Saturday, July 9, 2022

More W's

     Happy Saturday! I really took my day off to heart yesterday and didn't check in at all, though got one text with an easy response. I needed to not think work. DH says he feels much better and didn't cough at work at all. I think he's a fibber, but still negative for Covid. Maybe it was residual fire smoke and exhaustion catching up. I am relieved. As I've been doing Saturday's, here's my week in W's.

What’s top of my mind: 

Political upheaval, killing of world leaders, and great divisions in how people think the country and nation should go forward. I'm a person who has a Christian religious belief, but I think the problems in the world are caused by religious extremists, not the absence of God in state. If a part of society really has faith, they don't need to impose their religious interpretation on the law of the land on others.  Arrogance combined with missuse of the Bible create so much strife. Arrogance and misuse of any  faith teachings is the problem. The upheaval today is that people tired of having certain people shove their views into laws and are pushing back, hard, and the right doesn't like it.  Just about every major war, power grab, and oppressive action stems from someone declaring their divine right to rule over others. Man is the problem, not God. Which is why I think there has to be total separation of church and state. Man creates a giant cluster*_$-# whenever humans pretend they are acting on God's will. 

Where I've been: 

My office trip was success - found and scanned the documents needed. We had a lucky break and found the needed boxes fairly quickly, but it was just luck that my colleagues palette of boxes happened to be facing outward in a sea of pallettes. 

 DD1 and I had a lovely morning out for coffee yesterday. It was rainy and then steamy so no music Thursday night, but I enjoyed going out for Trivia on Wednesday. 


Where I’m going:

DH says he feels better. I'm going to tag along with him to see if I can successfully work from the lake. Then I might work there one of the days he's there working on fixing septic tank pipes for the little cabin. Other than that, I don't need much for groceries after a good clean and organization yesterday, but plan to stop by Farmers Market. My daughter made a salad yesterday that is delicious but would benefit from cucumbers. 

What I'm eating 

I'm trying to up the vegetables, so can't wait for more produce to come locally. I used up the last of the rice krispies to make a half pan of pb rice Krispy bars. We indulged on Papa Murphy's Thursday night, but it yielded a second meal for us.

What I’m watching:

DD2 had never seen A League of Our Own. We finally remedied that and she now knows all our references. Last weekend when we passed by Rockford and Racine I decided she had to see the movie. It's a classic. I like a strong woman movie and cast, a little history, and one with both poignancy and humor. 

What I’m reading:

Yet again, I picked up a couple Elizabeth Ogilvie books and read about the small island community off the Maine coast. The families are like old friends. The chapters like reading letters from the past. I know I need to branch out and read beyond just a new book club book a month, but there's something about visiting old friends. Speaking of books in our collections, I suggested my daughter puts this in her house some day. I love it. My youngest will need walls of book shelves. 

What I’m listening to:

Driving home from work, I listened to the BBC coverage of Boris Johnson's resignation. Now that's a system I can get behind. When your own party thinks your an ass hat and unfit to lead, change can happen anytime. Forget this sycophant pandering to a narcissistic sociopath for four years system. If the person's own party think their rubbish, move on. I'm sure that could be equally bad so clue me in UK friends. How do you feel about electing a party,then the party selecting the Prime Minister? How often do you have national elections? 

What I’m planning: 

Last week I mentioned just planning any get away. My sister's ( and BIL's) are planning a cruise in February and asked if we're interested. I'm not sure, but thinking hard. My older daughter said she'd watch pup, so he'd be taken care of. We last cruised in 2016 to Alaska. It's DH's favorite kind of vacation, and he said he gets to decide the next. Since Europe, our vacations were linked to Show Choir or college travel, or just the lake due to Covid. I personally don't think Covid has done causing concern, and a cruse ship seems risky.  I'll keep you posted.

Who needs a good slap:

Those that think being a patriot means you can't wish or expect better from the US, leaders, and it's people. To me, it's the opposite. We owe it to our past, present, and future people to wish, expect, act, and hold accountable being better. Those that ignore racism, xenophobia, homophobia, classism, sexist, and ablisist systems and behaviors exist and still oppress are not patriotic, they're ostriches. The latest Medal of Freedom honorees sure brought out the worst of America on social media. Sickening comments against some honorees.

The good old days were a nightmare for many in our country, and those that think America was great "then" choose to remain ignorant. I'm sick of people running off at the mouth or key board that their opinion is more valid because they have a member of their family serving in the military or in law enforcement. I thank and appreciate them too, AND there's many ways we can serve our country, protect, and work to make the country better. This die hard, one way to be an American is where pride becomes downfall. If the slap fits, take it. 

