Sunday, January 10, 2021

What's on the Menu-Week of January 10th


How fun is this free menu template!

     My daughter is on the road about 11:00, loaded with clean laundry, a few new  clothing items, and two bags of  treats and even some impromptu meal ingredients since she has a kitchenette on her floor.  During the fall, her saving grace with the  restricted places and activities, were the campus bikes that she and friends used all over the town, exploring  various parks. With those bikes put away probably until at least mid March, she wanted a different outlet. With Christmas money,  she bought a pair of halfway decent junior hockey skates. Her friends that returned on Friday were already out last night skating, so she will be able to join at the various free rinks. While she gets the last of her stuff organized, I'm going to run her car over to the free vacuums and fill up her tank.

     I spent a ton at Trader Joe's, but relatively little to stay at home as I indulged her a bit. We thoroughly enjoyed her birthday NothingBundt cake, and she'll bring the rest back to school. I'll really need to go grocery shopping as I never did this week when I thought I would, Here's what we had last week.

Sunday-Chicken wings, goulash
Monday-Mushroom stroganoff wit garlic cheese bread
Tuesday-Curry, or Apple Cheddar, sausage meatballs, rice
Wednesday-Tacos, rice, black beans
Thursday-Chicken cordon bleu, potatoes, stuffing
Friday-Take Out
Saturday- Mushroom ravioli

Possibilities for this week, subject to change based on whims and preferences. These are pretty much ingredients I have in house, other than buns, which I can just get at Kwik Trip. I may not want to leave the house by car again until next week. 

  • Cheddar, apple sausage balls (froze half last week),  rice pilaf, green beans
  • Penne pasta with red sauce, loaded with vegetables
  • Tuna noodle and cheese hotdish with peas
  • Chicken Alfredo over farfalle noodles
  • Cheddar brats, sweet potato wedges
  • Sloppy Joe's, pasta salad
  • Large Salad with haloumi and Turkey Pepperoni or popcorn shrimp (DH)
  • Frozen pizza and salad

It is a very  uninspiring  list of possibilities. If I feel an urge to grocery shop, this is all up for a do over. I know I will be in an empty nest funk for several days after having daily company again for seven weeks. I need though to get back to normal so attempting to have an idea of what the meals will be is a good diversion. Grocery budget wise, since we did so much use it up last week, even with the  blow out at TJ's and over half going back with the college kid, I've only spent $168. I wasn't setting a January Target, but I'm tracking and it looks like I could stay under $400 for the month, and under $500 with take out, including the  expensive cake, and including getting a bit restocked. How is your meal planning and budgeting coming along?.. 


  1. Wishing your daughter a safe trip back. Your meals sound good Sam. I have my menu plan for the week up. I'm still well stocked but will need to go on a run for fresh fruits and veggies early this week.

    1. She made it back safe and sound and I already mess her. Definitely by weeks end I won't be able to stretch out the meals any longer.

  2. Safe travels to your daughter! I work 10 hours today, so it’s every man, woman, and child for themselves. This week I’m making meatloaf, crockpot lasagna that was a huge hit last time, fish sticks and fries, soup of some sort and two meals tbd. I will need to shop for a few things including household items, breakfast and lunch stuff for DD who restarts hybrid learning this week and pet food. I’m hoping to go tomorrow but first I’m reluctantly going to my dad’s instead. He got a jury duty notice in the mail but in PA you can opt out if you are over 75, which he is. He asked me to fill it out for him and I’ll give him a quick haircut and give him his Christmas gifts. I will wear my mask the entire time and cut his hair outside to combat the closeness of it. It just irritates me that he stayed away from his family for every holiday but they want him and how many others to go to the court house. They should just remove you from the pool altogether when you’re older like that, he’s obviously in a sensitive group at his age and while I think he’s in good shape, a criminal trial would be overwhelming for him. It’s always something! JoAnn

    1. yesterday ended up being frozen pizza for DH-with tots for his lunch with popcorn shrimp. I ae popcorn for supper-feeling it today!

  3. You meals sound great. I know you will miss her after seven weeks, but that time was a gift to you.

    1. Yes-the extra nearly four weeks was a nice gift-thanks for the reminder to look at it that way.

  4. I think sending your daughter back with a few treats and things she can make for herself is one of the best gifts ever!
    Your meal option look really good!

    1. I learned they ate the rest of her Nothing Bundt Cake last night-so glad it was enjoyed.

  5. I'm sure your daughter really appreciated your cleaning out her car and filling it up. It's what mothers do isn't it!

    1. It didn't take that long-mostly cluttered, and I wanted no distractions while she was driving.

  6. Love that you were able to send your daughter back with treats & options, and the skates sound like a fantastic outlet for her.

    We're doing fine on menu planning, and avoiding waste, but are still spending *so much* at the store/Costco. I'm trying to consider this a season. Keto is very expensive, and my husband is doing it not by choice but due to multiple food allergies. One of the best protein options for him are nuts, and yesterday he bought $60 worth of nuts. That will hopefully last for 6-8 weeks. Not to mention all of the meat we go through. And, I have two growing teen boys. When I stress about it, it makes me grouchy, which makes my husband feel bad (he's the shopper, and the one with the food restrictions), so I've decided to ease up. If we're not wasting food, and not eating egregiously expensive stuff, I'm going with the flow more & focusing on other things. (This is what I tell myself, although I melted down a bit upon seeing the Costco receipt yesterday.)

    1. I remember the teen age boy years and there is no way to compromise. I was fortunate in that my son would eat just about anything, even with having his favorites. Peanut Butter sandwiches were a saving grace as he loved them, and the were a filing between meal inexpensive snack.

  7. spending a fortune at Trade Joes - this goes without saying here in AZ.

  8. It will be hard to get used to just your husband again. Kids are fun, but it is also nice to see them go. Painful either way. Now you can cook for just the two of you.

    1. It will take a bit of time to get used to the quiet-even though she wasn't loud, I will miss hearing her on her Zoom calls, and watching TV with her. Life moves forward.

  9. The skates sound like a great plan and great way to get out and be active. I'm sure it will seem quiet at home to you for awhile.


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