Friday, January 10, 2020

Sam, Coffee, Money, & Thyme: A New Day

     Here's my lazy post for Friday, January 9th. I had a hard time staying awake last night-so tired at the end of the day. I tried watching TV, but fell asleep. Hours later, I woke up, then couldn't get back to sleep when it really was bed time. So of course, my mind is on overdrive. I started thinking about how different life is like from this year to last year, then form  10 years ago and 15 and so on. Yeah, I do that kind of self  torture. I'm reposting  my January 10 2019 post as it so illustrates the whirl wind of life a year ago. Now, I can fall asleep and it likely doesn't matter a bit. Who else reviews old posts from time to time? 

Sam, Coffee, Money, & Thyme: A New Day: My "To Do" list is growing each day. I'm starting to break down by month (and later will add week) all that needs to get done ...


  1. Oh poor you. I never fell asleep in front of the TV very often because I knew darn well I wouldn't sleep that night! And I occasionally look back over my blog but just for the memories I guess (well, I mean that is the idea isn't it). Your life seems so much calmer this year than last year already though eh!

    1. This was like 7:00 when I fell asleep-so not like me. I realized I didn't take my vitamin d nor melatonin the couple previous nights so I think I just did not have energy again. Life is calm, but dealing with sick dogs and husbands is wearing my patience.

  2. I look back over blog posts sometimes but it is usually just to find a recipe.
    Sorry for your lack of sleep last night.
    If I fall asleep in front of the TV even for as little as 45 minutes, I wake and then I can't get back to sleep for hours. Not fun!

    1. I think I got some decent sleep last night, so ready for Saturday. I look over your old posts for recipes as well.

  3. I do all the time, it really helps me reflect. I especially like the old posts about my mom, they make me laugh and cry.

    1. I wish blogging was a thing in my life when my parents were alive. I'll have to bequeath these to my kids.


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