Thursday, October 18, 2018

Thrifty Thursday

This massive grant project at work is kicking my but, so the fact that I haven't gone on a massive splurge of take out coffees, chocolate bars, and pizza every day for lunch might be as thrifty as I get this week. I did stop on route yesterday for a large, I mean laaaarge, coffee, and I may do so again today. No self judgment. I'm looking around this morning and having a good think. Here is a smidge of thriftiness.

  • While picking apples and pumpkins is not inexpensive, spending $42.40 on apples, cider, and a 31 pound  future jack-o-lantern, we bought directly from a local farm. Supporting the local farm economy, saving some of that produce from having to be shipped elsewhere, and knowing the source, is a bargain to me. 
  • That said, we didn't over pick more than could be used, splitting varieties with my older daughter. (she spent $23 on her own pumpkin, cider, and apples that were not self picked and we shared)
  • Other entertainment for the weekend was low cost Netflix movies, Sunday football, walks, and dinners made at home.
  • Skipped take out last night, even though I really didn't feel like cooking, but found frozen burgers and french fries in the freezer. I am counting as a thrifty win, as I didn't really cook-just through the burgers in with the french fries after seasoning them, and dinner was ready in 25 minutes, no take out prices.
  • While I need a pair or two of new tights, I haven't yet had the time to shop. I made do with what I had, wearing boots, or long enough dresses to cover where there was considerable wear. Maybe not thrift, maybe even  slovenly, but it saved me from buying cheap pairs from Target until I can source some better quality ones at the same price.

Well that was a stretch to get to five. I packed lunch everyday this week and  made homemade muffins from frozen bananas past their eating prime. I tried to economize trips and make stops on my way to or from work. We bought store brand or used up what we had o hand for the bake sale products DD2 made. These were all part of the thrift that is becoming routine again. I'm still doing the usual to keep funds under control a bit. How was your week? Any wins to brag about?


  1. You slob you. You actually went out with worn tights? Didn't your mother raise you better? What if you had been in an accident? :)

  2. Not sure how to rate this one in terms of thrift: I was required to head to a showroom to pick out the appliances for our new home on Thursday. I needed to pick out a range, hood, dishwasher and refrigerator. So, yes, it was expensive, BUT, I DIDN'T let them convince me to buy a very expensive, big name, range, no matter how many people kept telling me it would increase the resale value of my house. I am the one who is going to be cooking (a lot on it) and I knew exactly what I wanted. I went in there knowing I wanted slide in, dual fuel range in stainless steel. I knew it would potentially one particular brand name I have had great luck with in the past. Sure, the Thermador and Viking ranges were beckoning, they do look great! But, when all was said and done, the range I picked was a lot less expensive, but exactly what I wanted. As for the refrigerator, again, stainless steel, and I knew wanted a full width refrigerator, from a reliable brand. Interior or exterior water dispenser, Keurig in the door, table, wi-fi options were not even considered. In about two minutes, I picked out a clearance model which had exactly what I wanted--same with the dishwasher. I am exhausted from the trip.

    1. Knowing what we want and not letting flashing lights amd dinging bells lure us away is a great thrifty trait.


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