Sunday, March 8, 2020

Work Travel and Wedding Week

     This week is crazy busy for me. DD2 goes back to school this week after her spring break week. I have to get her to her car pool meet up early afternoon. I'm helping DD1 figure out some budget planning as she starts thinking about becoming a home owner. I need to make sure DH has clean clothes for the week, and get my own work wardrobe sorted and packed for my business trip. I want to make sure he also has lunch food and easy to warm and eat dinners. DD1 is going to help with the dog so that is a huge relief.

     Today is focused on some meals for DH while I am away, the last laundry for all of us, and getting DD2 to her car pool meeting place. I'm going ot help DD1 with some paperwork and planning as schedules work. The original house she was eyeing was sold, but I went to another one with her. It was the same price point, a bit smaller and only one bathroom. The location is probably consdered better, though she liked the other location becasue it had a more natural setting, being by the woods and also walking distance to downtown. This one technically is as well, but a little farther. It's a contender but this is just the start of her search. She knows the type of home she wants and won't be pushed into settling for someone elses tastes. 

     I leave for the airport late afternoon tomorrow, but am planning on being in the office by 7 since I've been out and off line so much while DD2 has been home. I figure Monday night once checked in would be a good time to get  caught up with  e-mails, though I've never been to New Orleans when it hasn't been so miserable with heat and humidity that it feels wasted to at least not take a walk to the French quarter. I'm not back until after 8:00 Thursday night. The next morning, I'll go into work to take care of what has to be done, then head by 1:30 to pick up DD2 for the wedding on Saturday, getting us home Friday night hopefully by 10:30.  We looked at the bus schedule but the options were for her to miss class on Friday, which she can't as she has a presentation, or early Saturday. I would worry too much about something going wrong with the bus, a delay, and it still would take her nearly 6 hours to get to the depot, plus another 30 minutes to home after I pick her up. That would throw off all our day as we need to be to  the wedding venue by 3:30. It's just easier to go on Friday. 

     While definitely not  the best plan for time or money, peace of mind is well worth it. We haven't decided if Sunday I will drive her back, and stay for a concert-not her choir, but the one that has been travelling around the country, and then take my time getting home, or sending her back on a bus. I have points for a hotel stay that would bring it to under $40, so just staying and driving back Monday morning is an option, but the traffic the last 40 miles would be unbearable on a Monday morning, likely adding 30-40 minutes. I've just ruled that out in my head, so it will be a round trip in the same day if that is the option we choose. All this planning will be moot if Minnesota March weather decides to rear it's head-then she'll stay put.There is a possibility that a woman I am good aquaintences with who's son is in the major choir might be going up for the concert. While it might be awkward for DD2 since she doesn't know her well, saving  four hour drive if she can hitch a ride might be an option. 

     One change to the crazy week is we no longer need one of us to drive our older daughter to the airport next Sunday. She was supposed to be going to the South by Southwest Conference in Austen, Texas but learned on Friday the entire event was cancelled due to the Corona virus concerns. 242,000 people were expected for all or parts of the week. I'm disapointed for my daughter as I know she has wanted to attend for a few years now. I suppose because it is an international conference, the city just didn't think they could take the risk. 

     It seems like a lot to get the younger kid back and forth, but she is close to the cousin getting married. She was her confirmation mentor and has been like another big sister in many ways. DH is keeping out of the planning, but I know he has opinions that it is too much. Stick it, I say to his non verbalized thoughts. For his nieces wedding, we left on a Friday morning, had two nights hotel stay at peak season in a summer vacation town (cha ching), plus meals for four people outsdie of the wedding festivities. It's what it is, and some parts of life are just not convenient. After next weekend, life at home is pretty bland again, though work will stay busy. What craziness is going on in your life these days? 


  1. My goodness you've got an awful lot on your plate haven't you, but I agree, go for it. It would be so sad to miss out on something just because the effort required was considerable. And thinking about that conference being cancelled can you imagine how much money the town/city is losing by having a 242,000 person event cancelled. It boggles the mind!

    1. Life will mellow in a few weeks, so for now, I'll roll with the calendar. So many things are starting to cancel now. I wonder what life will be like in a month.

  2. Your week makes me really tired. Craziness? Dealing with a man who would not call a plumber to unclog the kitchen sink until it take three hours to drain six inches of water. THEN, he said I was the fault because of all the stuff I poured down the sink. NOT!

    1. Oh, he sounds like DH and the furnace! Yes, this week is crazy. I'm just getting to comments form Sunday.

  3. Yes that is a full plate - nothing I am doing matches it.
    I think I am glad of this. :-)

    1. Weddings and work travel rarely happen in the same months, but I've had a few strings of this the last few years.

  4. Have you looked into Amtrak, ( yes it is a miserable time but if your daughter can get a ride to the depot (taxi, friend, Uber ) it is very safe and comfortable. You can bring a blanket/pillow etc. she'd probably fall asleep and Amtrak coming into the cities area at around 7/8 am would give you plenty of time. I've used Amtrak several times.

    1. Yes, we looked but times don't work. We only used Amtrak for our son one time-and it was delayed by 12 hours!

  5. Wow that is a busy week! Just make sure you don't get too stressed. I rarely get sick but I've started taking a couple of teaspoonfuls of elderberry syrup daily to help keep my immune system in check. Also, i'm drinking tea which is not my beverage of choice. I haven't been to a wedding since my youngest got married 8 years ago in the San Francisco courthouse. Most of my cousins are 60 year old bachelors and my 4 nephews on my side of the family are all too young or don't even date. My friends' kids have long married and most are just starting to have grandkids.

    1. As I'm not in charge of anything, I'm not stressed, just busy. This particular meeting (2X a year) is very well planned and we are taken care of well. We work hard (two 12 hour days plus 1/2 day and travel). We seem to have at least a wedding every other year between friends and family. We are at that age I guess.

  6. You are busy. Nothing crazy here, just working along trying to stay caught up and my back is not cooperating.

    1. Take care, Kim. The plane was a bit rough, but I actually slept very well last night.


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