Saturday, October 25, 2014

Wine Clubs

“Wine makes every meal an occasion, every table more elegant, every day more civilized.”
― Andre Simon

I like that quote, and I agree with that quote. Of course wine is not for everyone, and for those that do, preferences and taste vary.  That's also what I like about it.  I've been with wine "haters" that have tried a sip at the right time and with the right food, and found, they don't hate all wine, and some can be down right enjoyable.

For the weekend, we have a wine cruise trip tonight, crossing the state lines and leaving on a river boat from Wisconsin.  A while back I posted about making the most of end of summer, while not breaking the bank to do so.  The Wow Factor  One suggestion was to combine a wine tasting with also picking up an extra bottle for a gift, or a second evening with friends.  We belong to a two bottle a month  wine club with a terrific wine bar, called Swirl.  Swirl hosts a monthly meet-up with tastings and light food, and you can have them serve your bottles or take them home.  We will get a second plate, sometimes a flatbread, or lettuce wraps, and with their appetizers make it a nice dinner.  We later drink the wine ourselves, bring along to a friends, or as I just did, use as a gift. I purchased some cute cotton tapestry wine bags at a dollar store, and put a bottle of our wine club wine each for my sister-in-laws on my husbands side, fall birthdays. 
The wine cruise is just one  perk of the club.  It isn't exactly frugal, but there is good value in being in the club.  We can taste wines before wasting money on something we don't like.  We get a lesson at each tasting about the places that months wines are made, the type of grapes, good food pairings, and other useful information, and meet other people from our general vicinity of home.  We support local businesses-restaurant, local farmers, wineries, and the college kids that play music for what they earn in their tip jar.  The owner Dave, is so unpretentious, casual, and a just fun host.  His staff are delightful as well.  We get tasting notes with or bottles, which makes it fun to share the experience with those we share the wine with.  They provide discounts on cases if you want to buy more. This is an evening out my husband and I equally enjoy and that is always a value. 
I find the snobbery of old related to wine has long been put to rest by the majority of the country.  I don't know if so in other places, but judging from what we have leaned, wine is becoming popular-drinking and making, in new and unique places throughout the world. this post is not a commercial for any wineries, the wine industry, or any particular place, but sharing of my good experience.  If wine is your thing,  why not try out a short term club in your area and see if for you?

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