Remember my plant propagation back in October? Utter fail other than the one that was already doing well. I finally gave up and dumped the water and threw the now beige leaves. I still want more plants though as I think adding more greenery to my home will help the long months until the outdoor greenery takes hold. I have four houseplants. Two were part of the multi-plant basket given by my family when my father-in-law passed away. I feel pretty good that I managed to keep them alive for nearly six years. I didn't do that well with the plants from a basket I received when my mom passed away in 2010. The other two plants are from a dual plant pot I bought for my daughters dorm room back in fall of 2019, then forgot to bring it along when we went for family weekend. I've since split it obviously into two more. All these plants have outgrown the pot-even though I updated them all last summer. It will have to wait until probably March when I can get outside to my buried under snow soil. I will keep my eyes out though for pots to reuse.
A |
B |
C-but of course I know this one! |
D and E |
I don't know the names for any of these plants, but I have labelled them with a letter if you care to play along with my horticulture education. I threw in a taken today picture of the Christmas poinsettia just because. I am dreaming of greener pastures. The icy snow last week has made outdoor walking challenging again, but I will today since it seems a poor use of a day off work, a day not stuck in front of a screen all day, to not get outside.
Of course I will have some screen time. I just finished resurrecting an old proposal from 14 months ago for my boss and no doubt I'll need to go in and make a couple more revisions. I plan to stream the program shared for Martin Luther King Day later and I have a meeting with my daughter and niece for their new organization. Today is not about having a three day weekend, but about thinking about how to make the world a bit better. I wish greener pastures for everyone, and my green plants are a bit symbolic of that wish.
I’m not that great with houseplants. I can keep them alive for a little while but don’t have great success. The soil here isn’t the best either but I have a few perennials that do well and I love hanging baskets for the porch. I’m dreaming of spring and summer, especially having woken up to two fresh inches of snow, unplowed, slippery roads and an idiot driver not pleased with my slow speeds who decided to pass me and lay on the horn, which I suppose was better than riding my bumper. I just hope he doesn’t kill someone driving like that. I think it’s sad that MLK Day isn’t celebrated as much more than a bank holiday. We didn’t even have school off today. JoAnn
ReplyDeleteI'd like a lot more outdoor plants that will last than I have. the hostas were my start. I'll do more baskets this year too-and flower boxes. I'm sorry you had a crap drive-driver.
DeleteYou are making me miss my plants. I used to have plants all over my house until I got cats. One of them will eat any plant or flower and so many are poisonous to them. I had to get rid of all indoor plants. Good luck with yours!
ReplyDeleteThe dog ignores them, so I can have more if I want. I had a nice one in a large china bowl that sat in a corner, but when it died, I forgot the bowl outside and it froze with water and cracked. I'd love another one.
DeleteI am such a brown thumb at plants that I do not have a single one! I have tried so hard over the years (my brother is magical with plants, my mom has plants that are nearly 50 years old!), but I did not inherit the "plant gene", lol. I'm a neglectful plant keeper, mostly, plus having to keep them out of the reach of Vizzini means "out of sight, out of mind." I've just given up.
ReplyDeleteIs MKL a holiday in the US? We do not celebrate it here, but it is Black History Month.
Third Monday of January is MLK day as his birthday is January 15th. I think dogs are more plant friendly-though I have heard stories about them thinking they are fair game for their business.
DeleteThe plants you've got look lovely and healthy and to keep them alive for six years is pretty good going. xxx
ReplyDeleteThat's good praise coming from you as ou have such lovely ones in your home. I am curious as to the reasons behind putting them in the house. is it for ease, or do th eleaves need the moisture as well.
DeleteDo you mean putting them in the bath? If you just water the top the soil can become impacted and the moisture can't reach the roots. x
DeleteOh my, you read my jibberish- what the heck was I typing. Yes, I meant the bath. I water at the dirt level and have drainage plates/pots to catch the water dripping from bottom.
DeleteI'm not much good with plants either. I think I'm in the process of killing a rather expensive plant my friend got me for Christmas. It's a member of the buttercup family but I have a terrible tendency to overwatering (and then wonder where the smell is coming from when there's a black puddle of water at the roots)! Is your second plant a variegated ficus (ficus elastica)? Don't quote me on it but .....
ReplyDeleteI was hoping someone would have all the answers on the plant types. The second one is one for my FIL basket and I've had good luck propagating roots-though haven't replanted in soil yet.
DeleteMy husband is the gardener in our family. I'm lucky that he's pretty skilled. We don't have any indoor house plants (well, a small number, I suppose), but we are able to grow many things outside due to the moderate weather here. I'm all about fruit & veggies, and for whatever reason, non food producing plants don't interest me.
ReplyDeleteI too love plants that produce food, but the green inside this time of year helps me out mentally. I'm horrible at gardening of any kind, so having things stay alive in pots is a big success for me.
DeleteThe first plant A is an areca palm. B looks like a Chinese evergreen? It's hard to tell the last two, maybe D is a philodendron? Or could be pothos, can't quite see the leaves. E I don't recognize. I don't do well keeping indoor plants alive. You've done well with these! Celie
ReplyDeleteI think someone else said D is a pothos, so will go with that!
DeleteI love flower gardening outside, but other than cut flowers, I actually despise houseplants in my house. For the life of me I can't figure out why I dislike them so much, but I do. I enjoy them in other people's homes, but I can't stand having them in mine. In any case, I'm pretty sure the bottom picture, in the center foreground is a Pothos.
ReplyDeleteinteresting. Well, you I've is a place that has more green and green a lot longer so must get your green fix from the outdoors.
DeleteI have no idea. My plastic flowers have a tendency to die in the house. But I am getting better. I can grow anything outside.
ReplyDeleteWell, you have a bountiful vegetable garden and I am in awe of those that can do that.
DeleteI think your plants look great! I have a tendency to kill houseplants. The only plant that has survived for 27 years is a snake plant that a neighbor gave us when we got married. My girl got an amaryllis for Christmas, and we have been enjoying watching it grow and bloom. I'm hoping we can keep it alive, and maybe it will bloom again next Christmas. I would love to have more greenery, but the cats are tempted to eat plants, but they haven't bothered the snake plants. :)
ReplyDeleteI can't even picture what a snake plant is-but 27 years is a log time. Cat's seem to be a universal houselant problem.