Monday, January 1, 2018

The Year That Was-2018

Humor me a bit. No, I am not rushing the calendar but on this New Year's Day, 2018, I thought I would spend a bit of forward thinking on what I plan to be able to place a check mark next to 364 days from now. I did the savings goal thing-more on my tactics and strategies in future posts, but this is my inspirational list.

  1. The elusive hosting of girl's time (a carry over from last year). I had my friends over for coffee, wine, hanging out, at least 6 times before the pages close on this year. 
  2. My book, the one I started two summers ago, will be completed-calculating editing and rewrites. It has sat in a 75% completed stage for 9 months-that long since I last did any meaningful work on it. While nothing other than sitting on a shelf in my office will come of it, at least I will be able to definitively say, "I wrote a book."
  3. Speaking of that office-it will be a place of creative energy and not a makeshift storage room. I'll also have that gift closet ready and waiting for proper retrieval of all the interesting and useful things I found for people over the year. 
  4. My new blog, complete with a video or two, will be up and running with content. I purchased the domain this summer and have elicited  moral support from friends and family, as well as tangible professional support from DD1. Now, I need to get going on the design and content. This blog will remain my  virtual journal because you folks are the best to talk with. 
  5. Lastly, and maybe most importantly, I can say I began each morning in a place  focused on meditation, reflection, and appreciation for all who are in my life, all I have, and all anxiety and regret pushed aside. 
2016 in hindsight was not as bad as I made it out to be. 2017 was a difficult year, truly difficult, with things that matter. I hope that in 2018, while not boring, will be a year focused on health and happiness, peace and good will for all. How's that for inspiration.


  1. Happy New Year! May 2019 be a marvelous year for you!

    1. And 2018! I am happy to have met you through cyber space. You truly havea kind and reflective soul.

  2. Replies
    1. I know-and I will! You all would be great to keep pestering me though as the year draws on.

  3. Great aspirations for 2018! Happy New Year!

    1. Yes-no drama, just life. No regrets, just actions. No hard feelings, just sincere acceptance, even if I am wondering what planet the person is from that made them do or say whatever it was.

  4. Sounds great! Can you make your book an E-book for online sales? Just a thought. Let's get 2018 started!! Love your positive outlook!

    1. I sure can explore an e-book. I know nothing about the process once it is done, so will need to research, but sales? I am not even going that far in my head.

  5. SO Happy I met you here you are the best! Happy New Year my friend.

    1. As am I. The world seems smaller on the screen, but I do believe friendships can be real.

  6. This is quite an inspiring post. Anytime I think about making goals I go blank. Ha! You know how like they say follow your passion and then you can never find it! Oh well, keep trying I guess. Anna

    1. These are less goals and more life satisfaction inspirations. I'm sure you accomplish much of what you want and probably just don't need a new calendar to do so.

  7. That is a really nice reflective post, filled with hope for moving forward. Wishing you the best this year.

    1. I hope the best for all of us. Hopefully those around me will have healthier years, and 2018 can be the start of new relationships and renewed health.

  8. That is an inspirational list, it exudes a positive view of the coming year. How exciting.

    1. I like clean starts, even if all are an ongoing work in progress. I will reflect back often this year.

  9. Wow... I hope resolution 5 stays with you for the whole of 2018! Jx

    1. I think 5 might be the most important one. I can't go all the time like a steam engine, and then wonder why I feel low-mood, energy, etc. Starting the day in peace and calm should be good for me.


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