Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Keeping Anxiety in Check

For those waiting on more vacation recap=it will come. Our internet speed is molasses right now and uploading pictures is a bear. I've got work on my mind today anyway-not vacation mode at all. Three and 1/2 years into this job and I often still feel like a foreigner. There is so much inside lingo and decades of norms that I still don't get. It seems though, this has been the experience of many when they join the organization, and our upper management decided things could be different. I was put forward to be on a working group last winter with 11 others across divisions and position level to disrupt the status quo, and work on developing cultural norms and values that would better support our teams, thus better supporting our customers and clients. None of knew that nine months later we still would be taxed with this work, but as they say, Rome was not built overnight. Today and Thursday I am part of a sub team training all the managers and directors on the new Culture Values Framework, and they in turn will then have meetings with their teams. 

I'm not going to lie. I'm freaking out a it in side.  I used to training early childhood professionals, parent groups, coworkers for years in my old job, but I knew the content inside and out. This has been content built over the last year, changing frequently. This group though are going to be tough critics. Many never bought into this whole culture change work to begin with. Other think it should stay with our group and not have to impact them. Some will be supportive, having been in my shoes themselves walking into the same foreign land and not understanding the ins and outs of how people work or often are not working together. A few will be supportive-thankful it is not themselves having to do the training to the leadership group. 

I've still not mastered yoga or meditating, but I think I will prepare with 10 minutes in the work zen room before setting up the training. I'll hydrate fully, bring lots of tissues for this cold that seems to be building, and just go with the PowerPoint and the script our team has been rehearsing. Today I present with three introverts; Thursday, I have two colleagues that are outgoing and dynamic speakers. I'm glad I have the introvert group first-sort of ease into the flow. Wish me luck.


  1. I hope your presentation went well today and steels you for the more lively group. Change is hard but it happens all the time. Just understand the reluctance to change is not personal.

    1. It went, alright. My co-presenters really did a terrific job, which made my portion feel flat.

  2. Make time for a quick pause (meditation, deep breathing, etc), another pass through the content, & you've got this!

    1. In my portion, I had to lead an exercise in which the participants were supposed to bring an object. No one apparently read that in the meeting invitee so I had to have them visualize an object. Yeah, that was not ideal but it worked well enough.

  3. Glad it went okay Tuesday. You sound quite prepared, so I'm sure it will go well on Thursday. Good luck!

    1. I think it will go better having gone through it once already.

  4. good luck indeed.
    I hope to do something like what you propose.

    1. The calming before hand was useful. I'm trying to channel my inner zen.


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