3a6ciawb3qT6rtkMhYi9ODqnF3GVdeRcU_qLnrarfqnQRk8hoC8u0QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds&type=REGULAR&quantity=1&fbclid=IwAR2CZUQMvivH4NccKOGJ926sayD9Ocm7XUlBlOLxRJ87viA6mk2G4LSoaW4

  5. I love the planter. I do like the picture of your pucker face. It tells a story. Maybe you could singlehandedly change the way we think about sloths. Currently, it is not a compliment to be compared to a sloth.

    1. No, not generally a compliment, but accurate to myself when I feel I am slow moving. Maybe I'll think intentional rather than slow.

  6. Replies
    1. Yeah- a few years old now, but it's a silly picture and I know I was happy.

  7. I think the main reason I went to Costa Rica a few years back was because I wanted to see sloths - I just love them. We went into this national park and with binoculars and excellent eyesight you could see a sloth at the top of a tree - but it actually just looked like a big brown blob. I was so disappointed, until I went out that evening and saw everyone staring at something. Turned out it was a sloth creeping slowly along a telephone wire up to a banana tree, helped himself to a couple of bananas and then crept back. And it was magical! So I think I might order that planter as it's lovely. Oh and I hate having my photo taken too. I'm definitely not photogenic and when I have to have my photo taken all I can see is my double chin! I agree with Anne, there's nothing wrong with being sloth-like!

    1. My daughter had wonderful experiences seeing sloths at the Costa Rica sanctuary. It made me want to go so much-definitely a need to add to my list of future travel. I had forgotten until you mentioned your trip.

  8. I love the slow, but deliberate way the sloths move. A baby sloth is even cuter. Arilx

    1. Have you heard how baby sloths sound? So darn adorable.


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