Friday, July 20, 2018

Feeling Good Friday-Three Weeks To Many Many Stairs Edition

The thing about conferences as opposed to other work travel is the networking. Networking occurs over breakfast, over another cup of coffee, over lunch, over happy hour, and then again over dinner. While there is walking to different presentations, there is a lot of sitting. Add a lot of sitting to a lot of extra nibbles, plus the staleness of hotel conference center, airports, and planes, I come home feeling sluggish and in need of a major food and body overhaul. We leave three weeks from this coming Sunday. I can't even estimate how many stairs I will climb, but the way I'm feeling this morning, I will struggle to keep up with my family. Before the work trip, I hadn't totally let my healthy eating and exercise go. but need an infusion and self directed motivation. Like many want to be runners will embrace a Couch to 5 K approach, sometimes in a four week cycle, I'm going to try something similar. I'm calling this my Snacking to a Thousand Stairs.

  • Water, water, water. I will hydrate on water before anything else-except my morning coffee.
  • Fit in extra stairs and extra steps. I already park across the street and walk about an equivalent of perhaps a city block to the  building. If I park on the opposite side, and use the farthest door, I can almost double those steps in the morning and at night. I never use the elevator anyway, but this route also adds a flight of stairs to climb as there is a gradual decline on the outside of the building that will bring me actually into a half floor entrance. 
  • Diligence on the food I eat. Being at the mercy of restaurant menus and buffet lunches, I made poor choices. Time to take back my meals, bulking up with fruits and vegetables before any fats and carbs. 
  • This one is for Wendy. Getting my minimum of 11 minute yoga video in each day. I'll do more as time allows. 
  • Clean my house! Ok, not a real strategy, but the bending, lifting, and stooping will add those steps and give my body a work out. 
I don't have a real weight loss target I mind and quite frankly, might be nothing. This is really about getting back to a better me that I let slip in the last week, and the physical me impacted by my May and June mental slump. I've got a full day of activity planned with DD2 on Monday, so that will be my first test of endurance. If other have ideas to jump start physical motivation, please share. 


  1. All the things you've enumerated above are the very right things to do. Keep doing them! (I don't know about water, though, as it has to be eliminated from the body tissues before turning it into a baloon - and this is sometimes a big, age-dependent issue).

    Walking, climbing, lifting are second nature to me as I don't drive, I'm retired, live alone and have to do everything by myself (including reparations, shopping, cleaning).

    I suppose things are highly individual, as the above activities don't help Me. To lose weight, I have to do two things mainly: cut off daily calorie intake and sleep 7-8 hours to boost my metabolism.
    There are all kinds of new trends such as low carb, high fat diets; people claim it helps them lose weight. Good for them!
    Anyway, Good Luck with your preparatory efforts for the big journey! You're in the right direction.

    1. When I don't drink enough water, I get sluggish and then my activity drops, my energy drops, so that is why the water is crucial for me. I agree it is very individual-I must get more activity to lose weight-just watching calories doesn't seem to help because then my body just gets used to less, but nothing shifts.

  2. I am in the same place, coming off of a crazy month or so of summer. Everything I own is tight! This weekend kicks off more of a "normal" schedule for us, and I'm thrilled. I'll be cutting back on calories, amping up my workouts, and getting more sleep. :-)

    1. Today will be focused on getting life organized and preparing for the last half of my summer. Tight clothes-I'm feeling them as well.

  3. YEs a good house cleaning will kick my butt for sure.

    1. I once read something about various household chores having the equivalent of using a personal trainer-something like that.


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