Saturday, January 25, 2020

The Weekend This and That

     I'm borrowing my friend Anna's expression of "this and that" for the post today. If you don't yet read Random Thoughts, you are missing out on a really good story teller-nut in real life. Anna has great recollection of past events and experiences and weaves them into her daily life today. On my wish list is to travel to her part of France on the Swiss border and spend a day or more wandering markets and having coffee with her. I think you can male long distance friends via blogging, and over time, I'd like to make more of them real life friends. SO what's life in the fast lane like for me this weekend? Pretty darn slow, and I'm good with that.

DH had texted about going to a movie last night. By the time I got home, walked the dog, and cobbled leftovers for dinner, he was home. He looked tired, I felt tired, and we decided to postpone to tonight. He ends work an hour earlier plus doesn't need to get up early on Sunday, not that we'd make it a late night anyway. I think we are going to see 1917. The other night at trivia, we completely blew the sound round because we didn't know most of the Academy Award nominated best pictures from an image, and only got 5 of 9 right. This was one we did. We won't go out for dinner as I may want to splurge on popcorn, but I've got the stuff for a beef and noodle stir fry. I did my nodding off by 8:00 again last night, so good thing we postponed.

     I'm giving myself until 9:00 to be on the computer, then a good three hours for household stuff. I have to get to the post office and mail some things to DS. He has a December birthday and we gave him part of his gift separately form Christmas, and he had set it in a different place, and left it behind when packing. It is boring, but practical jeans, long sleeve tee, and socks, so he can use them all. He is very unparticular about brands, just likes soft shirts, boot cut jeans. I am a pretty good master of shopping, and I restock him as part of birthday and Christmas each year. He sort of rotates then between new jeans for going out or if he needs to be a bit smarter dressed for work, last years jeans for every day, and year before last years for work that is more dirty or hands on. Older than that probably have little life left in them. He is a true minimalist, but dresses appropriately for the need. The postage will probably be as much as I spent on the clothes! The socks were free as I got a third package of Hanes after buying underwear and t-shirts for DH. By early afternoon I should have the house tidy and a bit of laundry caught up. I'm debating driving to the far sides of the metro to see my great nephews hockey game. They live about two hours away, but are closer this weekend, but it still is a 90 minute rounds trip for me. I have until 1:00 to decide, and I'd still be home by late afternoon.

     Tomorrow we're getting together with my siblings and spouses for an impromptu January birthday lunch. Three have January birthdays. We exchange just light gifts and cards but when I am out and about tot he post office, I'll stop at dollar tree and Walmart for cards and candy, and another trinket or so. If DD2 was home, she'd have made cookies for my brother, her God father, as he has made him treats most years. I may do that as he likes his baked stuff. I'd do for my oldest sister as well if I end up deciding to that. My sister that is next older is also getting earrings, as I had wanted them as part of her Christmas gift (DH had her name) but didn't find ones I thought she would like. I since have. She's going on a cruise and had suggested a new pair or two of earrings would be nice. and I know her taste, and what was showing before Christmas was all too much or too teenager.

     DD1 is on her trip to New Zealand and has had a few Instagram story photos. I got a brief message via Facebook that both the other members of her group and the tour guide are really nice, and she is already amazed. I am too at the pictures. She thrives in a community setting, as long as she also can have some down time, so this young adult tour should fit her needs. DD2 added the on-auditioned orchestra to her schedule this semester. She likes to be busy, but when will have to see if this is too much of a stretch, though on paper, she has ample room. She also has started on an intramural basketball team for fun, on Thursday and Sunday nights. She's doing both a Saturday and Sunday shift in dining services, so five hours, so I think she has more than filled her plate. She spends so little money as most of her social life is campus activities that are free for students as part of student fees, so most of her earnings will keep adding to her savings towards study abroad. So there's a little catch up on my girls.

     And...that's the bulk of my weekend. I have some home admin to get caught up on, and would like to do some more writing. It's supposed to be a four day week, but I may need to work all week as there is a much going on and in another two weeks, the state legislature starts up again, and my work has added last minute expectations. What's the this and that in your world?


  1. Mostly I've been getting ready for another work week by cleaning, doing laundry, organizing, the usual stuff. It helps to keep the house running smoothly. Your daughter's trip to New Zealand sounds so great. Safe travels for her. :)

    1. My 9:00 self imposed deadline is here, so I need to get working as well, though I already started a laundry load. Yes, keeping things organized sure makes the week smoother.

  2. Oh aren't you a sweetheart! Hey, any time you want I'm here (as long as the French don't kick me out after Brexit next week)! When I went to Australia in 83 I had planned to go on to NZ after but ran out of time and money. I bet your daughter's having a blast, the lucky beggar!

    1. I'll meet you elsewhere if the French kick you out! She is spending a lot, but also being thrifty. Her added days she is staying in hostels, not hotels, and plans to find grocery stores and keep her eating out minimal.

  3. Safe travels to your DD2. I am sure she will come back with a ton of new experiences. I think traveling and seeing new things, meeting people from different cultures have a very positive impact on a person. I like your son's minimalist approach to clothes. I want to be like that.

    1. HE had a teen year or two when fashion mattered, but it was short lived. Part of his approach is a lack of budget for clothes, so he needs to take care of what he has. He frequently gets free t-shirts as part of work promotions, or as crew, and they become parts of his wardrobe.

  4. Sounds like a nice weekend. I'll be taking the kids to running club this morning, and then tomorrow they each have an activity (tutoring for Sam, a futsal game for Nick.) For myself, I need to get in a couple of workouts, clean the house & prep for next week. I leave on Tuesday for another trip.

    1. Your hosue is always on full calendar. I admire how you stay on top of everyone's needs, plus take time for yourself and working out.

  5. I will be painting and doing laundry and cooking and trying to get hubs to calm down.

    1. I did a lot of laundry-so many loads between sweaters, white, work clothes, towels. You'd think we have a houseful again.


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