Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Positively Tuesday-Simple Pleasures on Staycation

      It's Staycation week in my house. Nothing exciting so far, and I have had to work a bit both days, but headaches hopefully avoided next week. We've got adventures planned for the next three days so today will be another home focused day, with some reading, a project or two, and a trip to use my Kohl's cash. I have a Starbucks gift cards and  we'll make use of them since a Starbucks is near by.  My daughter is leaving soon for a haircut. I might look online and see if there are any other slots. Tuesday's, to make this ho hum and sometimes grin and bear it day, less grin and bear it, I've been capturing various Simple Pleasures I've enjoyed over the previous week. I minimally am aiming for 10 a week. 

  1. Obviously having my daughter home is a great joy. A simple pleasure is watching something with her, and if either of us want to comment, she hits the stop, we discuss, laugh, grimace, complain, etc. and then start it up again. Last night we watched the first episode of the Netflix new show, The Irregulars. I think I'm going to enjoy as it is a mix of Sherlock Holmes, Stranger Things, and Supernatural-so far. 
  2. DD1 is house hunting actively again-more to share later in the week, but a simple pleasure is her trusting and wanting us to go with her in this very personal to her journey. It brings back that excitent of our house hunting decades ago and we just need to be her support. 
  3. I've been treating myself on the weekends, and even a weeknight or two, to this Seltzer I've never had before. I am not sure if it was on sale, or if the regular price, but it came to $1.00 per can, so the least expensive one I have had so far and I've like each flavor in the variety pack. Full disclosure, I will need to be careful with these in the summer,as they are  athirst quencher and go down a little too fast.
    Three flavors in the 12 pack. Note the Easter ham! 

  4. Store egg rolls in the air fryer are delicious!  Yes, only an occasional treat as they are not healthy, but to have one alongside chow mein, which I am always just so- so about, but one of DD2's favorite, makes it  win for me. We generally only would have chow mein when she is home. When I say chow mein, I mean the canned La Choy kind-one of her simple pleasures.
  5. Keeping on the food front, with her home, I have a companion for egg salad sandwiches for lunch. It's hard to make egg salad for just one person, so I end up eating it for multiple days. Egg salad is not a  food that improves with a day or two in the refrigerator. 
  6. The belts I ordered and came over the weekend gave me some incentive to play in my closet. Thanks Sheila for the suggestion to find some chunky jewelry to go with-that might be a bigger and bolder step, but I'll look in my odds and ends on y anity to see what might fit the bill.
  7.  I've never seen Tootsie roll eggs before at Easter, but they are pretty cute and tasty, with a candy crunch over the traditional tootsie roll candy. I don't like that each one is individually wrapped though. 
  8. I don't set an alarm anyway as with working from home, even if I sleep a little late, I'd  be up and ready well before I log in, but the fact that I could make coffee and  crawl back into bed yesterday and today (even with my 9:00 meeting) was a simple pleasure.
  9. My daughter has been dabbling more and more self teaching herself  guitar. It's been nice to hear her playing -it's not so nice that her stuff is now in multiple places in the house again! 
    Snuck a quick photo from the window. 

  10. The snow mounds and ice are fully gone! I loved having a few rainy days last week to get rid of the last of the grime and grunge. Now, I'd be silly to think we still can't get a good snow storm, but even if we do, it will liley melt. 
     Why do I have so much food and drink as simple pleasures? Is it a wonder why I am not losing weight! I am getting outside and walking more, but bugger if my knee and then Sunday my foot that I broke 17 years ago wasn't acting up. This was my right foot, and every so often I can feel exactly where the break was. Ice pack on both have been a help while pecking away on the computer or watching something on the televisions.Not really a simple pleasure, but I'm grateful for the bit of pain relief without  more medicine.  Whatever is going on in your part of the world, I hope you are fining a few things to do, see, and yes, eat, that you define as simple pleasures. 


  1. Love the sneaky pic of your daughter. I like to do that too. Somehow it’s more of a snapshot of a moment in life and not just a smile for the camera. Our brush with Covid is behind us. Patient 0 has recovered, our two tests came back negative, no one has symptoms. I got wind of a local pharmacy with plenty of open spots, so guess what, I’m “obese” and getting a vaccine. Technically, my BMI indicates that is borderline true and though I am heavy I certainly don’t feel obese but we’ll just take what we can get! It’s a beautiful day today but I’m off to work in a minute. We were supposed to have a big, in-person meeting with our district manager today but she broke her foot and can’t travel. Awful for her but not for me! JoAnn

    1. So happy you're through that stress! Our state opened to all over 16 now for finding slots and timing. The Walmart pharmacy by my daughter has tons of slots but haven't updated their registration to show all eligibility. I'm sorry for your manager-she'll never fully be recovered from broken foot if like my break.

  2. Right now, a simple pleasure is seeing so many tulip trees and dogwood trees, azaleas and daffodils in bloom. It is really a major pleasure. Yes, some foods are simple pleasures. However, I am managing to lose weight.

    1. Flowers in bloom is definitely a pleasure!

  3. Being able to ignore your alarm and go back to bed is bliss isn't it. I'm sorry your knee and foot are playing you up but well done for getting out there and walking! Enjoy the rest of your week!

    1. Ice later helps, so will keep walking as much as I can.

  4. Simple pleasure remain the best ones.

  5. You have some really nice simple pleasures this week. Enjoy your staycation! :)

  6. Simple pleasures - firing up the wood stove during a 10 hr power outage; home made salsa (with corn & black beans) in a taco bowl; the first bluebird sighting of the season. Enjoy your staycation.

    1. Corn and black bean salsa is always a pleasure! Sorry about your power outage though.

  7. Simple pleasures for me: reading in the sunshine at lunch, our lemon tree, herbs in containers growing on our patio, watching Sam's soccer game.

    Also, I love hard seltzer. My current favorite is Whiteclaw watermelon. Yum!

    1. All terrific things in life. I don't know if I've tried Watermelon White Claw but sounds so good. The brewery did a watermelon mint when they started seltzer making. I wish the mint was left out.

  8. That pic of your daughter is wonderful!

    I try not to buy sodas/pop, but I also like a treat! I find most sodas (even the diet ones) are far too sweet so I water them down half and half with fizzy water. In the summer one of my favourite things to do is to make herbal iced tea (the Celestial Seasonings fruity ones are lovely - I stock up when they are on sale) - boiling water, about 4-6 teabags, then steep it for about 2 hours, and store covered in the fridge. I do half and half iced tea and water for a refreshing drink. Have you tried Kombucha? It sounds hoity-toity, but it's a naturally brewed drink that is a bit sour-tasting (like a sour beer) that is naturally low in sugar and calories (it's non-alcoholic). I like lemon-ginger, again split with fizzy water, as a treat.

    They make canned chow mein?? We have a huge Asian population here (Chinese, Thai, Indian), so I've never even SEEN it canned.

    Yay, glad you liked my suggestion of some chunky jewelry - there tends to be lots of it in thrift stores (bangles, pendants) for very cheap.

    Have a great week, Sam!

    1. The canned chow mein is probably not anything recognisable to to people from a culture that really cooks the dish! Those seltzers are hard-6% alcohol, hence why I need to be careful drinking too fast and too many!

  9. Love the photo of your daughter playing her guitar.
    I'm sorry about your foot and hope the ice does the trick. xxx

    1. It's definitely a change of weather test when my foot flares up. She didn't know I snapped the picture.


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