Saturday, August 11, 2018

Forgot We Were Being Frugal

Blogging is fun and a good outlet for many of us. Most of who I follow are everyday folks, looking at how to maximize their life with the resources they have. There is no one right way, and certainly lots of wrong ways to get manage money and get in financial hot water. When that happens, the blog world is great for tips to correct, ides to save money, and just encouragement when the writer shares honest challenges to either saving or getting out of debt. I have very thick skin on this blog, but I also haven't had any trolling or negative comments. I'm too little for that. I want to share openly and feel bad for a few that have stopped blogging gin or have felt the need to go private. People, and you may know who I am talking about, get a grip with your cyber holier than though attitudes. Have some fun, participate, and if you disagree and feel a need to comment, do so with healthy disagreement that is not malicious. My rant is done.

About my title. Darn, going on this trip is not pushing me to be hyper frugal. Yesterday was DH's birthday. He has been working massive hours, but starting today, he is off until August 28th. He can't remember the last time he had more than a week off work. Well, DD1 and I took him out for supper last night. She wanted to pick up the check, but I grabbed it. She treated us to ice cream. It was very hot last night, but not humid so we walked by the river and ate the treats-quickly as the heat was melting the ice cream quickly. We didn't have drinks with dinner, but still, meal and treats were nearly $60. I thought we were being frugal?

My mother-in-law is coming along to the concert. Her birthday is while we are gone and while we will celebrate labor day weekend at the lake, DD2 will be pretty hungry, so it will be lunch out. My cousin who lives in the college town is coming to the concert. It would be rude to not invite her. Yep, frugal is out the window for a bit. 

These are choices and I'm fortunate to not be incurring debt by these expenses. Still, I'll look for simple ways to not blow the wad. In part to keep me from overfilling my suitcase with unneeded clothes, I'm hauling along a couple basics like coffee from Aldi's so we have some in the apartment. I had major sticker shock at the price of coffee in Paris. No, I won't be stopping by each morning after picking up my croissants and baguettes to buy a 4 Euro cup. I'm also going to pack a dry wild rice soup mix, something cheap and hearty. I mentioned the take along snacks to avoid the airport food yesterday. It would have been easy to just buy new SD cards for the cameras, but I spent an hour this morning transferring the pictures and videos onto a hard drive and reformatted the cards for my camera, DD2's camera. and the fake Go Pro. these are little things, but important to remember it is the little things, despite not always being frugal, that help make dreams possible. 


  1. So excited for you - the trip is almost here!

    1. And we started vacation weekend with an eye watering phenomenal state high school choir. DD1 is crashed right now, but will be ready for tomorrow.

  2. I think that for us "everyday-ers", money and frugality ebbs and flows. While I don't know specifically who you were referencing, I did have a few people come to mind with "holier than thou" attitudes.
    Have a great time enjoying your husband's time off and your trip to France! Taking the time to free up those SD cards is a huge return in money for the time it took! My oldest recently purchased some new SDs (her dime) and I was in sticker shock! Researching the coffee was a great idea too - and definitely something I would have overlooked in my vacation planning! Even when away, it's good to cut the little costs where it's possible and splurge on the important ones/memory makers right? =)

    1. I was thinking about CT Mom and Scarlett, both who seem to get ridiculous commenters. Ilona, Sluggy-several people seem to get uglies now and then, and I just do not get it! I'm sure there is coffee in the grocery stores, but we know we have a coffee maker at our disposal, and I like my coffee right away in the morning and certain flavors. Pictures will be our memory makers.

  3. Enjoy your trip and make wonderful memories. :) Being frugal in one area gives us opportunities to spend in other areas that are important to us. Travel is a wonderful thing to spend on.
    One thing I do when traveling by air is bring an empty, re-fillable water bottle that has a built in filter. I know it's another thing to pack, but it will save in airports as well as overseas.

    1. Water bottles on the list. Empty, and it might sound gross, but we can stuff socks, underwear etc and then no real extra room.