What’s making me smile:

I had a handful of the deck raspberries. But, I think the birds and squirrels will be the real benefactors. Once they are completely done, I'll cut the vine and dig out the roots and stick in a deep pot. We need to clear the entire side brush where the raspberries were originally planted, but have been over taken by weeds, and start again. That will be a fall project. For now, I'll just let the animals enjoy the bounty. 

     That's my week. Sorry, it was a long one. If you'd like to recap your week, feel free in the comments or a link to your blog post. 


  1. I'm over here nodding.

    We picked & ate a bunch of cucumber from the garden (riffing off of your cucumber in a salad mention). Last year, all of our cucumbers were very bitter, despite all of the tricks. This year, they are perfect. We bought a few different varieties, so the Japanese cucumber is a hit this year. We also are attempting to grow Persian cucumber (the little ones), which are our favorite, but so far, no luck.

    This week was really busy, and the three days at work felt like more than a full week. I did manage to go to two gym classes (spinning & yoga), made some progress on the class I'm taking (once I've completed it, I'll serve on an advisory board for a college), and progress towards my book club book. I'm very impressed so far with the book (Biased). It's not the easiest read, but it's worthwhile, IMO.

    1. Cucumbers, yellow summer squash, and zucchini were my farmers market buy. I'm looking forward to them both. I tried to start a linked in class last week, but kept restarting. I have t had any personal professional development beyond mandatory trainings in over three years.

  2. Would you mind posting the names of some of her books? I've looked up the name, Elizabeth Ogilvie in my library and couldn't find anything. Thanks so much.

    1. I have had good luck on 2nd hand sites. High Tide at Noon, Storm Tide, The Ebbing Tide are the first in the Bennet's Island series. From there, you can get a good list I'm sure. There used to be Down Easy Books that carried her books even after she passed away but now I can't find them when I search.

  3. In spite of my concern, you made me laugh. Did you really mean to use the word "assignations?" xoxo

    1. Oh lordy! Caught and called out again for my horrible editing. Changed to be more direct.

  4. I also consider myself a Christian and as a Christian I was raised and continue to practice not judging others. That is the foundation of Christianity to me. I may not agree with something someone does but it is not my place to judge or worse to treat them badly. That is what we need more of.
    Enjoyed all of your W's this week.
    It's cloudy here with rain coming in so looks like I will spend the day puttering around the house.
    Have a fabulous Saturday!!

    1. Kindness, caring for and about others, is what and how I was raised. Do I forget and act and speak horribly- yes, I failed for four years, and now regret many arguments I had. I don't regret my views and opinions though, wish I'd handle things more with kindness.

  5. I am glad you took the day and forgot about work. That is what a day off is supposed to be!

    1. It is, and hopefully that means I'll be more mentally on point next week. I've run myself down.

  6. I must say this is one of the most cogent posts of yours or anyone's that I have read lately. I am 100% in agreement. Except for the cucumber bit. They ruin my salad! Right now, I am reading Beowulf after ignoring it for a few days. I almost cried when he died. Do you read

    1. I'll gladly take your cucumber - I love them in salads. I'll give that blog a look.

    2. SAM,
      I always give the cucumber away to someone. Look back at some of her "Dump Trump" posts.

  7. A League of Their Own is a classic. I love strong female roles also and of course Tom Hanks is great. He was in the Elvis movie. Did you see that yet? I agree with everything you said about politics, religion and patriotism. Wish I could put things into words as well as you. Right now I'm typing one handed as I am holding my cat with the other arm, lol. Is it okay if I copy this "W's" format? I need to write a blog post and don't have a direction to go in.

    1. Please do I'm sure I saw it originally somewhere else. I haven't seen Elvis yet. I feel like I'm a real patriot in that I want the best for all my fellow neighbors.

  8. Slap away! You make some excellent points!

    1. Thank you. I'm getting quite annoyed with people shoving oppression and calling it virtuous.

  9. Fascinating to hear how a party will eject their leader. I remember the GOP did this with Nixon, and good for them. Not so now. I wonder when they will?

    1. And we still after everything that's being learned leading up to and on January 6, people still think he should run in 24. It's crazy, just crazy!!!

  10. I too wish I had handled more situations with kindness and maybe I did, but we are harder on ourselves sometimes. I like cucumbers and have a recipe for a tomato cucumber salad in my blog. I need to make it soon as it’s very refreshing.


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