Saturday, August 26, 2017

Let's Have a Saturday Catch Up

The whirlwind of time continues; I feel like my tray above should say expresso to match the speed of life. The night of massive rain last night gave us all a good excuse to stay put, and just have a quiet evening. Dinner was Turkey meatloaf, biscuits, potatoes and green beans, with plenty of leftovers. I'll do a whole post, my boring accountability post, on where I am at with my $350 grocery and household challenge, but here's a preview. I have just $9.00 to reach Friday and a new month.There's a few caveats to this as well.

Feeling Good Friday post was deferred due to my carousing during the week and need to sleep, and then avoid traffic. The Minnesota State Fair has started and the weekday roads are chaos for over half my commute. As I usually post in fives, I'll do quick ones:
  1. I ate a lot of fruit and local vegetables and lean protein meals this week. There were a couple slips, but mostly good choices.
  2. I'm back on my water habit-two (refillable) bottles in work day, plus my bottle to and from on my commute. Every part of my body knows when I am dehydrated!
  3. I had quality time with friends and family.
  4. Even with the chaos filled commute, I am enjoying two weeks of free Sirius radio so get to listen to BBC World on route. Those that read me regularly know I am a proper Anglophile.
  5. I didn't gain any weight despite happy hours and weekend cocktails (must get focused again).
 My Saturday plans are simple-cleaning and laundry. The refrigerator and freezer need another review/cleaning. I am not positive about the food waste situation. I think there are things lurking in the back that were pushed aside for too long. If the weather cooperates, I'd like to get pup down to the river, camera in hand, after DH is home from work tonight, and cap off the evening with a bottle of wine on our own deck. There's extended family coming to the lake tomorrow. I bought a 12 count box of pre-made turkey burger, buns, grape tomatoes and cucumbers for a simple salad and will bake a pan of brownies for our lunch contribution. We'll just be going up tomorrow morning for the day rather than stay over as I'm trying to get caught up on the home front before DD2's last week of summer.

It's quite early, and I haven't had coffee yet. I can't tell yet what kind of day it will be, but it is a coffee kind of morning. I think I'll brew a pot, putter around the blog world for a while while laundry load one is started, and see what's happening in the world.If you are in Harvey's way, please stay safe.


  1. I always enjoy your updates
    Drink tea.

    1. First an ample amount of coffee, then tea takes me through the day. I appreciate you reading!

  2. Catch-up days are so important aren't they. Because of my long commute I get really tired by Friday evening, then do all my running around on Saturday so Sundays I love to take time to catch up on what's going on in the world over a few cups of tea. Gonna go out later for a ride but those precious slow hours are heaven. And now that the weather has slightly cooled off (although still hitting 30 degrees) I want to get back to exercising too. Can't take too much summer! Anna

    1. It rained pretty much all day and stayed coolish. I never got the river walk but slipped out between showers with my camera.

  3. Tea and puttering sound good to me I'm envious. I have a house full as it's bank holiday weekend here in the UK so lovejoys mother and brother plus three grandkids and daughter 2 all here from Friday to Tuesday roll on Tuesday afternoon my yoga practice has gone down the pan and it makes me cross lol

    1. I hope you at least have nice weather so people can be outside. That's a lot of people being inside bound.


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