Monday, March 1, 2021

A Quick Birthday Hello Who'vian Style

 Not the Grinch Who'vian but Dr. Who  who'vian. A blogging friend of Vix is celebrating the wonderful nee decade of her 40's and as an ultimate Dr Who fan, wanted a  Dr. Who themed  fancy dress party. Being quite unoriginal, and having creativity and technology issues. I'm settling for a sort of Sam on the Tardis vibe. Happy Birthday Kezzie. 


  1. I love this! Kezzie will be thrilled. xxx

  2. Ah, thank you so much for joining in Sam! I love that you made an effort to do this! I have no idea how to change backgrounds in my photographs so I love that you managed to do that! It's brilliant!xx

  3. Aw, that's so sweet - I love your hair like this, Sam!

    1. My hair? It was a mess, pulled back in a pony, but glad it did not make anyone scream and looked intentional!

  4. Replies
    1. Anything to help brighten someone's day.

  5. Fun! I know nothing about Dr. Who but it certainly looks like fun.

  6. Replies
    1. There could be many variations for birthday themes. The fact that Dr. Who is going on 60 years makes it a fun choice.

  7. How lovely of you to join in, Sam! xxx

  8. Great background :) and a fun challenge :)


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