Friday, January 15, 2021

Friday W's Reboot

      I'm getting into a new routine as the week goes on, adjusting to be home with just the pup all day. With trying to get into a routine, I thought I'd pick up my Friday W's of life, or my life at least..  

What's top of mind: The political and social unrest and the strain on our nation gives me anxiety all the time no matter what I am doing. Just like 2020 stress was not behind us on January 1, I don't think inauguration day changes anything for the country. Unless people stop putting up with the bull of the extremist in any direction and start realizing no one lives on this earth alone, we are in for a rocky year. Too many fringe voices drown out common sense. Too many people making poor people, the weak, the vulnerable, people who  prioritize human rights over finances, the enemy. Too many people that want to excuse violence perpetrated as justifiable actions to be heard. Worse, bad actors creating havoc just to sow discourse. I'm trying to listen; I'm trying to be kind, but I am myself losing patience with idiots. 

I am thinking about-sometimes worrying, more and more about the financial side of life-the day to day cost of living, for my extended family, and my community. The reality that DH's income is on borrowed time keeps flaring up, so being nimble is required. I think we  will do fine, have ways to maneuver finances if worst comes to worse, but I want to get ourselves more prepared. I'll have more to say on this on Thrifty Thursday. 

Where I've been: My little more than three hour shopping excursion with my daughters and a stop at the C store have been my outings in the last week. The weather yesterday even kept me from a good walk with pup. DH went to the store and stocked us up on household items we needed, so that is done for at least a month. I saw a CNN advertisement for Stanley Tucci hosting a virtual trip to Italy. I think I might virtually go there if I can figure out when it is on. 

Where I'm going: On my jam packed (ha ha) weekend calendar, is an Aldi and Target trip. We truly have been eating down the pantry and freezer, so need a planful restock. I am returning items to Target for my daughter. I also have an Amazon return so may drop that off at Kohls since I'll be near by and needs to be returned by February 3rd. Maximizing these outings and saving gas will help put a few dollars and cents towards that budget reduction goal. With the bad weather, I moved my trip to the office to Tuesday from today and due to my calendar, I'll likely be there the entire day. I just got a  work/personal text from  my friend N. She wants to connect me with people in another state that want to do similar work to what I oversee. Plus, we just scheduled an outdoor walk for Tuesday on my way home from the office. Wonderful! There's an outdoor downtown  event on Saturday. Depending on weather and if any friends want to wander, I may go there. Sunday my daughter and I plan to go to a county park and take a walk -again weather  dependent, but even if a short walk, I think it is necessary. 

What I'm watching: I've not watched much since watching a movie with my daughter on Saturday night. Recommendations appreciated. Holby City and Casualty are back on BritBox so I did watch both of those shows this week. I think I am going ot cancel Acorn. I haven't watched anything on it for a while and that will save I believe $6 per month. 

What I'm reading: For my book club, I need to get a copy of We Were Liars. I picked up an old book, The Summer of the Osprey  by Elizabeth Ogilvie on Sunday and felt like I was visiting old friends. 

What I'm listening to:  I need to turn the news off during the day, but so much is interwoven with my job, it's hard to turn away. In the car we had just a main stream  station on-my youngest hates having public radio on in the car! 

What I'm eating: I've used up items form the freezer and we've had hamburgers, brats and Sloppy Joe's. Pantry items were dried Navy beans made into soup and baked beans and a pasta salad kit We'll finish the salad, but it tasted chalky. I have a package of fresh ravioli that is dated February 1, and we'll have with a green salad and garlic cheese bread made with the last two hot dog buns. I'm not sure what meals will be Saturday onward since the shop will give so many more options.

Who I'm paying attention to:  I hope my schedule works to see the inauguration live. I have for pretty much all the Presidential elections I can remember-even for President Trump and I've made no pretense of being no fan. It was part of history and I wanted to see the swearing in, as my obligation of living in a free society and holding all our elected officials accountable to the oaths they take. Of course I am also paying attention to the  Impeachment process. I have mixed thoughts on whether this was the right way to go, the right way to hold accountability for Trump's role in the insurrection.  We know he would never take any reasonability for anything  bad  that happens in the country-not in his DNA, but this is likely to create more hate and fuel more fires. That puts us all at risk. 

What I'm planning:  Am I planning anything? Somedays I feel like getting from morning to evening bed time is a great feat. Other days I feel like I am about to get motivated to complete good things. I'm going to take out the cribbage boar I got DH for Christmas and suggest we play a few hands Saturday night rather than just plop in front of the TV. Granted he has to work, and the might be football play off games, but we need to get out of the screen rut of the past two weeks.  With Monday a non-work day officially, though unofficially, I have some technical writing projects that need to be drafted. I'll watch the recorded program being hosted  in the state to celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I feel like I should start cutting up squares of fabric from old clothes I've set aside. That Crazy Quilt  won't get off the ground if I don't start something! 

