Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Working Around the Edges

I don't know why I chose to add a daisy-maybe just in the mood for a little lightness and daisy's are so cheerful. My list of things at home and work feels like it is growing, but little is being marked off as fully complete. I did update the big white marker board on my office wall that tracks projects as I could completely stop tracking one of several. That felt good. At home, I'm trying to get jobs done around the edges of the chaos of the appliances and other kitchen gear being in wrong places. I know my Saturday plans is to spot clean the entire kitchen, and I'm crossing my fingers it will be nice weather and I can tackle the table project. Since we are not putting in new counters yet, I do have a wall paper border that might be usable as a temporary new back splash look to refresh a bit. I'm debating if it is worth the effort. I'll be ale to make a decision once the new appliances are in. 

I'm not doing a great job keeping up on regular housework-partially the working around the edges thing, and partially that I keep filling time with little tasks from the list of grad party tasks. Much involves pictures and moving them into a file folder to be printed. DD2 needs to make a Senior Poster, plus we'll have a few for the party. The Dollar Tree had paper products in her school colors so I stocked up before they sold out on table cloths, cups for lemonade and coffee, napkins, desert plates, a yard sign and a banner. I'll buy Chinet plates and not the flimsy ones in the school colors for the meal as they are the sturdiest for people carrying food. I need to pick those up, but will do so when I buy food, so the decorations are sort of sorted. If weekends can be spent getting the big projects done, I'll feel satisfied that I can do a major house clean and food prep the nights leading up to the party, and I'll be satisfied.

Work is another story as we have no inkling of what changes will be facing us come June. This means we need to prepare as if all stays the same, but have enough nimbleness to planning for the new fiscal year to switch courses in a matter of weeks. This happens to a certain extent every year, more so every other year, following the legislative cycle. This year though, some of the proposed changes are so drastically different, the implementation could be very chaotic. In the meantime we are updating manuals, and putting place holders where there might need to be quick edits. We are looking at forms and letters to see where changes might be needed and highlighting those places. 

I'm lucky though to have a good team and a supportive boss. Budgets are due today and that is another area that will be tight as I need to absorb another 3% of someone on a different team to my budget. It will work, as it has to. Meanwhile, I'll keep doing what I can, where there is a piece of time and a little extra adrenaline. How are you all doing on your May to do list? 


  1. This is a very busy time of year for you, I would be happy just to live through it:)

    1. It's busy, but I'm doing well not letting myself get overly stressed as some things I have no control over anyway.

  2. I always quite liked being really busy when I was at work - I'm organized and got a lot done under pressure. You're obviously the same BUT there does need to come a time when it slows down too doesn't there. You can't keep running at full speed constantly so I hope you get a break soon.

    1. I work better with timelines and deadlines-that is what makes the unknown so rocky as we can't plan for specific details. I'm thinking about how lovely my July should be!

  3. I'm in the absolute home stretch before my sabbatical. So, while crazy & nutty, knowing there's a clear end in sight has been beyond helpful for my stress levels & mental well being.

    1. I'm looking forward to reading about your time away from your job and how you balance your priorities and explore new possibilities.


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