Wednesday, July 21, 2021

My Wednesday Pantry-What We've Been Eating

      I haven't done a My Wednesday  Pantry in quite a while-mostly because my blogging had taken a sporadic turn, and also I didn't feel anything interesting was gracing our tables. That might still be the case, but thought I'd recap and perhaps insert a  recipe or rather a process, for some of our meals. First, I'll start with some of the products that have been used. I know many of you don't use convenience foods or bottled jar and sauces, but for those readers that are time and culinary talent restricted, these might be as helpful to you as the were for me. 

  • General Tso Asian Sauce-bought at Aldi. We love this stuff for stir fry and then with the addition of noodles, makes a tasty and easy lo mein. 
  • Tika Masala Sauce-Another Aldi find that I'll use when I don't make an vegan curry.
  • Bruschetta-bought at Trader Joe's and used to top bread for our "girls dinner" or as part of topping or  base for pizza.
  • Ranch and Italian Dressing packets-I bought mine at Aldi as the are so inexpensive there, but they are in any store I would assume. 
  • Artichoke  pieces in oil-I usually buy at Trader Joe's, but can be bought anywhere presumably.
  • "Cream of" soups-yes, I buy them! They help me throw meals together quickly, but you could just substitute a white béchamel sauce with your choice of herbs and spices.
     I have benefitted over the last few weeks with some surplus food from my daughters work-food that was destined for disposal. Those of you that are regular readers know I abhor food waste. It literally gives me a sick feeling when I discover food that was perfectly fine and wonderful get tossed in the garbage because I did not plan properly. Food insecurity is real in this country and around the world. I feel we have a responsibility to make sure we don't contribute to the glut of waste. The other part of the  last produce, was it came "wild"  with no packaging and wrappers. Not adding to the landfills while eating  healthily was definitely another win to my pantry. Here's a few meals.

Spinach Artichoke Pasta: Basically, I sautéed spinach in a bit of butter, added cream of chicken soup, 1/3 jar of rough chopped artichokes, 1 cup milk, 1/2 cup parmesan cheese, and healthy  shakes of garlic powder, onion powder, and ground pepper. I added 8 ounces of cooked, this time of penne pasta, and simmered to get the noodles are lovely coated. My daughter loved this as it was a close enough copy of a pasta from Applebee's no longer on their menu. O think I also added some leftover chicken, diced small, but not sure. 

Veggie Tika Masala: Basically  cooked vegetables to almost soft, add the jar of sauce, and I also the fill the jar half full and add a couple heaping teaspoons more of curry powder, and let it all simmer for  a good 20-30 minutes. Served over rice and naan, and it was delicious. My daughter took to work on both Monday and Tuesday, and I'll finish off the rest today. 

Veggie Lo Mein: I sautéed an onion,  cup and 1/2  small cut carrots, two stalks of celery, 1/4 of the head of cabbage, and part of a crown of broccoli. once softened, I added  a heaping teaspoon of ginger and probably 1/4 cup of so sauce, stirred it all around then added 1/4 bottle of the General Tso sauce. Prior, I had made  6 ounces of spaghetti noodles and set aside. I then added that to the veggies with another 1/4 bottle of the sauce, and  there was my cop cat Panda Express style lo mein.  We all ate Monday night, I ate for lunch yesterday, and DD2 took the last today. 

Roasted Vegetables and Chicken Sandwiches-You all know how t roasted vegetables! DH had this instead of curry. I made him a chicken sandwich to go with it, on toasted bun with bacon cheddar cheese. 

     I have odds and ends now left and did a  top off shop yesterday. DD wants  stroganoff so I bought mushrooms and cream of mushroom soup. There's leftover chicken and roasted vegetables so I thought I might turn them into a chicken pot pie or chicken and dumpling sort of meal to use up tonight. Friday perhaps homemade pizza using up the spinach and some peppers. I'm at $288 for the month in H&G, H&B spending with 11 days left in the month, but several meals in the pipeline already. It's a good thing this is turning out to be a low spend month since we've splurged on a bit of take out, happy hours, and lunch out. Does anything sound good to you? 


  1. We too are on the no waste train. My chickens get what little we throw away and daughter and I are still going to that food bank once a month at closing to keep any thing that may go to a land fill. It is mostly produce, and legumes.

    1. I think we just had an ordinance pass to allow city chickens. I do not know anyone with them, but I'll find out and share.

  2. The spinach artichoke pasta sounds like a winner. Is the General Tso’s sauce spicy? Half of us love heat and the other half don’t so I’ve been hesitant to try it. We’ve still been doing sporadic, small shops and using up what’s on hand. Husband bought a boatload of produce and some of our favorites are in season right now. Have you ever had a Chambersburg Peach? They are THE best. And he got these super sweet huge white onions, huge head of cabbage, corn and tons of cucumbers. I cut the cukes in half, scoop out the seeds to make a hollow, fill with cream cheese and the top with everything bagel seasoning. So good! JoAnn

    1. I don't think the sauce is spicy-has a spiciness to it, but not hot if that makes sense. I love Everything bagel seasoning on produce.

