Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Positively Tuesday

It was 35 degrees and raining yesterday when I took pup for his after work walk. I was soaked and numb from the wet cold. I would have been even wetter had I not had my trusty pocket umbrella. I hide these things all over the place-one in the entry, one in my car, one near the back door, and other places where I can find at least one quickly this time of year. I love a good rain. Rain at 35 degrees, not so much. I hope the temps stay at least that warm so all these puddles and surface coating on roads isn't pure ice. Still, I'll celebrate that the rain is just warmer than the snow and is doing it's part to get the white stuff off the ground. My Positively Tuesday thought is to embrace rain.

I took one of those Face book silly things where you can have a life quote or some other BS sent back to you to post. This was mine, and I sort of like it, by Vivian Green. "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...it's about learning to dance in the rain."

Remember this? This is one of my favorite songs ever and suits my Tuesday mood. 


  1. Pocket umbrellas seem like a good idea. Haven't seen them around in my area. After reading your post, I'm interested in finding and buying. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Oh Sam I love the Hollies. Listening to this took me back years to when I was in my teens. My then boyfriend who I stupidly married for a grand total of nine months ( the daft things I did in my youth you would not believe lol) was a drummer in a band and they covered all the Hollies numbers this so took me back lol. I’ve never got an umbrella and the amount of rain we get in the UK I don’t know why lol

  3. I am so glad you shared Bus Stop, it is still one of my favorite songs.
    I have those little umbrellas stashed everywhere too and it comes in so handy. I even keep one in my backpack (doubles as my purse) for all those times I get caught. I don't know about you but I am not dancing in the rain when it's 35 degrees. I might not gripe about it but definitely not dancing in it.

  4. So you got a little wet? Did you shrink some? I love the Hollies also.


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