  4. No idea who you are talking about with the "holier than thou" attitude. Why do I miss all this blog drama? Regarding PF, I think most people, particularly those who have blogs like yours do the best they can with what they have...and that's why I read them. What grates on my nerves is those who blow money on things they claim are "needs" (Starbucks, cable, smartphones, school lunches, school yearbooks, brand name clothes for kids, multiple wide screen tv's, convenience foods, decorating their house, $1,000's on Christmas) all the while claiming that the cards are stacked against them financially. I don't know that there are bloggers like that, but I do know several people IRL who live on the financial edge, claim they are victims of a system, but are seemingly blind to their own choices. It goes both ways-- I used to hear (more when they were younger) from my kids what their classmate's parents' perceptions were of my SAHM lifestyle--you'd be amazed at the vitriol.

    In any case, for what it's worth, I don't think vacations were meant to be frugal. They are a choice, and you made a choice to be a bit more frugal this year to afford this trip of a lifetime with no regrets. HERE IT COMES! Enjoy. I can't wait to hear all about it.

    1. A dear blogger I really like responded (deleted the rant) about how dare she buy all the yellow sticker items, and how dare she use coupons/vouchers left in the cart by another shopper. It sounded very high and mighty. Yep, we are all responsible for our choices, and no whining will solve bad choices. The cards are stacked poorly for some, and we all do the best we can. I whine about the high cost of things, lament when we don't save more, but I own my choices and don't expect anyone to do the same, nor do I appreciate people telling me my choices are wrong because they didn't do it that way, unless I have asked for feedback-which in blog world, to me, is fair game as long as it is polite. That being said, my own coffee will be frugal, but also a safety net assuring I'll get a cup I like, and not break our vacation budget.

  5. Oh the trolls are out there, I just ignore them. Pack a jar of peanut butter, bread and butter is cheap.

  6. Good plans! I'm staying at an airbnb next week while visiting a sister and taking along my own coffee plus a couple of coolers full of food. I know we'll eat out a bit but we can have breakfast and lunch at the bnb for free (sort of). When I go overseas I pack trail mix and other snacks and usually only have to buy dinner. It really helps the bottom line!

    1. We'll have many splurges-aI see a few three course dinners on my horizon, but 4 Euro coffee to wake up is not a splurge I want.Enjoy your weekend-sounds lovely.

  7. I've never had a negative blog comment either. Can't be bothered to get into blog dramas. Life is too short and I deliberately set out to make my blog an oasis of silliness and usually lightheartedness. Arilx

    1. I love your blog posts and the history behind the places you visit, and the dancing. Yes, lighthearted sharing is a wonderful use of blogs.

  8. I hope this goes quite well and wonderful.

    1. Oh thank you! We sure hope to enjoy every moment.

  9. My post got lost in cyberspace somewhere....sigh. Basically is said don't stress over having FUN, that is why we are frugal and save, so we can enjoy life and it's experiences!!!! Sorry, the last one was better...I'm tired :)

    1. Not sttessing so far, but many plans have been improvised.

  10. The woman in question where I'm concerned, is a sanctimonious fool. Ironically I saw a comment she'd left elsewhere criticising people for being keyboard warriors! She seemed to take great pleasure in regurgitating the statute book at me, and when I told her I would carry on using discarded receipts she didn't like it. At that point her comments were sent into the ether. I'm not even doing anything illegal, and the store in question accepts them as long as the receipts aren't taken from a bin or from inside the store - though quite how they would monitor that I don't know.
    Like me, you make choices as to what is important to you, and like you I would forego expensive takeaway coffee ( I have never bought one!). If doing without stuff means that we can have a week in Cornwall, then we're more than happy to do so. Even though our week away in May didn't cost a fortune ( accommodation was £250, petrol was £100, we shopped on arrival and cooked for ourselves everyday, and had an occasional ice cream whilst there) we had a wonderful time, and the sacrifices made in order to pay cash for everything were worth it.
    I hope you all have the most amazing holiday that leaves you with wonderful memories. Travel safe my friend, and have some bread and a pastry for me xx

    1. She sounds like a real pill. I've had loads of both.

  11. If you can afford to do as you wish you should. If you were running up ccs that you couldn't payoff that is different but due to your saving and overall frugality you can spend when you wish - a fabulous thing!

    1. I also can't see the point of running up debt for meals out and vacations. We wouldn't have done this trip if money wasn't there.

  12. I hope no one trolled you! How rude!
    Have a wonderful trip. Make some memories!

    1. Not me but a couple other folks were treated quite harshly.


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