Sunday, September 2, 2018

Universal Salad Dressing-In Time for Labor Day Parties

I through together a hybrid salad to bring to the lake. I over shopped and needed to clear some room and had two smallish chicken breasts. I was also in the mood for the broccoli, bacon, raisin salad, but I end up eating way too much of it myself. I ended up combining a knock off D'Amico and Son's Turkey Cherry salad recipe, with the broccoli salad and ended up with a new to me, delicious pasta salad  made from broccoli, craisins, dried bacon bits, sunflower seeds, chicken, and rainbow rotini. The binder to this all is what I can only describe as a universal dressing. I've included variation of this dressing before, but it just dawned on me today that I use this over and over, and it is always a hit, and ingredients for it are always on hand, plus, it is so versatile, my fridge, freezer, and pantry is sure to have stuff to combine to make a last minute side dish or hearty salad. 

2 TBLS sugar
2TBLS apple cider vinegar
1/2-3/4 cup mayonnaise
1 tsp pepper

Dissolve sugar in vinegar, add mayo and pepper, stir or shake until combined to a pourable consistency. Increase quantities proportionality to the food you are choosing to combine. 

In my salad today, I made batch one to coat the broccoli, bacon, sunflowers, and craisins. Then, when the past a was done and cooled, I stirred the pasta and chicken in with the other ingredients, and used a second recipe to combine all. I love pepper so probably used more than 1 tsp. Other combinations that I think are delicious are:

  • Spinach and strawberries with crumbled goat cheese-use as a salad dressing
  • Canned tuna, celery, and onion-sweeter sandwich spread, or as a cracker spread
  • Cucumbers, tomato, and onion-almost makes a pickle like salad (I marinate for hours to really let the onion flavor soak in as well)
  • Layered salad-use between layers of greens, assorted vegetables, and cheese-when serving, the dressing naturally coats
  • Cabbage-use in place of coleslaw dressing
I like that as a summer salad binder, it is lighter than just pure mayonnaise. A little goes a long way as a salad dressing, probably because of the vinegar. If you give this a try or have a variation you use, please share in your comments your combinations. 


  1. I do something very similar when I make coleslaw. As I can't stand mayonnaise, I use sour cream instead, and I add a tablespoon of orange juice.

    1. And I love mayo, but that sounds really good.

  2. It's a great way to use up bits and bobs isn't it!

    1. That's what this salad ended up being, and it was tasty and went over well.

  3. I never use a dressing for cole slaw. I plop in an egg sized spoon of Miracle Whip, tsp yellow mustard, several shakes of salt and pepper, tsp or more of sugar, tbsp. of vinegar over the sugar. Amounts depend on your taste.

    Since I am here alone, I don't make much in the way of variety. I would eat too much.

    1. That's a great idea for when we just have the three of us.

  4. Thanks for that dressing recipe - I'm always looking for new ideas. Thanks to Linda too - another one to try out.


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