Saturday, May 11, 2019

Saving Memories

I'm scouring old Facebook posts, looking through SD cards and MyPassport Drive to pull pictures to represent DD2's life. Her early years were still on 35 mm and prints stuck in the photo envelopes. This has been too much of an undertaking, and if she ends up with a few good picture boards, I hope she is happy. I truly though need to add to my summer "to do" list, organize our old photos. I did very well with all kids to about kindergarten, keeping in their photo books. Then things started getting out of sorts. If I ever lament about not having enough to keep me busy, someone can just point me to the boxes and drawers of photos that need organizing.

I never completed the photo book from our trip last summer and I'd like to get one from London as well. It would be terrific to have one of my kids with their grandparents and even great grandparents. I don't need loads of pictures from any, and the 5 by 7 books can take about 40 pictures, and with coupons, only end up being about $8. The price is well worth the ease of having life moments preserved to share. At my cousin's visitation, they displayed several of these photo books. My cousin was an avid traveler, and the books were not overloaded, but a terrific representation of his travels. I can imagine his daughters and grand children paging through and picturing J on his various holidays and adventures and feeling him with them again. 

My Mother-in-law spends days and up to weeks organizing scrap books from her trips. That is not my thing, but for her, she relives the experiences. I do like to page through them, though since it is not my trip, quickly. She would rather sit with people and walk them through-not something I really enjoy because I'm more a learn for myself, and ask questions if I have them sort of person. Still, for family photos and groupings of books, the family historians play a special role and I am glad she takes the time for some of her projects for my children. 

None of my kids really got the scrap booking bug either. With new social media and things like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, there isn't as much a need to save things in physical ways. Even invitations seem to be electronic, though I did both a Facebook event and mailed invitations, showing DD2 at kindergarten, middle school, and high school. I hope to get to organizing my photos  over the coming years and having our family memories readily accessible for a browse some rainy day or holiday evening. 


  1. I never got the scrapbooking bug. I have an entire hall closet filled with photo albums. They have moved with us and I have shifted them from one place to another. Last summer I went through all the loose photos that were in boxes and trashed pounds of them. Many were doubles. I'm so thankful for digital photos. I have many of them on CDs, especially vacations. They are in one box and easy to access. I would love to change the physical photos over to digital but it's a daunting task and some of them are literally stuck onto the photo album pages and can't be removed.

    1. Digital is great for personal use, but I'd never find what I'm looking for. I'm trying to organize those on the Passport.

  2. Congrats to your daughter! Big milestone to be sure. Wishing her all the best.

  3. Organising the photos is pretty boring but looking through the books is much nicer than staring at a screen. I've had the first couple of years of my blog printed and love reading through it.

    1. That's interesting to have the blogs printed.

  4. Your daughter looks so much like you! And, organizing my photos & making photo books is definitely on my sabbatical goal list!

    1. She does, but much more delicate features, petite. Good luck and if you find things that work pass along.

  5. I like scrapbooking in as much as I love paper crafting, but I don't do it often. I think it's fun to plan layouts for a special photo, and add embellishments, and have these in a physical scrapbook to thumb through later. I find sifting through photos mind numbingly boring though, especially if they are digital. Also, I never felt the need to document and share every minute of my kids' lives with photos/social media posts, so I don't have a lot of recent photos. With the exception of one son, my kids don't enjoy being followed around with a camera anyway.
    Your daughter is gorgeous. Congratulations.

    1. After losing so many family so young, pictures became more important to me. I admit I capture a lot but we enjoy the photos and I wish I had more of my younger two partucularly in middle and High school years.

  6. I can't scrap book in fact I don't like having my picture taken and I we rarely had a family photo taken. Do I regret this? Not really. IT was time and money I did not have.

    1. With cameras on phones we haven't had formal pictures in years. I like the casual better.

  7. DD2 is a beautiful young lady. I know she will be pleased with whatever happens.
    Not only am I not much for scrapbooking (like none at all) I figure a shoebox is as good a place as any for our old photos

    1. I have many shoebox organisers. She'll put the posters together her week off school.

  8. Aaahh your daughter is stunning! Beautiful young lady! But now you've made me feel guilty. I actually prefer my old photos in albums and every time my kids come over they drag out the old albums. That's why I made them each a Snapfish album (very blurry because they were photos of photos) for their birthdays last year. I REALLY want to get all the old photos into albums and you'd think now I'd have the time wouldn't you, but nah, here I am sitting on my backside again reading blogs!!!!!

    1. The scanners now do wonderful capturing old pictures. We made nice videos for my patents and sisters funeral.


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