Friday, July 24, 2015

Today's Weather Outlook

Today's Weather Outlook

July 24, 2015

"Sizzling heat, flooding downpours, and even a couple severe thunderstorms will be familiar mid-summer headlines across much of the U.S. for the final day of the week."

I'm waking up to the sound of thunder. This little gem above is the doppler for my neck of the woods. So I am debating working from home a few hours and heading in mid morning, or quickly hopping in the shower and try to be ahead of it. I have a meeting early afternoon so a complete telecommuting day won't work. The weather though is a good reflection on how I woke up this morning.  I'm not outright storming inside, but there are rumbles of fears, discontent, worry and anxiety thundering around my mind, and right through to my stomach. 

Is there a real connection to mood and mindset and the weather? I am usually not bothered much by rain and thunder. I get the best night of sleep when I fall asleep to, or gently wake, and then drift off again to the sound of rain. Normally I love the drama of thunder and lightning when  I'm safely  out of it, and can cuddle at home, or happily plant myself in my little work office and hear the show. I hate driving in it though, and this mornings timing on top of a more chaotic commute than ever due to construction, has me frazzled before I am out of my pj's. 

I've the weather malaise in my head right now, and trying hard to shake off the rolling negative and worried thoughts from a restless night. Is DD#2 going to break out of her utter shyness and successfully transition into high school? She saw a classmate after her violin lesson last night and practically crawled into her case at the thought of being noticed. Will DS, who is between regular projects at the moment and living hand to mouth through day jobs, land something stable before the end of the month? He's been out west for  eight months, and not yet close to being stable. Will DD#1 be able to stay on at the end of the summer, and finally have the opportunity she has worked so  hard for and given up so much? She wants to stop wandering from job to job and put down roots, and will need to be proactive. Like her mom, she also faces anxiousness in times of stress. Are we saving enough for the retirement we want?  Though, at the same time, are we  making the most of our current life and not only planning for the future?  Is DH's health good? He is overdue for a physical, and has looked very tired lately. Are we experiencing enough moments of joy now? Why can't  I stop letting the idiosyncrasies of extended family bother me, and not let them interfere with our family life? Will my head stop the tape of worry, and just let things be?

There. I feel better getting it off my brain and on a keyboard. Today will unfold like the others. The sun is about to rise, but masked by the storm clouds. I now hear the pitter patter of rain on the deck washing off the dust and bird mess I noticed last night was everywhere. DH got the lawn mowed yesterday morning, and this rain will be thirstily drank up. We'll have a lushness to the yard that we haven't had in a few years this late in July. 

We just had a crack of lightning followed by a boisterous rolling thunder.  I'm tucked into my favorite corner of the living room, afghan on my lap and think I should get a batch of muffins in the oven and a cup of coffee brewed. Today's weather outlook...will be just fine.


  1. I rather like a big old thunderstorm, although the air pressure of the build up often gives me a headache.
    I'm not too much of a worrier, especially about things I can't do anything about. And it's so true that by fretting about the future, we lose the joy of now. xxx

    1. I should know it will do no good, but I am still a worrier. A good thunderstorm, without damage, is a sight. I get the ear popping thing when the pressure gets too high outside, so can relate a bit to headaches.


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