     Monday, many more school districts in Minnesota will be transitioning back to in-person school for the youngest grades. This doesn't change my life too much, but I am hopeful it goes well and all school personnel and students stay healthy and safe. I'd like to get an update from my daughter on her first week back on campus. She has to take another Covid test today so would likely see results by Tuesday. Also, a couple of the non-profits and the campus library got back to her, so I'm not sure what she will be adding to her school schedule. 

      That's what  I'm experiencing and thinking about this Friday. What's the W's of your life this week? 


  1. I love Stanley Tucci and am looking forward to this. It comes on CNN Sunday February 14th. It's a 6 part series.

    1. I plan to watch-thank you for poitning out the start date.

  2. I think right now we can definitely have too much screen time - but given the current situation(s) it can be addictive. I think you're right to plan for maybe a reduction in your husband's income. Hopefully it won't happen but preparation is so important. And I know what you mean about quilts not making themselves. Heck I don't think I've touched my sewing machine since lockdown!

    1. It's more a sudden stop to his income if his store closes. He continues to be the top performer, so as long as it stays open, he should at least earn what he earned generally within his five year average. Three years is the goal, but February 10th he is officially 59 1/2 and could start drawing down from his retirement account without penalty. So if worse comes to worse, we tighten our budget to just my salary, but would have that as a fall back.

  3. The things going on in our country are just insane! I continue to binge watch news day and night. I just can't turn it off. So that's what's on my mind, what I'm watching and what I'm listening to. I've only made a quick trip to the grocery store and have no plans to go anywhere over the weekend or next week. I'll have my new menu plan up on Sunday as usual. I'm looking forward to seeing what your menu looks like after shopping. Have a great weekend Sam :)

    1. I'm almost happy for meetings because that forces me to turn off th enews, tv or radio! I've got UK soccer on right now-will miss that when the season is done as it has been a good back gorund noise on Saturday and Sunday mornings instead of news.

  4. I watched the Spongebob movie with my daughter last night. We both just needed some silly time and it was quite good actually. She’s old enough now to understand some of the humor laced in for adults. It just felt nice to go back to a simpler time! Also, hockey is back and I’m so pumped for it even if the Penguins stunk up the ice in the first game. I will not be watching the inauguration. I don’t even know when it is. Not that I don’t support Biden but I’d rather watch paint dry. I’m going nowhere but work, and my few staple stores. My sister-in-law asked if I wanted to go to the fancy bakery downtown with her and while that’s something I would have jumped on pre-covid, it was a easy pass from me today. The thought of riding in the car with another family makes my skin crawl! So I’m puttering around and cleaning. My newest project of sorts is using up the hoard of free samples I have around here and finishing up odds and ends of stuff-rinsing out lingering detergent bottles to get every drop, eating up cereal that got opened and forgotten about, using my stash of drive-thru sauces. I’m easily entertained these days. JoAnn

    1. yes! I'm happy hockey is back, though all along I've had mixed feelings about pro/college sports being placed on a higher pedestal than normal people for testing and tracing. I suppose like lal things money talks. I wore my MN Wild Sweatshirt yesterday as I was pumped from an OT win on Thursday night.

  5. My $.02 in impeachment - I weigh the potential for short term vs long term consequences, & think it should proceed based on the long term potential consequences. According to the most recent reports, we were 15 minutes away from a complete constitutional crisis, with violence against Pence. I'm no Pence fan, but there is no place for this in our society & there must be clear accountability to prevent this in our future. From top to bottom, accountability. To your point, it does increase the short term risk of violence, which is terrible. But, when people feel they can get away with this, it's a slippery slope to a complete government failure.

    1. Okay, i agree wholeheartedly with Hawaii Planner. Plus, it would set a precedent for him to get off free of blame. The next guy might just take it further.

      Have you seen The Glass Slipper?

    2. You both are where I am with the one side of my brain. I just don't think the Senate will get enough REpublican votes, and he really will end up with no penalty. I think he and his supporters look at impeachment as a big middle finger back at his detractors and not as the sahme it should be.

  6. I'm going to eat bean soup thanks to you. Planning on spending the night at daughters as her husband is gone for the week. Listening to the news, worrying about my son in law and the social unrest he has to deal with.

    1. I would have loved some big chunks of ham in my soup, but since my daughter likes it, I wanted her to enjoy with me. Hubs can take it or leave it.


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