Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Positively Tuesday-Hail and Wind and Wet

     Last night was so beautiful! I didn't get as much sprucing up as I wanted as I forgot I had a 7:00 call. I did get the weeds pulled, the porch dusted and swept, and made it back to the jungle and picked a very few berries from the raspberry bushes that persevered and sprouted through the mess of overgrowth. Nature prevailed! 

     Last night was lightning bouts throughout the night, which meant  pup was scared and woke me up throughout the night. Once finally up, the rain came down accompanied with two separate hail storms, each lasting about  a minute. I don't know if we had damage, but I took pictures to verify the hail happened. We lost power for about 45 minutes, which bumped me off line for work, but could respond to some e-mails via my phone, and worked off line. There is never a shortage of work to be done, with or without the internet. 


     In spite of the rocky start to the day, the dark sky, and wet everywhere, I am in a positive mood. Our lawn needed the rain so much and seems to just soaked it up. It will be nice to have things greened up. The rain seems to have cut the heat so later I plan n a nice long walk with the dog. I appreciate all the good conversation in the comments and am grateful for all of you that take the time to leave a note Despite the world circumstances and no end in sight to the crisis, life still has joy. We may just have to reach a bit deeper some days to find it. Happy Tuesday.


  1. Lovely sentiments. I've just gotten a blog account, so posting using it is a first for me. If it displays my full blog link, my apologies! I'll try to figure this out. Celie

    1. Celie-No link at all, but please add. I encourage people sharing their blog links on mine.

  2. So true, Sam, that we might just have to reach a bit deeper to find the joy in life. It's there, all we need to do is look for it. Your raspberries are so beautiful. :)

    1. I think if I am lucky, perhaps this many a day for about a week.We need to dig them up and stick aside for clearing the area. Then I can start again in a new place.

  3. We had a bunch of rain a couple nights ago. Things are still pretty green around here, as it's been a milder summer so far. I like it (and keeps the forest fire danger down)

    1. Water is up everywhere, but form April and May-We needed this rain though as the rain two weeks ago was hard and mostly just rolled off-not a good soaking rain. We are not grass waterers.

  4. Nice that the rain cut the heat. Hear the rain just means a steam bath will follow!

    1. That's often the cse here too in the summer, so this was unusual for July. Heat back in 80's and working towards 90 by weeekend though.


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