Friday, April 30, 2021

Friday Wrap Up

      I took a break yesterday from posting as between work and  time for my own life, I didn't have time. What? When have I been able to say that last? I'll likely work some thrifty wins into my Friday W, or include as part of next week's post. I'll start with where I have been since yesterday was almost beginning to feel surreal as I was out and about so much. 

Where I've been: I've often filled out the surveys to be part of a consumer test, never hearing anything back. Well last week, I was selected to participate in a two parter. I did part 1 yesterday, in an office complex-really safely done, with people spread out, no touch-they even had us bring our own pens. Part two is a video follow up later this afternoon. All together I'll have less than 4 hours invested in this, including my travel time and will earn a $150 in a gift card. I can't say anything about it, of course, but it was interesting. I completed surveys for an electronic and an appliance  consumer research test as well, but haven't heard anything, so guess I wasn't selected for them. I have so much vacation time, I thought using some hours to  get a break, plus earn a little fun money would be nice. Other stops were the Dollar Tree for gift wrapping and candy/Arnold Palmer Ice Teas, my nephews favorite, to go with his gift of money. I also picked up a prescription at Walgreens, and the garbage bags and  grabbers for Sunday at the parks department office. We got five brand new ones to break in!

     Last night, we had a back room to do a dinner with DH's family in lieu of a wedding shower for our nephew and his fiance. We wore masks when not eating and drinking, and spread out a bit from his brother and SIL not yet vaccinated. My MIL made snarky remark when DH and I sat a bit farther away since we weren't yet at the two week mark. "Oh, I think you'll be just fine," visibly eye rolling.  I smiled and said,  "That's the hope, but we all need to do what's in our comfort level." She rode with us, and I did have my mask on in the back seat. Other than that it was a nice evening, and the fiance  is a really nice, down to earth  young women. This is our nephew who lost his mom, DH's sister, when he was just two. Her mother passed away from cancer  five years ago when she was just 22. My nephew though grew up from 4 years old on though, with the mom he knows, his dad's second wife. 

Where I'm going: Depending on how my day goes, I might slip out to a few garage sales today as it is city wide garage sale weekend. Tomorrow night we have a 61st birthday party. Sunday is our family  park clean-up day.  I have more social life packed in between Thursday and Sunday than I have had cumulatively for the last 13 months. I need a couple things for a dish for Sunday and for the appetizer I'm bringing tomorrow, so a stop at the grocery store is on the agenda today or tomorrow as well. 

What I'm watching: The seasons of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, and I beleive the last episode of the latest season of Death in Paradise, were streamed this week. There were a few movies that showed in suggestions and "leaving April 30th" tha tI had wanted to watch, one of them Private Benjamin with Goldie Hawn. I want my younger daughter to see it. She is very much into women empowerment  movies, but in a not in your face kind of way. I think she would enjoy seeing the evolution of her character. 

What I'm reading:  I must find time this week for the book club book, The Book of Longing, before next Friday. I'm still plugging through interesting  work related reads-yes, I could read on work time if there were hours leftover. Short ones I find time for within the day, but so many link to other goodreads, and I am going down new roads with each click. 

What I'm listening to: Driving to and from  the  consumer research session I listened to an in depth  program on  race in Hollywood, and alos, video games turned into movies. Both were interesting conversations, and since I have two kids in the industry, I always listen for insight to their world. 

What I'm eating:   It was nice eating restaurant food, not in a take out container last night! We ate at a restaurant that has a few  locations by ownership, but each are a little different. We have one in our town with a very different menu. I had a gorgeous Asian chicken salad that was so massive, I took half home to eat today for lunch. My daughter had a hard week so didn't come over for dinner on Wednesday, so saving curry to make on Monday when both girls can join in on the deliciousness. I have my monthly Monday night meeting, but am taking  my floating holiday during the day.

What's top of mind: Perhaps with all the issues in the world, this is minimal to be top of mind, but definitely those signs of positive life that keep us all waking up each day. Every day I've been sticking my nose down in the rocks looking for growth. I am so happy to share my hostas are poking through, and it looks like, if the shoots are an indication, I will have double the growth of what I planted last spring. Even the tub I neglectfully didn't plant has quite a few bulbs sprouting, so I can separate those and get into the ground as well. Aren't they sweet! I feel like a geek being so excited, but I really was starting to think my squirrel neighbors were eating them up. Yes, I need to get the dead growth for last summer cleaned out.  Now that I have a new laptop, I can get rid of the eye sore orange outdoor  extension cord I left out for easy access when I wanted to work outside on the few lovely days we've had so far. 

Who I'm paying attention to:  I watched the president's speech to congress the other night. He has an uphill battle and I don't think every word he uttered is the right course. But what folks who don't really  follow the details of the legislative and  bill to law, or bill to budget process works, it was intended to be as aspirational and bold as he would like to achieve. That's what too many in congress, both new and veteran troglodytes that are digging their feet in, and won't yield to  appropriate negotiations fail to comprehend. The zealous progressive "squad"on the left, and the afraid of Trump on the right, just don't get that all they are doing is pitting factions against each other, and no one will win, least of all, all of us humble residents of the country. I regularly complete opinion, and in the few places I can actually leave a comment, I  make sure I give my views on this partisan divide. 

     I was shocked to hear of a classmates death this week. She and I were on FB "friends" for a long time, but I had to stop last spring when her political view were all consuming in her posts. I would see her pop into comment threads after, ripping anyone's view point that differed from her, with uber "libs are destroying the country, MAGA all the way" rhetoric. Regardless, her passing at just 55 is sad, and her family and friends will feel the loss of her life in theirs. I had to smile when a classmate posted, "I hope St. Pete is a Republican, otherwise, he's got his work cut out for him." May she rest in peace and her family find comfort with each other. 

