Tuesday, May 7, 2019

May the 7th One Week Gone?

I blinked and a whole week has passed in May. I know there is some sort of brain science behind why time seems to go faster the older we get, but I feel like life is on super speed these days. Thank you for the lovely comments on the play-yet another whirlwind in my child's life. I finally got a book club post reminding of the book and the date we selected, and we are already meeting next week. Due to all the other women's schedules to plan book club, I'll need to miss Trivia next Wednesday and likely once per month. The week I had back to back commitments made for chaos, so I am OK with more home time one week a month. 

It is our Employee Appreciation week at work. Yesterday was both a kick-off breakfast hosted by the Executives. Our leadership team did note cards and plants for our team. It went over very well. Today is a light breakfast as part of our division meeting, and tomorrow we are hosting a taco bar. It will be a fairly stressful 8 weeks before the close of the business year, so I hope this perks people up. My new employee is doing a bit better-listening more, and has taken on a couple tasks. That will help with the work load for all. 

DD2 just got hired for a summer job as an assistant with the community ed summer k-4th grade day camp. She'll oversee a group of kids, help with the field trips and outings, and just generally make sure the kids have a fun time. It will be three full days a week and the pay is quite nice for a summer job. It's also the kind of job that she could be hired back for each summer if she wanted, so nice stability. She'll have her week off before graduation, and then the following week a training day, then will just work one days since her party is that Friday, but be then on a regular rotation the following week right up until she heads to college. 

We are in a bit of chaos, but the floors got in. The appliances come Friday and the door guy on Thursday. Then, I guess we are holding off on the deck replacement-just not enough time, but we'll try and make the yard look as best we can. The invites got in the mail yesterday morning for June 14th grad party so now we are truly committed! I hope you are enjoying your May so far and are able stop a few moments and try and smell the flowers.


  1. PICTURES PLEASE!!! (of the floors.) DS is not attending graduation--didn't even order a cap and gown. I am kind of relieved...I didn't want to go either. He certainly wouldn't want a party.

    1. When all done, I'll take a snapshot. I just feel overwhelmed now.

  2. Congrats on the renovations moving along, I understand that chaos (our carpets are going in next week or week after depending on when the manufacturer gets them to the island. You work life and home life are so busy - be sure to carve out some time for you! DD2's job sounds great, so nice when it dovetails with her plans.

    1. Not totally her plans as she is shying away for teaching now, but the activities will be great.

  3. It is small wonder your week went by in a wink - what a lot your are doing!

    1. We are all busy it seems and yet, we all try and find the blogging time.

  4. Good news about DD2's job!

    1. It will take some financial pressure off her school year so she has some spending money for her needs, and can be saving towards her goal of at least a semester study abroad.


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