Sunday, January 31, 2021

Budget Challenge Week One Menu

      Interesting comments on yesterdays post about my uber low grocery budget challenge for February. It seems the consensus is it is doable-if I have a decently stocked pantry to start. I'd say I have a mediocre pantry, so yes, it will be tight, but anything to keep me mentally stimulated, even if  doing mathematical exercises in my brain on the cost per meal. Further mental gymnastics maybe then required to tweak to see if corners can be cut without sacrificing  my other guidelines of not being too carb heavy (well not more than usual), and ensuring adequate fruit and vegetables. As a refresh, I'm trying to keep my total household, grocery, health and beauty budget (H&G) to $350 for February. It is just me, my husband and our 25 pound dog, who's food is included in our budget. I typically eat leftovers for lunch and DH brings a a couple sandwiches, fruit, and granola bars for a snack. Take out and should we be brave and eat out (not likely yet), is in a separate  dining out and entertainment budget, but I'm trying to keep that to $100 for February. I'll start the planning below, even though today is still January. Here's what was planned last week. 

  • Sunday:  Spaghetti and meat/mushroom sauce, garlic bread using leftover hotdog buns
  • Monday:  Sloppy Joes, French fries or wedges (used up hamburger buns)
  • Tuesday: Tuna noodle hotdish and peas 
  • Wednesday: Chicken pot pie (store bought crust bought a few weeks ago on clearance)
  • Thursday: *Chili and grilled cheese sandwiches
  • Friday: Chicken fajitas, rice, black beans, corn 
  • Saturday: Pork Cottage pie

  • Reality:

  • Sunday:  Chicken pot pie 
  • Monday:  *Spaghetti and meat/mushroom sauce, garlic bread using leftover hotdog buns
  • Tuesday: *Sloppy Joes, French fries or wedges (used up hamburger buns)
  • Wednesday: Tuna noodle hotdish and peas 
  • Thursday: *Chili and grilled cheese sandwiches
  • Friday:+ Grilled Chicken fajitas, sweet potato wedges
  • Saturday: Pork Cottage pie

  • *Put enough in the freezer for second meal. 

         I have to share Friday's dinner. I had a sweet potato that needed to be used up, so instead of tridiagonal fajitas, I jumped on the TikTok/Taco Bell dupe band wagon. After sautéing onions, and the handful of mushrooms I had left, and sliced in two previously cooked chicken thighs, I divided onto three flour tortillas, with about 1/4 cup of cheddar and pepper jack cheese on each, folded them burrito style, and gilled them seam side down, then flipped, for grilled fajitas. Oh, boy were these delicious! A whole different meal feel with the same ingredients. I had sliced avocado and salsa with mine and DH had two grilled fajitas without either salsa or avocado, hence why I ate the whole darn thing. Healthy fats, right?.. 

         So what about  this week? I'm doing some maneuvering to see where some of the items I bought when my daughter were out and about yesterday fall in my budget such as Cider we got for next weekend. We drove farther than planned as the day was so beautiful and ended up at one of our favorite little towns, very touristy. Even though most businesses close seasonally in the dead of winter, the cidery/winery and the pie shop were open, so yeah, we stopped; we bought. I also got a few odds and ends at an Aldi on route that will be calculated in February, saving me going out before next Saturday when I'll do a big shop. The plan:

    • Sunday: Turkey meatballs in pepper jelly sauce, steamed carrots, rice pilaf
    • Monday: Baked chicken, pasta salad with grated carrots, onion, celery, peas, and cheese (this may end up being a warm pasta side instead-depends on mood!)
    • Tuesday: Pork loin with baked apples, steamed carrots, mashed potatoes
    • Wednesday: Rice hotdish with leftover pork, carrots, celery, and peas
    • Thursday: Chicken sliders on biscuits, French fries, baked beans (from freezer)
    • Friday: Goulash
    • Saturday: Ground beef enchiladas with rice(we'll see if these go over better with DH than the bean and cheese did), black bean and corn salsa

         Any night could be a leftover night if I'm getting too far ahead of what I can fit in the freezer or have for lunches. Veggies are getting  a little boring, but I have 2 pounds of carrots and a big bag of frozen peas to use up. I'll likely cook up eggs for egg salad for lunch variety and if I do, I might swap out any night for bean soup from the freezer with egg salad sandwiches if I just don't feel like cooking. What's your plan in the kitchen this week?


