Saturday, April 27, 2019

Five Frugal Things-Forgot to Post Edition

I had a good think this week as to any additional frugal or thrifty things I did, but totally didn't even think about posting on Thursday morning. That's fine as I needed something for today.  I'm for the most part just trying to watch needless spending as so many extra's keep popping up. I needed $20 for two separate work expenses, non-reimbursable. One was to put $10  towards coffee cards for our divisions two admin support staff. The second  $10 was to go towards the chair yoga class we are providing over lunch the week of May 6th for staff appreciation. That same week we will host a taco bar and we are writing individual notes, so those will be additional costs in my shopping budget. The door is ordered and ready to go in and we placed the floor order and that is scheduled for this coming Thursday. The floors are coming in quite a bit higher than I thought. We aren't going the cheapest route, but think it is the best value. Still, I've had opportunity to save as well.

  • She's still my kiddo, so I had to do at least a small Easter basket for DD2. Gone are the days with loading them with lots of different candy and having all those leftovers and adding a summer toy or two. She got a bag of jelly beans, some chocolate, and I tucked in one of the discounted Target cards. Inexpensive and practical.
  • With DD1 being vegan, our family Easters are not diet friendly with eggs, baked goods, and potato's loaded with cheese and cream. I microwaved some of the big bulk potatoes and made a simple side dish for her of sautéed onion and potato in olive oil. It cost pennies, and apparently one of her cousins had some of hers, preferring them to the cheesy ones. Next year, I think I'll just bring a whole baking tray of them as an alternative.
  • Dinners have been aided this week with a few items tucked into the freezers that might have otherwise gone to waste. After the last big chicken leg dinner, I deboned and froze about two cups of chicken. I also had some tomato and spinach red sauce. Both were used this week in dishes. 
  • I had a 50% of code for DD2's grad party invites. These will be mailed to relatives and family friends. Postage is high, but at lest I got cute cards that also serve as a grad picture as the back just has a print of one of her senior photos.
  • I found this gross penny. I was going to leave it, but then thought about the potential good luck it might bring me. 
Saving in the little ways are not particularly exciting are they? Doing things like using coupons to fill up the gas tank, or buying loss leaders doesn't give a great windfall. But added up, they counter the costs of treating a coworkers to taco lunches and appreciation gifts. They make the little extras feel like blessing and not burdens. 


  1. I think it's great you made space/budget to give something to others as well. I'm planning to bring a card & nice bottle of champagne to the person who will no longer be my manager starting next week. She's had a huge impact on my career, and I'll be sure to tell her that in my card.

    I'd say for us, most frugal things each week are just doing the basics: driving our electric car, charging for free at work, free meals at work, menu planning, avoiding waste, not buying things we don't need... it's not particularly glamorous, but is a consistent way to be frugal.

    1. I don't want to be frugal at the expense of being cheap. I brought dinner from her favorite Vietnamese restaurant to an old work friend recovering from a kidney transplant. It was so lovely to see her looking better than she has in over a year, despite recuperating. The $25 on food will feed her for several days and since she can't work for a while and will be pretty much living off long term disability, treats will probably be rare.

  2. I had a bumpy month in a way last month too as so many bills seemed to come due. I had planned for them mostly but the bank account sure took a hit though. What I'm finding since I've retired though is that I REALLY hardly eat out any more and even though I was always good about taking my lunch to work I'm saving much more than I imagined by cooking for myself at home (cooking once and eating twice). And yep little things may not be glamorous but they sure add up!

    1. There's a blogger in the US and I'll have to look her up, because I have blanked, that while retired, they still make a point to plan their meals when they are out and about, packing a lunch, bringing beverages. I see myself doing that because I get tired of restaurant food anyway, but anticipate that we will be out and about a lot. Cooking once and eating twice is a great plan.

  3. There are a few extras we need in the build. Well, not extras exactly, just things we need that aren't covered in our contract, like landscaping. Those expenses reiterate my need for frugality in other areas.
    I could eat potatoes every night of the week. Thanks to you I have attempted sweet potato wedges twice already. I have almost perfected it to our tastes. I think the trick is broiling for the last bit of cooking, but believe it or not, I have never used the broil option of my oven until now, so I am still on the learning curve on getting the crispy.

    1. I've been a long time fan of my broiler for the final stages of a lot of food. Aren't sweet potato wedges just the best! We too have things on the outside of the house like new shrubs and some seed or pieces of sod. There are always expenses above and beyond what we think in original plans, right?

  4. You are joining our find change club! Yeah!

    1. We'll see if this continues. It's more the lucky penny thing-maybe one of them will work. Maybe they all ready have as who could say what life might have been lie had I not found a penny the last couple weeks

  5. I try to do this also. I even go as far as using a small LL Bean cooler and have ice packs always in freezer. Can put hard boiled eggs, fruit with yogurt, cheese cubs and anything else in there real quick, along with maybe a crystal light drink. Haas saved on many calories and money. Also have GF Aldi pretzels and dried blueberries and mango as a sweet snack always in bag in car in case needed on spur of moment or if others are hungry.

    1. this week is all about ese and frugal sine May will e expensive. Best to end a month and start a new one with frugal in mind. Packed quick lunches are a game changer in that front.


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