  3. I am impressed with your meals and using all the excess produce your daughter is getting. It's a big and delicious financial win!

    1. It's starting to feel like a chore, but I'll get it in hand.

  4. Mmm, that all sounds so tasty! I tend not to cook things with cream sauces as my husband is lactose-intolerant and they are generally too high in fat/salt for my daily intake. Your curry sounds fantastic.

    Did you know that I did not know that you could roast veggies until about 8 years ago? True! I grew up with all veggies boiled (until colourless and mushy!). But once I learned how to do it, all of my veggies get the roast treatment!

    Have a great week, Sam! I'm so impressed at your food budgeting - I always overspend.

    1. I've made vegan versions of similar foods using nut or oat milk with good success. Roasted and grilled vegetables are so tasty.

  5. I can't stand the thought of wasting food either. I am sure to always use everything up one way or another. The spinach artichoke pasta sounds fantastic, but really they all sound pretty darn good. :)

    1. I eat that dish in moderation. Yes, loaded with veg, but also fat and carbs. It is good.

  6. All of your recipes look delicious. I will try the spinach artichoke pasta soon, as I have all the ingredients. I've wondered about the General Tao sauce from Aldi, you've mentioned it before. I'll have to venture in sometime. I'd stopped going to Aldi at start of the pandemic, it doesn't open until 9 here and then is always so crowded. I want my grocery shopping done by 7 am! Good for you not wasting food. I try hard not to as well. Celie

    1. I find Aldi early afternoon on week days (if that works-rarly) or post after work shop-like 6:15. I don't get the crowds at those times. We like the suace and it is nice to have on hand for an easy meal.

  7. "I abhor food waste." Well, in my school district, ALL kids were given free lunches this past year, no financial data needed. My neighbor would take her kids to pick up the food during the pick up time for something to do during the day. Some of the food was not that which her kids would eat/could really prepare on their own... off brand mac-n-cheese boxes, cans of baked beans, bags of uncooked rice pre-portioned in one cup baggies. (Yes, really.) She was getting ready to toss the rice when I stopped her and made her give it to me for risotto. I shamelessly took the beans and mac-n-cheese as well. The latter is pretty bland, but the teens will doctor it with herbs and spices. I agree, food waste is abhorrent.
    My meals lately have been...interesting. Tonight is breaded, seasoned chicken breasts (pre-made, frozen, and cheap) with cole slaw and a can of the aforementioned beans. Still working on eating down the freezer and pantry. As for using convenience foods...I am bold, perhaps too bold, in offering alternatives to people who profess either financial or health issues, but, in all honesty, I use a lot, that is a LOT of certain items. Moreover, I sometimes wish I could tell, with impunity, the Bento-box packing, organic scratch making crowd to go pound tar. You feed your family, I'll feed mine, and boa alimentacao'! I missed you in your absence.

    1. WE enjoyed peach margaritas made from a peach puree saved from the free lunch meals my sil's kids didn't like. She just tossed them in her freezer. No reason not to take the surplus if useable. I feel I pay this bounty forward when food shelves and lunches aren't as abundantly availble.

  8. What is your recipe for stroganoff with the cream of mushroom soup?

    1. Mushrooms and onions,soup, milk and sour cream. Not really a recipe. I serve over egg noodles.

    2. That's my tuna casserole recipe, poured over egg noodles, baked in a 350 degree oven. Kids like it much better than with grated cheese.

  9. Chicken Tikka Massala is the unofficial national dish of the UK! Did you know it was invented in a curry house in Glasgow in 1971 and is unheard of in India? x

    1. Never new that at all! That is pretty funny. Now is curry Indian-like on a menu in India?

    2. The word "curry" doesn't exist in India!

  10. Tommy is great at getting his lunch from leftovers, so little is wasted. He even keeps it all organized. We both grumble if anything gets pushed back and wasted.

  11. Your meals sound good!
    We like the Aldi Tika Masala for a quick meal too. When I have more time, I like making butter chicken, but sometimes it is nice to have a quick alternative.
    I'll check to see if our Aldi has the General Tso sauce. I do love to order it in restaurants, but I've never been able to find a good recipe to make at home. Thanks!

    1. When I make with canned tomatoes and yogurt, it is much better, but the jar is a go to now. The Gen Tso is much milder than the sauce in restaurants I find.

  12. I was disappointed to find no tikka masala in a jar at Uncle Albertsons. but I will make my own.


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