Saturday, December 12, 2020

Christmas Kitsch and Cards-Blogmas Day 12

      Some of my favorite Christmas kitsch are these three plush animatronic scenes. I  bought myself one a year, three years in a row, with birthday money from my mom and dad shortly after DD2 was born. I stopped buying after realizing they take up a lot of show space and thought three is enough to amuse a child and the child like, when they push the little button to play the music and activate the motion.

How cute is this! Penguin, puppy, and a
snowman on a sled? Delightful!

I shared I have an affinity for penguins and love this one!

I was going to stop at two, but when this was the
selection, I had to have a Peanuts version.

     I got my cards done, ordered, and they are ready to pick up. I decided to do a smattering of pictures from the year, and a little friendly note on the back-not really a Christmas letter, but more than just signing Merry Christmas. I did a little erasing for privacy, but I think you can get the idea. I only had one picture of DS from the last 366 days, him modeling his cabin t-shirt that  my MIL had made for all of us last Christmas, but it will work. 

A smattering of our life in 2020.

     I'll get them addressed and stamped tonight and tomorrow. Mail pick up is super early Monday morning, so for the local ones, they should still make it in plenty of time. The few I send internationally might be New Year's greetings. 

     Todays plans are cleaning, laundry, then treat making and more decorating-calling it quits tomorrow no matter what we put out. Then, I'll make a thermos of cinnamon spice tea, grab  some of those treats, and head to the drive through farm Christma display, that could be a log line so we will be prepared. I hope however you spend your day, it is a good one. 


  1. Your ornaments are cute. Would-Be-College-Boy has an affinity for penguins as well. For the past 3 years, we've gotten him a hand blown glass one from a local artist for Christmas, but, this year, with COVID-19, I wasn't able to do so.
    Happy Saturday.

  2. I love your animatronic scenes. Your cards came out nicely too. Have fun at the drive through farm Christmas display!

    1. I was happy with the cards-for what the year was like, there were still some smiles.

  3. The cards are fabulous! We don't send Christmas cards, but I love seeing those that others send out.

    I made pickled jalapenos & a stocking hat today, went for a walk & dropped something off at a friend's house.

    1. To be honest, I'd like to send fewer, but I guess this is the year seeing no one to send. We got many teats made, but not as far as I wanted.

  4. I believe no Christmas decoration job is complete until there is a bit of kitsch.
    "Cheap Christmas Trash" it is called. Good for you!

    1. I love these little guys though-not trash at all, but I do know your meaning.

  5. My daughter loves penguins. I bought one from plywood that had been painted and was on a barn in Ohio for the last 30 years. It lived on the tops of my cabinets. Nice card!

    1. I' trying to picture the penguin and am stumped-on a barn but now on your cupboards?

  6. That's a lovely Christmas card. Don't know why I didn't think to do something like that!

    1. I am happy with how it turned out. It also saves me signing though I'll need to addrrdd them all.


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