    1. I've given up on our budget for groceries with hubby buying everything. He just doesn't know/look at prices much. At least he is wonderful and does the shopping and a lot of cooking in this tough time and we can afford the extra

      1. Absolutely do what works for you! I'm doing this challenge for mental stimulation as much as budget boost. I'd be very loose with the budget if I wasn't the primary shopper and cook.

    2. I think you can do it! I love a good challenge.
      Before the pandemic, I averaged about $100/week for the four of us. But now it is closer to $500/month since I only shop one or two stores. We get a misfit box twice a month which adds $75 or so a month.
      My meal plans this week are lasagna x2, chicken fajitas with homemade salsa and guac, mongolian beef, taco soup, stir fry, pork loin, aldi chicken on bun (thanks for telling us about the Aldi red bag chicken). I'll have salads most days, and I made a batch of artisan bread. Lots of fruits and veggies in misfit box, esp broccoli and cauliflower which will work with salads, stir fry and mongolian beef.
      We can do it.

      1. I'd be trying to meal plan around the misfit box. A good produce challenge! I haven't bought the red bag since November but plan to with my Aldi run next week.

    3. I made chips (french fries) with some carrots and parsnips they were lovely.I used a fine grater and grated a tiny block of cheese over them. Tasty cheap and not a bit of junk food in sight. x

      1. Those do sound good. I don't even know if our stores have parsnips. I'll remember to look.

    4. Looks like you did really well staying on plan for last week. Friday's dinner looks great! Nice menu for this week too. I've been in the kitchen cooking most of the day to make this an easy week while I get started with my February challenge. My menu plan will go up tomorrow :)

      1. I know I'll be loadingy shop with veg next week. Variety this week is lean.

    5. I am doing a pantry challenge this month, buying just the fresh veggies, more eggs, almond milk and heavy cream.
      However__If I find a tremendous deal on meats , seafood, or chicken I am giving myself permission to stock up.

      1. I've liked your use it up/pantry posts and will be following. What are you going to make with the heavy cream?

    6. I have thawed ground beef and may make hamburger and chop up the rest for the freezer or put it in a jarred spaghetti sauce. The salad is almost gone, so tomatoes and Italian blend might be bought. Then, I have thawed ground pork that will probably just frozen. I am still searching for all the little pound rolls of sausage so we can have sausage balls one day, the Bisquick kind. Tonight, I have to put out a package of chicken thighs, about four pounds, and a package of breasts that will be part of the weeks meals. And, I need to bake a huge pan of sweet potatoes. Plus, I have a pecan pie planned. I am loose in my planning. I just have food in freezer, including lots of vegetables. We eat.

      1. My plan is already different, but I too need to get chicken out to thaw.

    7. For your husband's lunch, could you make instead of buy the granola bars? They are pretty quick & easy to make, and way cheaper.

      I'm planning to fast 2-3 days this week, which honestly, when my husband joins, definitely saves money. (We're very blessed & not doing it for $$$ reasons.)

      Tonight Nick is cooking mango chicken tacos (Hello Fresh) & I'm making a chicken yakisoba that looks like a great inexpensive budget filler recipe. If it turns out well, I'll share the recipe. We only order a double serving of Hello Fresh, so I always have a fill in dinner option as a backup. If we don't need it, we carry it forward to the following night

      1. I could probably make the granola bars, but because he'll stick them in his desk if he doesn't eat, while not the best, the shelf life is a consideration. I can't begin to tell you the number of pieces of fruit that sometimes sit for days and then are soft because he never ate. If I can get the deals and not be locked in, I'm going to do Hello Fresh for my daughters break, and then she can maybe bring back with her to cook in her kitchenette.

    8. I tried this recipe tonight, and really like it. And, it's very inexpensive to make.

      1. I have on my list to find the soba noodles (if I am saying it right) that have been recommended. I'll give this a try this month.

    9. I think I do well to only spend $50/month for the two of us. Maybe I am already doing your pantry challenge. One thing I will do is keep track of what is spending for stock up or for eating now.

      1. With you still getting a bit of produce and your well stocked freezer and pantry, you may do it.

    10. I love that you use hot dog buns up by making them a garlic type bread. I do the same thing. Way to roll.

      1. The old school lunch trick-Italian dunkers they called them!

    11. Your Friday dinner looks wonderful! I'm not much of a large stocker, so I'm never very successful on low spend on food months. I tried once,and ended up spending a lot more the next month rebuilding my pantry. Good luck with your goal. Celie


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