Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Minimizing not Marginalizing

I've decided I hate stuff. I know how George Carlin felt as I try little by little to purge the stuff from my home.  Because unfortunately in recent years my home hasn't felt that way.  It has felt like a storage shed, one in which I just move the stuff amongst the shelving units and floor space. I have gotten on the frugality and simplicity bandwagon, at least philosophically, if not quite there physically. I am starting action, and vow I will not get despondent at slow progress.  

For when I close my eyes, I can see cozy uncluttered rooms on the horizon.  I see an organized kitchen with the just the pots, pans, appliance, and utensils I use. I see a closet with clothes that I truly love and feel comfortable and confident in, even if I rotate relatively few items. I see a retirement at least 1/2 a decade earlier than my peers, not because I struck it rich, but because I was planful and intentional with where my money went. I see a calendar only with experiences and with people that bring me joy, including volunteering to organizations that forward causes and actions I believe in. I don't see my kind of frugality as doing more with less, but doing more because of less. It's a nice vision. 

I've made my Must List this week, and so far so good in implementation, though it has only been a couple days. A few successes include:

  • Cooking and planning meals ahead for the week, including extra's to pack for lunch with the vegetable servings
  • Two small bags of clothing items that never fit me well, so I rarely wore them, bagged to be dropped off
  • Formalized outline on book, plus short list of blog topics
  • Scheduled walking date with friend V and friend L on two different nights, so double tick
  • Cleaned both bathrooms to the grout
  • Resisted binge watch of Grace and Frankie on Netflix even though I really wanted to

Check out any YouTube video for a taste of Mr. Carlin's take on "stuff." Warning, some versions, this one included, are a little saltier than others, and apologies in advance. For those that don't appreciate the "sh" word, cover your ears.  I find it a very appropriate replacement to the word "stuff.". 


  1. It sounds like you are heading purposefully in the right direction. We will definitely hold a 'virtual on-line party' when you take early retirement!!! Jx

    1. That would be fun but still in the future once last is through college
      But if I do strike it rich, possibilities are endless. LOL

  2. Oh my goodness I am SOOOOOO with you on every single beat of this post! You are on your way, and remember by the way that the journey is just as meaningful as the destination! Keep it up!
    (sorry for all the exclamation marks)


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