Thursday, May 14, 2015

Life Happens When You're Making Other Plans

To paraphrase John Lennon-I planned and life kept on rolling. This was a week that both the hands on the clock and the pages of a joke a day calendar flew by me without so much as a wink. Soccer, school, car pools then work, family, sleep- not enough of the latter, filled my days. Not many words made it to the post this week but I did manage to get both a new e-mail and Twitter acount set up.  I needed to seperate out blog world and  personal world.  I was getting confused and mixing up messages. Apologies Julie at homefornow for sending you my kids soccer schedule when you asked about my pasta fagiole fake it recipe. I have found though updating Twitter and seperating  topics I follow that align with my blog goals around simplicity, intentionality, and frugality is keeping me challenged in thinking beyond my current daily grind.  Sam3kids needs to know if the soccer fields are rained out, the upcoming events at church, and the random thoughts of my friends and family, or topics I follow for work.  Samandcoffee65 needs to be inspired with tales of tiny house living, upcycling, creative culinary without the fuss,  entrepreneurialism, and minimalism.   If you do Twitter, come follow me and give me recommendations @samandcoffee65. I've already found some new voices I look forward to hearing.   Why Samandcoffee65? Well, I'm embracing my age and hitting the midcentury mark.  That's where the 65, the year of my birth, comes in. I'll end with another paraphrased quote from anonymous.  "Coffee and wine are like my life coaches.  Coffee says get up! You can do it.  Wine says, things will be better tomorrow." Here's a toast to the coffee side of me.


  1. Smart move on the email accounts. I found I need 3, one is strictly personal, another for any onlline transactions and a third for blogging. I guess I am too simple minded to keep things separate without using the 3 mail system.

    1. I'm in good company then. You are not simple minded-I read your articulate blog.


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