Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Positively Tuesday Reboot

I had tried for a while to do  positive posts on Tuesday's, something to combat the blah's that Tuesday's have historically brought to my mood. With today being my last day off for a few weeks, and nothing specific on the calendar, I thought it would be a nice opportunity to reboot this blog feature. Here is where I think about the positive things that are going on, and not be such a grim reaper on the woes of life that can often bog me down. Let's face it-I am a very fortunate soul. My bad days are good days for others. My trials are minor blips on another persons radar. sure, my knee is acting up and my back feels like I just road cross country in the back of a dump truck. But I'm here and the sun is shining.

  1. My older kids, particularly my daughter, gave large quantities of their time and energy in helping DH and me out on Friday for set-up (DD1 for weeks she has helped) and then again on Saturday for clean-up. I am incredibly proud of the kind and fiving adults they have become.
  2. We have a tremendous community of family and friends that helped celebrate my daughters graduation.  `
  3. I'm appreciative of the help of deserts and loaner items that helped stretch the party budget a bit further.
  4. I'm happy for the leftovers-fruit that later today will be frozen for future smoothies, vegetables for grilling or stir fries or fajitas, and 20 pounds of Sloppy Joe's to have an impromptu get together in the future.
  5. I'm appreciative of safe and efficient airlines that got my son home to Minnesota and back to California. I'm equally appreciative that they safely landed with my daughter in Iceland so she can have a well deserved vacation and meet-up with a close friend. Airplanes will always be one of my favorite inventions.
  6. I'm so happy with my new appliances, particularly the stove. I made perfect poached eggs this morning as I try again to get back on a good an intentional eating plan.
  7. I have competent coworkers and a team that seem to be doing just fine without me. I received one text, which was an easy question and situation was resolved. 
  8. June in Minnesota is about as perfect as it can get. We have had a mix of rainy days with hot and buggy, but for the most part, at least a portion of each day has been glorious. 
  9. Coffee-brewed and waiting for me to pour a refill cup.
  10. Last, but not least, I am appreciative of DH. He worked his tail off, though procrastinated on several things that made the jobs end up being harder, but in the end, our good enough attitude got us through the weekend. Now we get to start planning how we might keep on with this momentum and continue to improve the care and appearance of our home.
I'm sure I have many more than 10 things to feel positive about this Tuesday. Other weeks, I won't ramble on for quite so long. It's your turn. What is particularly having you smile right now? What is your positively Tuesday moment?


  1. It is great to list things that you are thankful for, it helps you realize that we all too often think life is hard and really isn't. My kids call all my complaints first world problems. So happy you have these days of rest.

    1. I'm commenting out of order, but I realized I just responded to nothingness and feeling guilty. I need to add to this list, the luxury of just being able to be to live.

  2. it is nice to see what others are thankful for. Gives me a pause to reflect and realize how truly fortunate I am. (Though I had very little , if any, help while the band was staying here, I was able to have things done"enough")

    1. My kids party was definitely a "done enough". We had food, drink, laughs, and fun. I feel more confident in having people over just for a casual night, knowing it does not need to be great, just fun.

  3. That's a great list of thankfuls!! I need to make a list of mine some time soon.

    1. You have had so many changes and so much to deal with. Perhaps a calming cup of tea and a notepad will give you some peace and you can reflect on the joys of your family and life.

  4. Replies
    1. I need to keep this mindset ever present. Really now that I am back to work, with little down time during the week until August, I need to find the joy each day.

  5. Perfect poached eggs! Well you've definitely got one up on me there!

    1. It was a delicious breakfast-looked so pretty with the toast.

  6. I am happy it did not rain much today.

    1. We now could use a little rain. Good to see you back on the blogs.


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