Friday, July 8, 2022

Friday Free for All- Am I Making the Most of Summer Edition

      Work was still overwhelming, but I decided to not let it be my problem alone. I must do better at delegating, without just passing the buck. I may have found a balance this week. Unless I'm texted, I'm staying off line today. It's Friday Free for All, nothing in particular to write about, and it appears to be a grand day ahead.

     There's still plenty of summer, but I feel like I'm letting it slip by without fully embracing all there is to do. Normally, the heat and humidity aren't a huge bother, but this year, it's zapping my energy and DH's more than usual. He pretty much stayed in bed most of yesterday, but drank and ate. His cough is horrible, deep and barking. Maybe it is just a cold, but I'm keeping alert. I was so saddened to read Martha's post at Seaside Simplicity, and her unexpected loss of her DH this spring. My DH will be hauled in to the doctor if he doesn't improve by Monday. His health might change the weekend, but hot and muggy that it might be, I'd still like to enjoy this weekend, now not sure what we'll do. 

Noise and NOISE 

     A few comments on why I don't wear ear plugs when I sleep at the cabin. The main reason is I hate the feeling of something in my ear, almost to the point I get dizzy. If I could sleep better with noise cancelling headphones, I would but I'm a tosser, back and forth, side to side. It's not steady noise that keeps me awake. It's staying asleep after repeated loud unexpected bolts of noise. This is how things are if you are on the lowest level at the lake house. The outdoor sounds come in, and the open/ close door slams, constant in and out of the lowered refrigerator for more beer ( right next to our bedroom) come in. Then there's the dining chairs on rollers above our bed that sounds like thunder. Lastly, the air conditioner is in the utility room, and you guessed it, next to our bed wall. We can't move the bed to another spot. My MIL likes a constant temperature, so turning it off isn't an option and when it kicks on, it's like a rocket taking off. 

     I just manage myself to keep the peace. I limit overnights to a single night or when few others are there and it's calmer. Last weekend, DH decided to join them late at the fire both Saturday and Sunday, disrupting his home sleep schedule, thus mine. I'm nipping that. Maybe that's where this cough started from, dampness and fire smoke inhalation.

Festival Crowds 

     I like the idea of community festivals and live music, carnivals and food vendors. That is, the Hallmark movie versions, where it's not dripping sweat hot, dirty, greasy food smelling, and walking practically shoulder to shoulder with an extra thousand people. In reality, I try and avoid our local one which is next weekend. I pick the events, if any, carefully. I like the craft fair, but they moved it down to the crowded space. I love, but don't need the food truck fare, but a bag of mini donuts or cheese curds to share won't derail all my good hopes. What's your take on local festivals in your community? I sound like an ogre when I say I dislike our town festival- the looks I get from the die hard festival goers. Now I like the summer movie and music by the river events, but couldn't lure anyone out with me last night.

Water Play 

     My true water play days are done. No battle of the raft, no tubing behind a boat, and even water volleyball may be limited. But I love a good float while the action goes on around me. I like a good swim still as well, burning calories, stretching my arms and legs muscles without pain. 

     DH has to take some time to do work at the little cabin. I'm going to test out ( connectivity) working from there this weekend on Sunday and I'll maybe tag along working the day, but ending with a good swim. One of my team members does this several weeks a summer and you'd never know she's on a 1/2 day vacation after work. 


     I have three siblings with summer birthdays. We still haven't properly celebrated. You all know I love a good happy hour especially on a fine weather day. Nudge me to make this happen! As my siblings and friends get older, I think celebrating their life is perhaps more important than when we're young. No days are promised, but definitely not after a certain age. 

     I can't comment on Word Press Blogs by phone and it's been ages since using a computer. It's dying a painful death. But, I wanted to shout out Happy Birthday to one of my faves, Urspo on his birthday. He's a calm voice in the storms of the US. Even his lamenting blogs are still with reason. I truly hope his day was phenomenal, prizes or no prizes. I hope he ate cake. Here's one he can enjoy with no sugary guilt. 

     I did a slight bit better logging off work at a proper time this week. If it wasn't so sticky and buggy, we'd eat outside more. Minimally I'm trying to enjoy both early coffee, and a quiet sit as the sun goes down either on my porch or deck. It's simple, but I like simple. What's on your Friday mind? 


  1. I am with you on the ear plugs or head phones. I can't stand anything in or on my ears.
    We have a few festivals that are nice here but I do not like crowds anymore or the traffic to find a parking place. I guess I'm getting picky in my old age as these things never used to bother me.
    Have a great Friday Sam!!

    1. The idea of all the fun and community is great, but it's always the hottest weekend of summer.

  2. Oh, I hadn't read about Martha's husband. Thanks for posting. How sad.

    I'm trying to combine being productive with also relaxing & enjoying the sun. Waiting for Sam to test negative, and then perhaps we will take him out this weekend (likely still outside, just to be cautious), maybe kayaking or SUP.

