Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Positively Tuesday-Into the Real World Today

      I get to see a couple co-workers today! I'm heading into the office from 9:30 and likely to four as my meeting times are too close to drive home. I'm helping our new division support staff get all set up so he can work from the office probably two mornings a month, disbursing mail, getting copies made and sent out as needed. Two others are joining as they have small projects but ones that need a large printer access. If it wasn't January, I would have tried to meet them for coffee too, but not planning on sitting outside today, Brrr

     I'll miss most of the traffic coming in as I'll work for an hour and 1/2 before going. Plans are to meet a friend for a walk, but it looks like we might have a bit of a weather disruption so I need to wait and see. For the occasion of going into work, I'm actually going to do my hair and make up-woah! I would have anyway as I am doing a presentation, but I'll have a complete nice outfit on rather than a nice sweater and comfy pants. 

     Yesterday I had a half work/ 1/4 cook and bake day, and 1/4 nothing day. This time of year starts four months of ready to act chaos and  holiday or not, things were hopping yesterday. I have tuna salad to brig for my lunch along with  banana bread. I'll bring a thermos of coffee as I'm not sure if we are allowed to make coffee in the office right now. I have some old tea bags in my desk-I guess that will have to do for my walk if we are a go. With that, I'll make this a shorter post and  get my day started. 

Edit: Well Covid struck! Our new staff person, who had been sick along with his whole family, between Christmas and New Years, had a positive Covid test on January 3. As a precaution he did a test on Saturday, and was positive, though Monday tested negative. This meant he could not be in the office. I ended up helping a colleague with a mass printing and mailing, and then dealt with getting mail re-sent to people's homes. Not exactly how I wanted to use the hours in the office. I was about 8 minutes late meeting my friend, but we got a good 50 minute walk in the 12 degree (-11 C) late afternoon at the park that is on my way home, and only five miles from her. 


  1. I was supposed to meet a friend this morning for a walk around the neighborhood, but a family member (her family) tested positive for COVID, so she's in quarantine. I'm off to a slow start this morning. I have some meetings to attend, and a few projects to manage. Other than that, catching up on email & trying to figure out what to do with the kids on their upcoming week off in February that doesn't involve them sitting around all week on their computers/phones

    1. If you read my edit, Covid changed y day as well. My cold walk with my friend was much needed.

  2. Enjoy your almost normal sounding day!

    1. Well, far form normal, but I liked being in the office.

  3. I think it's tough "going back to work" after the holidays, or at least after being on a different schedule of work from home. Still, being able to go in later and miss the traffic is a positive. Stay safe!

    1. I can tell a lot of people are working from home. I was in prime rush hour on the way home, and little traffic.

  4. Replies
    1. It was a different day-with twinges of normal.

  5. Replies
    1. Well, a covid curve ball changed how the day was spent. See my edit for details.

  6. Boy when everyone goes back to work we will all miss the No commuting, no makeup, no dress clothes.

    1. I had three comments from people (one in person at the office, one on line, and my friend) about how long my hair has gotten. I ended up only using a tinted moisturizer and mascara. I still needed a mask, so figured why bother with more.


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