Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Positively Tuesday-It's the Little Things

     Friday marks the one year mark of when I last was scheduled in the office. It was a wrap up day as we had already started creating telework practices. Since then, I've worked in the office three times; the day I went in for the flu shot clinic, a day to get my new staff set up for his occasional day in, and then the real day I got him set up. He couldn't come in the day originally planned as he had a positive Covid test within the previous two weeks. Now that this week is the one year mark, I'm going to try and stop looking backwards at all that changed and instead focus forward. What will be possible moving forward-with caution and care for others, and making the most of the little moments that are  happy, joyful, or just a simple pleasure. Big events are in my future I'm sure-weddings, babies, fabulous trips, but it really is the little things that make up a full life. So with that, I'm adding to my list each week of documenting at least 10 simple pleasures.

  1. Long walks and talks with friends can't be beat, and I needed my friends on Saturday. 
  2. Treated myself to a popcorn and movie night on Saturday with just a fun movie, Pitch Perfect.
  3. My daughter and I took the dog for an extra walk Sunday night at the falls-h'es such a little snooper and we don't' get good cardio walking, but how can you not take pleasure in a dog living their best life. 
  4. We weren't going to get take out, but I enjoyed a delicious Rueben sandwich with slow cooked brisket and perfectly seasoned kraut. A Rueben is about my favorite sandwich-when made right, and this one was so good. We were happy to see they use locally sourced ingredients and the local bakery for their bread.
  5. Who doesn't like a good treat for breakfast once in a while? I discovered the  flavored variety pack of instant oatmeal from Aldi. The strawberry and cream and the peaches and cream are delicious? Yes, full of sugar, and probably more than making it myself, but for basically 15 cents a packet, it is a good mid morning breakfast since I can't tolerate food for a few hours, but don't want too much so I will eat lunch. These will definitely be a office desk staple when I return.
  6. Speaking of returning, there was a message that we will phase back to office work after July 1. Of course that could change, and we have details to sort out, but there was a bit of giddiness on a meeting to have a target date in site. I'm sure there will continue to be  more flexible telework options, so a win for all types of workers-those that have loved working from home, those like me that would want a balance, and those like a couple of my coworkers, that can't wait to be back in the office as much as possible.
  7. The clearance hats I ordered a week or so ago came and I was very impressed with the quality, particularly of this blue one, that came with a neck band type scarf. So often when things are ordered on line, they do not meet expectations, but these were great. The yellow/gold match one of my daughters (well the older kids too) college colors. 
  8. Watched some streaming of my nephews weight lifting, a great nieces skating, and a bit of another nephews basketball-without having to drive to three different corners of the metro. 
  9. Of course we are still not in the clear from the grips of winter snow! We had more than a dusting yesterday, likely to melt over the next few days, but there is a simple pleasure, even when I'm sick of snow, of making those first foot prints in the new snow.  
  10. Added to this and of course another pup highlight what better pleasure than seeing a curious little dog that absolutely gloves snow bounding in and out of yards on the walk and sticking his whole face in, coming up with snow on his nose. 
This is my 10 simple pleasures for the week. I hope you find joy and pleasure in all the little things and moments in your life. 

Another snow bout, but this should melt quickly.


  1. I'm glad you're excited about having a return-to-the-office date. Where I worked it is still essential staff only and the colleague I worked closest with is going crazy as he loves working from the office. Poor guy, he was "temperamental" to begin with and working from home is doing him no favours!

    1. Interesting, our lease is up the end of the calendar year, so now the idea of space needs means a whole lot of difference.

  2. My office has been trying to have a return to office date for months now, which of course just keeps getting pushed out, as their governor just keeps extending everything. I think our small satellite office on the other side of the state is now being used as I was on a call with one of the employees there and when I asked him a question he didn't know I heard him ask one of his co-workers, LOL.

    1. I'm glad if the rates are continuing to be high, their gov does push things out. It's keeping people healthier.

  3. What a great list! I love the image of your little snooper pup bounding in the snow. I'm thinking our office will be phasing back in August or September - Canada is quite far behind in our vaccinations, so we don't anticipate everyone being done until end of July or later. Now, I'm enjoying the quiet and the extra days off while I have them! It's going to be hard to go back to full-on crazy sh*t.

    1. I know how serious our work place is taking things, so no doubt the investment will have been made for keeping folks safe. Pup thinks he's a husky.

  4. Great simple pleasures Sam. I really should start doing something like this too.

    1. As I get crabbier in general, this forces me to slow down my mind, and see how good I have things.

  5. What a nice list. My dad's favorite sandwich was a Rueben. Dogs are cute no matter what they do, especially when they love the snow. Our dog just loves the snow.

    1. I'm not a sauerkraut liker other than on a brat and a Rueben or Rachel. My pup makes me so happy.

  6. Wonderful pleasures, Sam! I am glad to hear about the Aldi oatmeal. I do not like it but TheHub loves it. Those would be a good packet he could keep at the office. We are both like you and can't stand food n our mouths in the early morning.

    1. I've never been a good morning breakfast eater, but the Omeprazole with food makes me physically sick!

  7. good for you for looking at the positives;this is most sensible.


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