Friday, October 27, 2017

Feeling Good Friday-Snow?! Edition

Fortunately-not quite yet!
So far, just cold and rainy, no signs of the white stuff but apparently my western and northern Minnesota neighbors are in a snow advisory. As it was DD1's first birthday, I'll never forget the epic October blizzard of 1991 on Halloween, but I don't want any October repeats. This will be DD2's first winter driving in snow. She got her license the end of February and we pretty much had no snow after that. Another bought of parental angst when she faces her first drive in the snow. 

It has been a good week back to work. I got caught up relatively quickly, thanks to so many other folks being out due to the school holiday. I'm learning, I'm a slow learner, that no one is indispensable and work will just keep on, so not taking vacations was not really helping anyone in the past. On to five things that are helping me feel positive and good physically and mentally this week.

  • Let's get weight out of the way. No, I've lost nothing, and in fact put some back on. I'm not fretting. I know the reason, and I can set myself correct. 
  • I've got a clear head going into the weekend on what I want to accomplish and how I want to relax. I feel I've used this week well.
  • I was on the fence about coloring my hair again or just letting it go natural. I've embraced my inner diva and decided I'm not ready to let the gray come in, so will have a color and cut this weekend. 
  • I found a few interesting recipes online involving butternut squash and want to give them a try. Getting myself busy in the kitchen makes me feel productive and homey. 
  • Made a conscientious decision to  decline a house warming invitation for my niece. She just sent it out last Friday and I already had committed my Saturday to myself and as she lives 45 minutes away, the entire afternoon would be gone. I'm kind of extended family-ed out after the cabin day last Sunday as well. Declining invites is OK.
How have you done on your own health and well being? Do you ride the weight loss, gain tide or have you conquered that challenge for yourself? Anyone else struggle with turning down invites, even if they come late?  


  1. Coming up to ten months dye free and tbh I can't wait to get rid of the colour I have this vision of a head of long lustrous silver locks and I'm going for it. Hate it at the mo tho lol

    1. Perhaps if I become a grandma, I'll feel more comfortable letting it go natural. It just doesn't seem to fit my mind set yet. Your hair is growing in lovely.

  2. I haven't colored since last December I think. But, my hair turns an unpleasant ashy color, vs just pure gray. It's not good either, but certainly less noticeable. Also, no cut in six months+? Not sure how long I can hold out. Am considering doing it myself, but my husband is not supportive of that plan. ;-)

    1. Mine does a combination of ashy, but then with a few streaks of really weird textured gray.I color myself, but would never try self cutting due to my unsteady hands.

  3. I don't have any grey at all (my dad never went grey) so I don't have to colour my hair but I do like a bit of colour in it so I do it when I feel it looks drab. Weight-wise I put back all the weight I had lost before my holiday and since work has been frantic I haven't been exercising at lunchtimes this week, although I walked in to work 3 times so that's more than I used to do. And on self-care, my kids gave me an entry to a spa on Lake Geneva for Christmas. I just realized I have a month to use it so just now booked a massage to go with it. I have never been to this place as it is relatively new and it's been ages since I had a massage so tomorrow could be a good day. And you're right, no-one is indispensable so self-are is a must. Anna

    1. Enjoy your spa day.That is one thing I maybe missed by not staying at a better hotel, the opportunity for a swim and a hot tub and sauna soak. We had one where my daughter and I stayed but no time. Self care is becoming an essential element in my life, but I still seem to put other member of my family first. I just don't need to have that mindset at work too.

  4. PS. and long may the snow stay away too. I'm with you on that. My oldest's first driving lesson the instructor took him up the mountains into the snow. They went into a skid - kiddo loved it. I nearly laid an egg when I heard. A

    1. Better to be told somethings after than before!

  5. Self care - put your own oxygen mask on first. It doesn't make us selfish.

    1. It's hard to always, often, do that though, practice self care first.


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