Monday, March 29, 2021

Quick Feeling Good Monday

     I'm getting that pesky carry over work done this morning-daughter is zonked out still in her bed. She has a paper or two to write, so not sure what the day will be. Our Sunday changed quite a bit, but for a good reason, but I'll update when and if there is something to update. 

     As more plans  for moving back in tot eh office take shape, I feel a good use of time this week is to look carefully in my closet and  organize, pitch, and purge clothes that  just are  a no. My weight is where it was three months ago, but with better weather, I will get outside more. Here was my big purchases, on recommendation of a YouTuber/Instagram person who is a bit on the larger side like me, but has used these with several outfits and they changed/refreshed the look. I love Sheila's style at Ephemera, and am going to be more adventurous with mixing together items I already own, with a few accessories to give me a little more pizazz. Ignore the wrinkles-they've been shoved in my closet for more than a year, but thoughts on these two  summer basic dresses, getting  repurposed as sort of belted jumpers? Sheila???

     I'm feeling hopeful, but cautious with more vaccine roll out. We're looking at options for my daughter on how she can get accinate din April when on eof the vaccines requires two doses four weeks apart, the other prevalent one three, and where she physically will be. If she gets vaccine one at school, it would be worth it to make the drive to the same location, even if she is home, to get the second dose in early May if that is how the timing works. Today though, I'll just enjoy her company, even if it is us both doing our own  work. Tomorrow will be a road trip day.

Have a truly wonderful week. 


  1. Those belts really do add something to the outfit don't they. I don't want to put you off but I bought loads of pretty belts a few years ago and then ..... nothing. A couple of them are now in the garden holding up heavy branches on a peach tree and a blackberry bush. I'm sure that wasn't the look Sheila was advocating (I've popped over to her blog and she is a classy lady). Better luck than me! And enjoy your week!

    1. We'll see-I do really love the comfort of nothing around the waist-hence my soft clothes since work from home! I certainly should be able to do better though to celebrate being around humans IRL.

  2. Love the dresses with the belts.. Super cute.

    Hope you have a wonderful time with your daughter!

    1. In hindsight, I should have perhaps bought one size bigger in the belts-wishful thinking on my part. These will work though on the biggest buckle hole, and without having oodles of excess belt. I'd say motivation to lose weight but I have a closet filled with motivation already.

  3. I love both of those belts - they have a very Gucci-esque look to them, Sam! Aw, you are so sweet to give me a shout-out - thank you!

    I love the layering you've done there! So awesome! That's a great way to jazz up a sleeveless dress/tunic. Now, can I interest you in a chunky necklace or bracelet to go with those outfits?? How about a nice brooch near the neckline? :-D

    1. I'll see what I have in my vanity drawers! Probably a no to the chunky bracelet-I'd really be uncomfortable with things on my wrists, but maybe could slowly build up to the accessories

  4. Loving your flatlays (as the kids say!)
    Have a lovely day1 x

    1. They were supposed to be hung up but the hanger kept falling. Flat lay it was!


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