Thursday, August 6, 2020

Thrifty Thursday-Not Much But Something Edition

I'm trying to track how well I do with managing my assets, so tracking  savings and productivity in time, resources and money. As most of my savings of money is by staying home, and so much of my time is also at home finding interesting tidbits to share is difficult some weeks, this being one of them. Here's a try. 


  • DDH, pup sns dI had a wonderful Sunday at the lake. The cool weather didn't take away, and may have added to the enjoyment as there was less activity other than a few people fishing, slow pontoon riders, and a sail boarder. 

  • I had a couple nice night with my girls. On monday, DD2 and i walked through her classes, and discussed opportunities for volunteering, on campus  community activities, and organizations that would be resume builders while sering community needs. She was very receptive. I also spent time reviewing a planning document my older daughter and her cousin  are using for a non-profit start-up that combines mental health therapy( y nice is a clinical therapist) and the arts. Tuesday after dinner, we talked through some areas I though they now needed to build out farther, and helped her look up some start-up resources. It is a good feeling ot know you have raised children with a spirit of altruism, motivated by making hte world better not by money. 
  • I made too many spaghetti noodles on Tuesday, s used them them last night for a sort of chicken tetrazzini hotdish. I had a fe already cooked chicken tenderloins, and a bunch of broccoli that needed to be uses. I also used one of the cartoons of milk I had frozen after DD2 brought home a bunch from the school. I thawed the milk in the microwave;since it wasn't going to be drank, it worked well. 
  • I cut the corn off the last two cobs and tucked in freezer for future soup. 


  • I use the $5 Amazon voucher earned last week towards a baby shower present for DH's cousin. 
  • DD2's new roommate and parents were going to a farm near our house to pick corn, way more than they could use and kindly dropped off a dozen. I was planning on buying more this week anyway. 
  •  We'll see if any savings (I'll post utilities tomorrow), but our water heater element  keeps going out. It has meant we have had to shower quick! We have  aservie call today-crossing fingers it won't be too expensive. 
     Several of my siblings are arranging a dinner out at the supper club my parents always enjoyed in recognition of their anniversary, which would have been their 73rd on August 2nd. We are just not ready fo inside dining, particularly in an environment that is very closed in. That will prevent u form spending $80, though I am disappointed, but need to do what is right for us. I'm worried that a few of my siblings with  multiple underlying health problems are taking risks. This post isn't for that though. Besides spending less on going out" where did you see financial savings? Do you feel like you are making good use of things and your time? 


  1. A doctor friend warned us about dining inside restaurants. He does not recommend it at all. I am glad you are not going.

    This week all I have spent was for the necessary paperwork and a sushi dinner for my siblings other than a very few grocery items.

    1. I made me sad to decline. I am supposed to be a bit of an example of bet practise as part of my job, plus, I genuinely am not comfortable. I would do something outside.

  2. That lake looks lovely, and it would never both me if it was a bit cooler. Like you say, that's when a lot of people stay away anyway. And it's a shame that your siblings want to hold an indoor anniversary dinner but I understand your reluctance to go. A few others might feel the same too in all honesty!

    1. Several of my retired sibling get together weekly,and couldn't wait for restaurants to reopen. My sister M though, and her husband are like us though, and won't take the risks. She has to work anyway=golf club GM, so a nice alibi!

  3. I now have a use for leftover spaghetti noodles - my chickens LOVE them. Apparently they think they are worms.

  4. I am glad you are skipping the dinner. When i have too many spaghetti noodles, i heat them with olive oil in the microwave and take my green can of parmesan cheese and make them delicious with too much cheese.

    1. I like leftover noodles that way as well. So tasty/ ths was a lot though-obviously enough or a whole hotdish.

    2. SAM,
      In that case I would stuff myself or eat it over a few days. I have had too much cooked and stored. I just cut into it as it gets so solid, and then i heat it.

  5. there is no such thing as too much spaghetti noodles.

    1. You are correct sir,but our ration to sauce was off, but solved.


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