Friday, May 10, 2019

Flowers in Bloom

My niece posted this picture yesterday morning of her deck in Duluth, Minnesota. They got nine inches overnight Wednesday to Thursday. We didn't get snow down here in the "south" but man was it cold yesterday. DD2 needed to scrape windows this morning. She and her friends have been into hammocking out at a rural park that has a wonderfully area that overlooks the river. They hang up their hammocks and just  hang out, doing homework this time of year. She said it was freeing cold trying to do this yesterday, but since it wasn't raining, they didn't want to waste the afternoon. Of course the snow pretty much melted wherever it fell as the warmer rains came and by Sunday we should have nice 60 degree plus weather again. 

It sounds like tomorrow might be iffy to be able to get the table and chairs painted, but I am going to give it a go if the rain holds off.  If I can get it done, and it dries and gets moved back in, my one request for Mother's Day, even if later in the week, is a bouquet of lowers for the table. I'm so sick of brown, and sludge, and grass fighting to come in. I want color and flowers in bloom. I picked up a bargain bouquet at the grocery store for DD2's final performance on Sunday Really though, as I knew  they would be put in the living room, they were for me to enjoy. Aren't they lovely? I know nothing about flowers, but the price was right and here, five days later and they still look fresh. I've decided I need more flowers in my life and while not frugal, a simple bouquet is a fairly inexpensive boost to my mind set. Perhaps I'll buy flowering plants, the annuals meant to be planted outdoors, but keep inside. 

While I wait for the appliances to come today, there are some jobs for me to get done. One of which is to finally dispose of a long dead plant in a Chinese like pot and put a new one in it's place. The high school plant sale is going on, so I'll see what they have and maybe also see if they have Mother's Day worthy plant for my MIL. I also need to get my pansies from Monday planted. I am not a gardener and I don't even pretend to like it. Flowers though, for such a little effort of picking up a small bundle and replanting in movable pots, I can handle.  Hopefully the little pops of color will be enough to kick spring into my home. 


  1. I totally get the therapeutic benefits of cut flowers. I am a sucker for thems in the house and buy them often. Like you I know there do not fit the frugal mode, but a 3 buck bouquet that lasts all week (sometimes 2 weeks depending on the flower) is the cheapest therapy around. Then in summer my zinnias and marigolds bloom and I cut them every few days for the house. Right now knockout roses are blooming like crazy. Even though they are not the best roses for cutting they provide fragrance and color in small bud vases.

    1. I wish I had more flowering trees and regret we didnt plant them. Hopefully mt potted flowers live.

  2. I love a bouquet of flowers. If I had unlimited money I would have flowers delivered every week from a florist.But I also love to plant and garden so that helps a bit.

    1. I won a contest once and gad a delivery a month for three months. It was a wonderful prize.

  3. I am not a gardener either - I just plant things and hope they survive lol. Snow, so glad we've seen the last except on the mountain top. I hope you get your table and chairs painted - it feels so good to get projects done.

    1. With the floors and appliances changed, the white table just won't look right. I think I should have some weather cooperation.

  4. I am not a gardener either.... I love flowers though to. My hubby surprised me this morning with a small bouquet of sunflowers, after what has been a very trying week.

    1. Sunflowers are one of my favorite flowers. My kids got me some last year.

  5. Fresh flowers do cheer me up too. Freesias are my favorite in the spring along with hyacinths and daffodils.

    1. I know the names of so few but love the colors of all.

  6. I bring in daffodils every year and must take them out because of my allergies. I got several beautiful silk flowers this spring and put them in the house for the hot pink color. I cannot bring in many flowers because of allergies. I like having flowers I can see through the windows.

    1. Allergies would be a hindrance. Seeing them when out and about is a spirit lift too.

  7. I love fresh flowers. M came home with tulips yesterday, in advance of Mother's Day. Our yard also has quite a few blooming flowers, and I love to be outside when the sun is out (even if it's not warm) & looking at the beautiful colors


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