What I'm planning: So, so many things to plan now! However, my primary need tomorrow is to get this house cleaned, do sorting, organizing, and purging in the extra bedroom to free up space  so when my daughter comes home Sunday night, we can just move boxes in there. She can then sort what she doesn't need until fall, keep out needs for  summer, or can prepare to be donated or discarded. Today I'll make a master To Do list and get up early tomorrow and tackle it all. 

     That's how my week shaped up. I'll have some fun money in my pocket next week to spurge with the girls and DH, or perhaps put towards a need. Technically today is supposed to be a flex day off, but I've got a few work things that need to get done, but I'll sprinkle in some  home admin like getting a few medical co-pay and prescription receipts uploaded for reimbursement and follow-up on getting the bid to get the patio concrete poured. I feel weird missing a day of blogging-like missing a good conversation with friends. I'm  behind reading others blogs as well and have enjoyed getting connected with a few new to me cyber friends!  If you'd like to play along, drop a line in the comments or link to your blog.


  1. I had to smile at the "hope St. Peter's a Republican" comment. Sadly when people have very differing beliefs/opinions it's just better to let it go rather than have an argument. I adore my BIL but we had totally opposing opinions about Brexit (amongst other things) so I just had to tell him that we'll have to agree to differ. He's the kind that always has to be right and truly, when it comes to your personal beliefs, there is no "right" way to believe is there, just what's right for you!

    1. Well to be honest, while people have a right to their personal beliefs, it doesn't change that some beliefs are apalling. It took me too long to pick my fights and method of fight wisely. I'm sad for her as I think her last 18 months of life if her social media presence was a sample, was pretty consumed with hating on liberal view points. Wake up call for sure.

  2. It sounds like quite a week! I can't even imagine what it must have felt like being in a restaurant. I still think I'll continue to avoid them for a while though. Glad to see your hostas popping through. I would be excited about that too. Have a great weekend Sam. :)

    1. It was a little anxiety filled, but I was happy we kept space and masks. I'm sure we'll be fine too, but I still know we can be carriers. I'll be thrilled when they're full hostas.

  3. It does you good to have a break every once in a while, I'm always impressed with your daily posting.
    Our hostas are starting to unfurl, I'm really excited by it as well! xxx

    1. Your garden is so wonderfully full of color. Next weekend I'll bring more color with potted flowers.

  4. Oh, to be busy with interesting events! I suppose I will be next week, with my second shot and Prom. Today is my final 10 hour day as my coworkers will be allowed to return tomorrow. I’m exhausted. It hasn’t been bad but it’s a lot of work to keep this place running. I’m also in the midst of taking an extra long lunch as I type this, don’t tell anyone! After work I need to pick up some spray paint for a large cardboard “2” and “1” for props for prom photos, later to be painted green and gold and used as decorations at the boyfriend’s grad party. I’m off the weekend, which I’m desperately ready for. Plans include seeing the kids in their formalwear and making sure everything is ready for Friday, and the rest is up in the air. My hubby is on call this weekend and likes to stay close to his phone in case he’s needed so I don’t think we’ll be up to much, even though Sunday is our anniversary. I’m picking up a strawberry pie from a local chain, something they only have in the summer and it is a family favorite. I’d love to get some Chinese takeout too but we’ll see. I’m flexible. Just need to survive a few more hours tonight. JoAnn

    1. I remeber the fun and busyness of this time of year for families with schoolage kids and high schoolers. I feel so bad so much was missed and happy some things are resuming. Good luck with your colleagues coming back.

  5. It sounds like you've had a good and productive week. Glad to see your hostas are coming up! Celie

    1. It's truly been almost normal! I feel giddy about my hostas.

  6. Wow! Your life has been a whirlwind! Pace We have not eaten in a restaurant since December 2019, I think. Maybe it was February 2020. Once I got over my two week funk about cancellations and restrictions, I have been okay. I agreed with all we have had to do, but at first I was sad and grumpy sometimes.

    It is too bad people have to be snarky to others. I am quite sure that I will face backlash from Tommy's church since they have been meeting for many months.

    That was a great survey you did. My largest was $200 for being on a mock jury.

    1. It's been since October but we ate outside. $200 is a nice perk.

  7. Oh, a restaurant meal! I am so envious, but I am not ready to go to one yet. We are going to start by doing some al fresco dining before the nights are oppressive.
    I don't think there is anything geeky about the excitement of seeing new growth. We are having to mow the lawn weekly now, so we are well on our way to summer flora and fauna. My hostas are fully out and look like they need to be split, plus we are hoping to open the pool either this weekend or later in the week. All the little wormy looking oak tree squiggles are through falling and the pollen is substantially down now.
    How is your daughter's house hunt going?

    1. No luck with the house hunting. If she had interest in town houses, she'd have lots of options, but not at all what she wants. I was a bit anxious but with our own practises, I felt safe enough.

  8. I'm feeling rather lazy this morning- I have vegetables to prep (zucchini, cauliflower and Poblano peppers) and am thinking I'll do that this afternoon and serve for dinner instead of lunch and dinner. I never cared much for going to restaurants before Covid so in no hurry here- I don't mind going with a group for the social aspect, but I find most restaurant food mediocre. That's just me though! I doubt if pre- Covid I ate out over 6 times a year unless traveling and stopping at a drive through. GS will be home soon and I have a lot of chores for him- I pay well though LOL. Monday I'm resuming home visits with my clients- it should be a nice homecoming. Some don't talk on the phone at all so it will be nice to reconnect. I'm hoping to get a little motivation here and do something besides watch TV or read. HELP heehee.

    1. I'm just so sick if cooking and decisions so restaurants are a nice break. I had a long call with a friend last night
      Such a nice connection.


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