Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Positively Tuesday-Bling

     Thanks for all the lovely comments and the community building yesterday. I've got some simple pleasures that developed in just a short time below. What I should be clear about, while I am mentally drained at days end, I love what I do for work and I believe I am very good at it. It's a good paying job, but not a wealth maker, and definitely a "in service" job. Part of why I am so blasted busy is people trust me, and respect my work. They have confidence that putting me on a task, it will get done, and the people who work with me will put heads down until we make whatever needs to happen a success. To know your skills and abilities, and be using them for better community good is a blessing. So while I might whine with all of you on occasion, know I am mostly happy in my work.

     I lose things-a lot. In particular, I lose earrings. I often forget to take out when I go to bed, and in the night the backing comes off. I lose them taking my scarf off, and there is a certain kind of earing  connector that always comes separate, and I can't even begin to tell you the number of earrings that have just fallen out during the day at work. I've asked DH not to buy me good earrings-sadly, I've lost many a pair with small diamonds or other precious stones. Not horribly expensive, but  enough that losing one made me cringe. When I have remembered to take them out when travelling, I've forgotten them on unfamiliar night stands. I know for a fact I have earrings left in two other countries, Belgium and the UK, and no less than four states! But I do like the look of earrings, particularly dangling ones and hoops. I like how hey add a little framing to my chubby, but elongated face. I like how they can be just the right accessory for an otherwise bland dress. As I've been trying to  find and share  simple pleasures, I though this might be a good place to start.

  1. I bought the earrings above for an insanely low price of $5.94. They are gold plated so not cheapy cheap, but costume not precious metal. They're larger than I'd normally wear, but let's live on the edge and see if I can keep track of them since they're so big.
  2. I  tweaked the French bread recipe to be more intuitive by dissolving the yeast separately in warm water then adding the dry ingredients. While still looking wonky, the taste was perfect. Crusty, but soft and mouth watering inside. This truly is the easiest bread to make. I think this weekend, I will give it a try for cinnamon rolls and pizza dough. If that works, heck, why did I ever think I needed a bread maker? Now a Kitchen Aid... 
  3. Needless to say, dinner at my daughter's was a simple pleasure. We had great food and wine. I'm hoping with the Covid cases going down, soon she'll be able to socialize beyond family, coworkers, and a tiny friend bubble.
  4. I need to invest in one of Vix and Jon's trash sticks, because game on! I think I sent my families application to adopt a park about 10:45, and shortly before 2:30 a women from the city called and asked which park we wanted, and said with our large size, could we take the bigger park. Yes, we can! I think this will be a great multi-generational activity my parents would have been proud to know we are doing as a family. I thinks a beer or two after might be a reward. 
  5. My niece posted a picture of  my great nephew fresh from getting his drivers license! Last Thursday he had his appendix out. That's a trooper. 
  6. A niece-in-law posted a  cute picture of her first grader doing a fundraiser read-a-thon. That's a cause I can get behind when a salesman is as handsome as this great nephew. Both 5 and 6 are the simple pleasure of still being a part of extended family life, even when we haven't seen people in person in such a long time. 
  7. I was falling asleep sitting up last night, but then my youngest called and we chatted for well over an hour. Her classes are going well, but she is feeling the impact of a very pushed back spring break-this was the originally scheduled week. 
  8. I tried something new for dinner last night-chicken lo mein. Not so much a recipe, but a bottled sauce, and it was declared a winner. Finding something new-anything new-and it being a winner makes me happy. 
  9. The Keurig is on the blink again and the regular coffee pot needs to be declared a kitchen casualty. I resorted to pour over coffee and hearing the teakettle whistle (you don't get that with a Keurig) is a nice sound. 
  10. Though the trails are a bit treacherous, pictures shared, snow is melting everywhere-even less after yesterday. Saturday the playground was packed with kids laughing and playing. My first though as a mom was, they will all be soaked and muddy, and then I remembered my own kids coming in, soaked and muddy, and very happy. 

     That's my 10 simple pleasures for this week. You all know my thoughts on Tuesdays-it's generally a day to get to the end of, but starting with a little positivity is a day brightener.  


  1. Great list of simple pleasures Sam. I definitely see signs of winter heading out the door for the last one!

    1. I woke up to rain, and a whole lot more melted. Only the big mound on the curb, plus icy patches in back. We'll get another dump though before spring is really here.

  2. I love earrings too. When I was still at work I used to try to walk at least three lunchtimes a week. I would often slog up to the US Mission (a steep hill) and then back down through the Botanical Gardens where I would do a few "stretching" exercises. I reckon I have an earring from every set I have under every bloody tree in the Botanical Gardens!

    1. I used to say I should pierce and extra hole just on one ear. I might have a decade ago, but now I just don't bother worrying about it and try not to have prcey things.