    1. I'm glad Sam's now able to be out and about. Quarantine on beautiful days stinks.

  3. Oh those darn Hallmark movies. They have a way of making us forget reality sometimes. That’s why I love them! My hot take-no strollers allowed. I found that to be the bulk of the problem at the arts festival I just went to. Don’t get me started on double wide strollers either. Might as well be driving a steam roller. I know, I sound awful. Our mini vacation was quite nice and covered a lot of summer feels for me. We have a few days off next week and are deciding if we want to take a beach trip or not. DD and I also started a list of things we want to do before she leaves for school, including brunch at a cute place and our plans for Monday are to buy floats at Five Below where they will fill them with air for free and head to a state park to float around for a few hours. Fun fact, i didn’t learn how to swim until much later in life and was always afraid of water but now I love it. We didn’t open our pool this year for a few reasons and I miss it so much. I’m meant to be the stereotypical mom in a bathing suit and cover up, flip flops, sunglasses, drink in hand kind of lady. Hope DH feels better soon, lots of stuff going around this summer. I woke up with a pounding headache. Maybe because I only had one cup of coffee yesterday, maybe stress about my district manager coming today, maybe something else. I could easily go back to bed for the day but no such luck for me. JoAnn

    1. I got ran over by an electric cart at a craft show once. Not just bumped but knocked backwards, then she ran over my foot. My mom never swam, so made sure we all could early.

  4. I could not sleep with headphones. Maybe I could with ear plugs but I have never tried so who knows.
    I tried to go outside this morning for my coffee on the porch, but it was already in the 80's and very humid, so I just sat inside by the window. I wish I liked iced coffee because maybe that would work outside in hot weather.
    As for the rest of the summer, I am content to not worry about my productivity too much, opting to swim as much as possible.

    1. I've still got to have my morning coffee so suffer in the heat, lol, for it. You have your priorities right- swim when so hot. That's what the pool is for.

  5. That is sad about your friend losing her husband. Scary as it could happen to any of us. Hubs got pneumonia one year while fighting forest fire, so you might be right about the smoke. I would make him go to the doctor. Men can be so stubborn. Have a nice weekend.

    1. She's a lovely blogger and I feel so sad for her family. Health can't be taken for granted.

  6. I have slowed down on the waterplay, which was never a biggie for me, slowed down to a full stop on festivals, and will never be able to bear noise at night.

    The sun hurts my skin like I have hot metal on me, so I just have to be covered up. Even in the car I have a cloth to protect me from the sun's rays. I liked festivals and could walk forever, but that has ended. When I was a vendor at festivals, everyone hated a stroller because with a six-foot table, a stroller, a parent or two and siblings, the whole booth was obstructed.

    Noise that booms or starts and stops bothers me. Once, at a motel, my room was near the ice machine, the stairs/elevator, and seemed t be on the way to anywhere in the motel.

    Earplugs would cause congestion in my ears, and also make my ears itch and hurt. Once I go to sleep, I am like a log all night. I even sleep with a black sock over my eyes! It is there when I awake and I often think it is still Of course, if I am awakened with a loud noise, I am rolling about.

    Night air and smoke would cause me a problem, too. For cough I put Vicks Vaporub on my soles and put on socks. I also take guaifenisen (sp?). It is a generic of original Mucinex. But, don't get the Mucinex DM or anything but the one ingredient. Actually, you can find the one ingredient, guaifenesin in a generic otc, cheaper and just as effective.

    1. It would be hard to have so many things bother my health as you do. I'm sorry. DH is on the mend.

  7. I used to have to wear ear plugs when I was married as my husband made so much noise. I hated wearing them but even with them in, the bedroom door shut, him downstairs and listening to his music under earphones I could STILL hear the music he was listening too. No wonder he's deaf! Don't need them any more of course and it's bliss. And I hope hubbie feels better soon!

    1. I have mean rules- if your stuff is heard when my bedroom door is closed it's too loud! I had to crack down on my son when he was home. DH is better, but still has a residual cough

  8. I get odd looks from people when I tell them I won't go to anything with "fest" in the title! I just can't handle the crowds - even before the pandemic. I'm going to an outdoor concert on Sunday, and I'm very anxious about how crowded it will be. I totally plan on wearing a mask! Have a good weekend, Sam!

    1. I'd like festivals without all the people. I hope you enjoy the concert.

  9. Ironically, one ad that popped up while I was reading this was for Boze Sleepbuds, for a good night sleep! I wonder what they play, white noise or soft music? I hope your DH feels better soon.

    1. The Internet hears! Not investing in them but I bet they're quality.

  10. Heavens! I am late to my own party! Thank you for the mention; you are a dear.

    I too dislike earplugs. I've learned though to use headphones to listen to something other than the noise that is keeping me from sleeping.

    1. I hope your day was grand! I toss too much and surely would break the ear phones.


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