Thursday, July 7, 2022

Thrifty Thursday- Simplicity


     I've not been in a peaceful state of mind and trying to figure that out. It was good to have three days off, one of which was a holiday so no one was filling my in box with emails like last week. In some moments of rest, I started to think about my current stress load and the why. Yes, it's work related, and I need to try harder to keep that compartmentalized at work. But I hit on, through my pondering, that much of my stress is in mentally comparing or trying to keep up with what other people have going on in their lives or what I feel is expected of me. Time to time this needless energy zap creeps in. What I most nothing. I need simplicity. I need calm. I need to not care that other people choose to load their personal calendars with things, then act so much virtuously busier than me. Let them have at it. I just need to inward look at what makes me happy and what suits my family best. 

     Thrift should never be about nothing but money. It should represent how I live my life in ways that are not wasteful, but also where time is invested in things that are productive, creative, restful, meaningful or just make us happy. Growing our savings helps reach that mindful independence sooner, so back to my old mantra on thrift. It's maximizing our time, resources, and money to simply live a life that's true to my values. Here's where that was applied this past week, though I wasn't as conscientious of it as I'd like going forward.

  • It ended up being a rainy 4th. DH and the girls went to a matinee of the Elvis movie, saving a few dollars a ticket. I used the time to do a little laundry, prepped dinner, and general tidy. Then, caught up with various blogs, vlogs on YouTube, and relaxed. It was good to truly take the day at my own pace.
  • Since DH spent an absolutely atrocious amount on groceries trying to help me out, I've vowed to make sure I use up what we have. Part of my Monday was refining the meal options into a more concrete plan. 
  • Uploaded Fetch receipts and played MS Rewards trivia. I'm getting closer to earning some bonus gift cards. 
  • It was terrific having my daughter's friend join us Sunday. Youth flies so fast and being able to spend time with our kids friends is a great opportunity with our time. 
  • My Aldi brownies and broccoli salad were winners at my sister's. They're such generous hosts, it's nice to find sides that people enjoy. The salads not cheap, but there's simple pleasure in having your potluck items enjoyed!
  • Also, I was generous, but budget conscious with what I brought to the lake cabin. Remember this is the place with the teens and young men with huge appetites. My nephew and his friend were thrilled with the old fashion hotdogs rather than the pork loin his dad made, and my niece was excited about watermelon. The inexpensive pasta salad went over well. The rice Krispy bars were devoured. Again, a simple pleasure to feel like my efforts are appreciated and enjoyed, but also I was budget frugal.
  • Free entertainment this week was Stranger Things, tennis, and taking pup to the river. I also had a Mike's at home on the deck. Tonight's another concert downtown and even if no one else wants to go, I'm planning to.
  • We used a $5 coupon for dinner out last Friday. DH also used a $5 coupon on the expensive shop, which helped. These were from one of the highschool "deal card" fundraiser last summer. They expire at the end of the month but we'll likely be sold a new one. 
  • I splurged, but had fun, meeting friends for Trivia last night. It's been a busy summer for one with their sons graduation. We finished 2nd so have $20 towards our next tab. I've missed being out with friends.
     That's where I think I made good use of time, resources, and money. DH has been coughing up a storm all night. I'm pulling out the Covid tests and hoping he's negative. I'm supposed to go to the office to find and scan files, but not if he's exposed me. Fingers crossed. How was your week in thrift?

Edit: His test was negative. It's a bad bark but I've got soothing tea, honey, and lemon. We still have Musinex from DD2's bought in late spring. I will mask up regardless, and I'll have him use the other test in the box Saturday to be sure.


  1. Hope DH feels better, and continues to test negative! I'm testing Sam again today, and hoping he's negative. I know we'd all like for him to be out of quarantine!

    This week was nowhere near frugal. The unexpected drive to my parents house was incredibly expensive, thanks to the cost of gas, plus a hotel. I did use some points to offset part of the hotel stay. The majority of my frugality was in the kitchen. I used up a ton of fridge & garden ingredients, and just made the most of a lot of what we had on hand. I stress cook/bake, so made the most of M's driving days to declutter & cook. Which, I suppose was frugal.

