Sometimes I've followed a blog or a website on frugal and simple living and over time,either by content, or reader comments it moves into a direction of cheap consumerism. On the other hand, I've stopped reading a few that also have taken on a tone of arrogance and self righteousness, almost a condemnation of anyone that spends their money in ways the writer would not. I'll never dive into the comments and bash the writer with my words, but will just stop reading if I'm not finding the posts of value more. The web page is theirs to write as they wish, and the beauty of the Internet is you can just stop reading at any time.
I write a wide variety of randomness in my blog, but at the essence is my journaling about trying to reframe my life- where I spend, money, time, and energy, in order to create space and opportunity for what is more meaningful. This is part frugality in terms of where I spend time and money, and part decluttering stuff and commitments that not only don't add to my sense of well being, but detract from it. I may have a different definition of frugality and clutter than someone else, but that's OK, because I'm not trying to define it for anyone but myself.
My story yesterday illustrates my definition of frugality. I didn't need to run into Target and buy clothes then and there. I could have turned around and driven home to change. The trade off of that choice would have been spending an additional 90 minutes on the road, and burning three gallons of gas. I would have missed a 9:00 meeting, so would have had to reschedule, wasting my and a colleagues time. I would have either needed to work more hours later, or use limited vacation time for those 90 minutes that I am planning for something else.

Ironically, I saw multiple posts and Tweets all day under frugal sites blasting out the Target sweater sale, with responses like, "I just bought 10 and threw out all my old." For me, that moved from frugality to cheap consumerism, buying more because it's cheap, throwing out just because a new version was found. The coupon queens and kings featured with their closets and rooms of stockpiled stuff makes me queasy, not understanding how anyone needs a years supply of anything unless you live in the Alaska bush so I ignore.

ReplyDeleteI read this earlier today, very intriguing title by the way. I like how you put it. Buying a bunch of sale sweaters and then throwing away all your old ones doesn't sound like my kind of frugal either. Cheap consumerism is a neat way of describing that. The essence of frugality, to me, is having a very minimalist consumerist lifestyle. You're happy with what you have. You use up what you have. You need very little. You don't want a whole lot. And you make the most of everything. That is certainly my kind of frugal. Do I stray? Oh, yeah. But I do have a vision :)
I hit delete by accident instead of publish Rivulet. I could only get back anonymously-apologies. You understand what I mean. I make dumb spending decisions frequently, but goal is to rough intent and purpose first before throwing money away.
DeleteOooh, I like being anonymous... well except if people didn't catch on in your reply I just blew my cover anyway :)