Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Positively Tuesday-My Soul Smiled

Oh what might the day have in store? The snow storm finally came about 3:45 yesterday and roads will be a night mare. I'm sure to have tons of messages as folks scramble that had an unexpected day off work yesterday when all the schools in Minnesota closed, though I was able to work pretty easily fro home. The school choir concert was rescheduled from last night to tonight. DD2 has to squeeze in a make up test, possibly Vocal Jazz practise-maybe not since the director is prepping for tonight, and a violin lesson before getting back to school by 6:30. She'll haul homework so she can work on it between choirs. DH will be busy at work clearing cars of snow, then moving them for the plow, and hopefully will be able to leave an hour early to make the concert. 

But, last Friday with no school because of conferences and my day off, DD3 went to Minneapolis and spent a few hours at the Minneapolis Institute of Art or Mia as it is called. We spent most of the time in  two special exhibits of Chinese and Japanese art, particularly looking at the ink drawings which DD2 loves. Japan is her number one  place she would like to travel to, but right now, not enough tie nor money, so will remain a dream for now. That is why these special exhibits are such a wonder to her. 

There is a fair collection of impressionist artists inlcuding Gaugan and Monet, I though, always have to see one painting. Vincent Van Gogh is my favorite artist. Currently, the Mia only has the one, Olive Trees, but it is enough to make my soul smile every time I see it. I don't pretend to know art, but I like what I like. Just look at that sun. I can feel it on my face when I look at the picture. Can you guess what is on the top of my list in Paris?


  1. There is a museum very close to where I grew up in New England, which had quite a nice collection of impressionist work. My friends and I made that our haunt in high school, as admission was free. The Gauguin collection was large, but his work was my least favorite. I loved Monet, Manet, and, because I was a dancer, Degas. The highlight of the trips was always the Renoir exhibit, though.
    The museum borrowed Van Gogh's "Starry Night" for a while, but I was away at college, so never have seen it.

    1. That sounds like a wonderful haunt! If we lived closer, DD2 would be there regularly. I like to space my treaats.

  2. How exciting for you! If you don't dream (like your daughter and Japan) it will never happen so dreaming is the best!

    1. I have no doubt she will get there. She's pretty determined.

  3. :) I'm with Cheapchick! Dreaming is so important. How exciting!
    In central Iowa, we got a couple inches from the stuff that started last night. It's snowing lightly today so we might get a bit more.
    I had made a promise that I wouldn't wear my coat anymore this year... I broke it.

    1. I had a fall today so very happy I had my big coat. The hood kept my head from hitting the ground.

  4. Dreams have a habit of coming true very often so I'm sure your daughter will make it to Japan at some time. Oh and I was snowed in too last Thursday (as were half my colleagues) and boy was it peaceful. Quite amazing actually. I got so much done and still had time to spare. Anna

    1. If you have provisions, getting snowed in is not a bad thing. Forces you to slow down.

  5. The only time things happen is when I think of them, daydream about them then put some feet to my daydreams. Dream away!
    I think art inspires and whatever inspires you is what you should seek.. I am partial to Matisse, particularly the Blue Nude series, but also love some of his paper cuttings.

    1. I am a Matisse fan as well, but again, know virtually nothing. To think so many artists were in poverty at the time and disrespected. Yes-dreams are an essential part of life. Not all can come true, but when they do, all the more rewarding.


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