  3. Forgot to say, well done on getting that park!

    1. We have a date set. With still potentially getting snow into April, I thought if we did May 2nd, my daughter would be home.

  4. Love your list of simple pleasures. Mine was getting out for a walk yesterday, finally getting back to yoga (I left my favorite DVD in Oregon, and my mom mailed it back to me), & Sam making the school soccer team. All of those things are bringing me joy today.

    1. Those are great pleasure's. Hooray for Sam!

  5. I finally stopped wearing earrings a few years ago. I had a couple of just stud/small stone type (I don't really like hoops) but I hate taking them out every night and sleeping in them would hurt as the back would stab into my head, LOL. If I took them off, half the time I'd forget to put them on, or lose them. and it got to the point where I couldn't wear anything but gold or my ear would get infected. eh, too much work, haha.

    1. My older daughter let her holes close-not her thing.

  6. How great that you have already scored the park for the family!
    I used to wear earrings 24/7, but they kept getting caught on the elastic from the face masks. Other than wearing a set DIL3 made me for Christmas I have not worn them since the covid quarantine began. This is the first time ever I have not lost one earring somewhere or another! I also quit wearing my wedding rings. I was washing my hands and using hand sanitizer so much that the skin below my rings developed a rash. I guess I will exit this phase, porkier and unjeweled!

    1. I haven't had an issue with earrings catching, but at homme, I'm not wearing a mask either. My wedding rings could use a very good cleaning with all the residue, but no rash. I'm still the same porky.

  7. I'm so impressed that you've got the park! It's amazing how therapeutic litter picking is. When you order your grabsticks treat yourself to a hoop, too - I can't believe how much easier makes it.
    I feel naked without earrings although I always take them out before bed. xxx

    1. You are probably more organized and do not lose your beautiful earrings either. The hoops are expensive for garbage, but if worth it, I guess I should splurge. What a thing though-excited about picking up litter!

  8. I love dangly earrings! But they get caught on the elastic of my masks, so for now I've stopped wearing them. Have fun at the park picking up litter. Such a great way to spend family time! Celie

    1. I think it will be a good reason to get together-good for all my siblings grandkids to help out if they can, and appreciate the community.

  9. I love earrings-and I do have quite a few ear piercings but it’s hard to wear them with the masks. I have 4 holes in each ear and I wear my diamond studs in the top hole all the time to stay away from the mask. I have my left cartilage done and my right tragus, the little part that sticks out by the ear canal and I always have a small hoop in there. Even the melty snow and mud look pretty with the sun shining :) JoAnn

    1. I've never pulled the lever and gotten more than one hole, but I like the look of many earrings. Since I am home and people see me by screen, I do not have to worry about the mask issue often.

  10. I love dangly earrings. With long hair, small ones do not show up. I have not lost any from ripping them off with my mask, but it is just too much trouble to wear earrings since my hair is too long, and glasses and masks over my ears makes things more difficult. Plus, shingles on this one ear means I cannot wear an earring without pain.

    I have never left earrings anywhere. I just lose them when they fall off. Plus, I don't have pierced ears anymore. They stayed infected for years, so I gave up and allowed them to grow up.

    I have a friend who never wears matching earrings, so I always gave her mine. Then, she had more holes pierced and wore a mismatch of earrings. I used one orphan for a button on a coat. Sometimes, I put orphans on the Christmas tree.

    The last time Tommy and I sat in the park in the car, I looked out the window and there was a condom on the ground! I hope everyone has a grabber to pick up trash. I can see this as an occasion for visiting and indulging. Good job!

    1. Yes-we will all be very prepared for collecting. good idea on the single earrings.

  11. I thought my Keurig coffee maker was dead too. Then I googled online and read that if you stick a pin up into the tiniest little hole that the coffee comes down you can clean up any build up and that creates the water flow again. Not sure what’s wrong with yours but that worked for me when I thought my machine was trash!

    1. Anne has given me that idea as well-I need to have patience and take the time to fiddle. This is about the third time I've thought it dead, so maybe more life again.

  12. What a nice uplifting post. My sister loses earrings in the airport and expensive ones. Imagine the gold those cleaners can turn in.

    1. That's why I told my husband-no expensive ones. Not worth it for me for everyday. I like these hoops and will be fun to wear today for a presentation.

  13. Mom had gold hoop earrings that I started wearing after she passed. I lost one of the pair which made me quiet upset. Then I thought, I lost mom! Who cares about an earring...

    1. Putting the lost jewelry in perspective is important. There's a few pieces I still feel bad about losing-the ring my oldest two siblings gave me for my confirmation. A girl tried it on, forgot to give it back and I forgot to get it form her, and she lost it in the locker room. The other is the tiny diamond from my engagement ring. I wear different rings given on anniversaries, but that lost diamond makes me sad, but then I still have my husband, right..

  14. YOu're giving me ideas about food. That french bread idea sounds good.


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