    1. Hopefully Sam still could be outside or swim. Being isolated is not fun. Using your garden stuff helps a bit. I guess you got an enexpected full day to yourself.

  2. Hope DH is feeling better soon.
    I hope you're able to keep the stress at bay. Sometimes it is difficult.

    1. He doesn't sound better. He slept a lot yesterday. I'm trying on the stress front.

  3. . I need to not care that other people choose to load their personal calendars with things, then act so much virtuously busier than me. Let them have at it. I just need to inward look at what makes me happy and what suits my family best.
    I tend to live by this. I learned to say "no" to a lot of things over the years. Did I sometimes feel that I missed out? Every so often, yes, but not enough to have made me change my lifestyle considerably.

    1. It's not so much feeling like I missed out, but that I'm " under performing" in life. I'd like to think I'm beholden to no one but myself, and I don't really change, just have bouts of this feeling.

  4. I have never bothered to fret about what others do or get accomplished. I was always the one pulling ahead on doing things. Other people were trying to keep up with me. But, I no longer lead the pack on accomplishments. I lag and I don't care most of the time!

    1. I don't care about accomplishments, more about feeling like I've just not used my life well enough- whatever that means.

  5. I am happy to see you carving out time that's just for you, Sam - that's often the hardest part for me, especially as I tend to put other people's need first, over my own.

    We watched Stranger Things too! What a wild ride those last two "movies" were! I loved Eddie's guitar solo (I was a big Metallica fan back in the day).

    As I didn't do a grocery shop over the long weekend (it's a "treat" I give myself, and forces me to use up some of the food in the house), I stopped at the grocery store on the way home from work twice. I've been working hard not to pick up "extras" - only the stuff on my list, or that is really cheap on sale. I managed not to slip any chocolate into my bag, go me!

    We're going to a music festival (just one day, just a few hours) this coming weekend - we've had it booked for months and months. I'm psyching myself up for the crowds, and trying to mentally prepare...

    1. I loved that part as well in Stranger Things- no spoilers. I am in process of my Friday post and talk about festival Crowds a touch. Good luck feeling comfortable there!

  6. I have a few friends - one in particular - who always seems to be bursting with energy. Like me she has two kids, worked full-time and had a stressful job, so it never did me any good to compare myself with her because she's always (happily) bouncing around in fifth gear. Then again, looking at it realistically, she didn't have my husband either, did she. Not sure how she would have faired married to that eejit!

    1. I try not to compare, just every so often think, "why are you being so lazy and get so little accomplished". I'm my worst critic.

  7. I don't concern myself or care that others have their schedules full one bit. Mostly I just say to myself, better them then me. If that's what's important to them, go for it. I have no need to "keep up" or appear that I am super busy. And I could care less what they think of me and my schedule, LOL.

    1. I wasn't explaining my feelings well. It's myself and what I feel I should accomplish, that gets me in these negative ruts. I feel like I should have accomplished more and wonder why I don't. Then, other days that feeling fades or is non-existent.

  8. Hope he doesn't have the crud. that is scary. Our kids used our house over the 4th because of the view for the fireworks. They left so much expensive food. AKA food I would never buy. As in fried pickle and ranch dressing dip. SO guess what this girl is having for lunch?

    1. Oh are they Costco party food shoppers? He's still barking upstairs. I slept in another room.

  9. I have a couple of friends who seem to compete for the most busy title. I just mosey along doing much less, not caring about any one else's schedule. Enjoy your time.

    1. I like my mom friends. We all equally say enough! No one ups the other with their lists.

  10. Fingers crossed for a negative test.
    I think it is perfectly fine to do nothing sometimes. I have been reading a lot this week and stuff does not get done while I am reading. I do the bare minimum to keep the house somewhat tidy, swim and read. It fits what I feel like doing at this time. When/if I feel more inspired later I will do more__maybe.

    1. I don't always get in these " under performing" critical bouts, but have this summer. A good book and being left alone for hours sounds great.


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